Explain why the atmosphere is heated chiefly by radiation from the Earth’s surface rather by direct solar radiation.The atmosphere is heated chiefly by radiation from the Earth’s surface because radiation is absorbed by gas molecules. When the gas molecules absorb this radiation that a rise in temperature occurs. Which gases are the primary heat absorbers in the lower atmosphere?Water vapor and carbon dioxide are the primary heat absorbers in the lower atmosphere. How does the earth’s atmosphere act as a "greenhouse"?When solar radiation hits the Earth’s atmosphere some energy is absorbed by water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other gasses in the atmosphere. This energy in result ends up heating up the atmosphere. What is the villain in the global warming problem?The greenhouse effect is the villain in the global warming problem.


Answer 1


The temperature of the earth is first heated by the presence of the earth internal factors and then by the external factors.


  • All the gases in the atmosphere cannot absorb the entire radiation given from the sun directly, so the earth's surface gets heated directly first and then re-radiated back to the sky.
  • The Water vapor and carbon dioxide are known as the primary reason for the heating of the earth's atmosphere form the below and they tend to trap the amount of the solar heat and thus heat the surface-atmosphere first and they then give output of this energy in the form of the long waves radiation and thus influences the temperatures of the earth at the night time. Thus forming a greenhouse effect of gases.
  • The villain is the carbon dioxides that gets accumulation the atmosphere and thus ends up heating up of the air
Answer 2

Final answer:

The atmosphere is heated chiefly by radiation from the Earth's surface because it absorbs radiation from the Sun and releases it as infrared radiation, which is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

The primary heat absorbers in the lower atmosphere are water vapor and carbon dioxide.

The greenhouse effect, caused by greenhouse gases trapping heat in the atmosphere, is the main villain in the global warming problem.


The atmosphere is heated chiefly by radiation from the Earth's surface rather than by direct solar radiation because the radiation from the Sun passes through the atmosphere and is mostly absorbed by the Earth's surface. The heated surface then radiates energy back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation, which is absorbed by greenhouse gases like water vapor and carbon dioxide. These gases trap the heat and contribute to the warming of the atmosphere, similar to how a greenhouse traps heat.

The primary heat absorbers in the lower atmosphere are water vapor and carbon dioxide. These gases can absorb and reemit the Earth's infrared radiation, causing them to act like a blanket and warm the atmosphere.

The greenhouse effect is the main cause of global warming. It occurs when greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap heat and prevent it from escaping into space, leading to an increase in the Earth's average temperature. This increased greenhouse effect is primarily caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, which release additional greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and enhance the natural greenhouse effect.

Learn more about The atmosphere is heated chiefly by radiation from the Earth's surface here:



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Learn more about Parallax here:



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Please post question under mathematics category


Does not belong in geography.

Explain the origin of the rock cleavage seen in slate and themineral cleavage seen in amphibole or calcite.



Cleavage of a mineral is defined as the direction along which the mineral breaks over the flat mineral surface. It is directly dependent on the mineral's crystallographic structure.

Slaty cleavage refers to the cleavage that is commonly found in the low grade metamorphic rock slate. Here, the fine grained minerals are so closely spaced and the lines of weakness are all parallel to each other, that allows the minerals to break in fine and thin layers. During the time of formation of slate, the smaller fractures are formed due to the increasing pressure. When groundwater moves through these fractures it forms a weak zone due to which these slaty cleavage forms.

When the rocks undergoes deformation and changes in the pressure and temperature condition then the cleavages are formed on the mineral's surface. The calcite contains rhombohedral cleavage are considered to be the perfect cleavage. Whereas the cleavage in amphibole is uneven and comprised of two directions that intersect each other at 56° and 124°.

Which of the following is not a body of water that has coastline with Mexico?a. Gulf of California
C Gulf of Baja
b. Pacific Ocean
d. Gulf of Mexico



A:Gulf of california

i think that is your answer


Mexico is bounded to the north by the United States (specifically, from west to east, by California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas), to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean, to the east by the Gulf of Mexico, and to the southeast by Belize,Guatemala, and the Caribbean Sea.