In the thylakoid membranes, light strikes pigments in photosystem II and is absorbed by ___________.


Answer 1


The Chlorophyll



At the first stage of photosynthesis, the light from the sun is absorbed in the light absorbing complex called the photosystem II in the thylakoid membrane. A molecule in the photosystem called chlorophyll P680 because of its absorption wavelength at 680 nm absorbs the light to commence photosynthesis.

Answer 2


When light is absorbed by one of the pigments in photosystem II, energy is passed inward from pigment to pigment until it reaches the reaction center.


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There are many types of algae. Some of which are brown algae or the Phaeophyta/Phaeophytes,the green algae which is also known as the Chlorophytes, and the Chrysophytes or the golden algae. Among these algae, only the Chrysophytes shows distinct alternation of generations or metagenesis.



a. Chrysophytes

b. Phaeophytes

c. Chlorophytes

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Prefrontal cortex

Explanation:the prefrontal cortex is the forward most part of the frontal consists about 10% of the is associated with making decisions and evaluation of right and could also influence the personality of a person.

A damage to the prefrontal cortex can cause change in Personality, rudeness and make the person incapable of making good judgement and social skills.

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Action needs ATP. ATP is the coenzyme, which is used by the cells to transfer energy to the cell when a muscle cell demands energy to contract. ATP is short for Adenosine Triphosphate and is critical for muscles to contract. APT prepares the myosin to bind with actin - it moves the myosin to a high energy state ready to move. The myosin is the protein that converts the chemical energy, ATP, into mechanical energy. This cycle keeps on repeating itself and the muscle expands and contracts. 

Meristematic cells called the _____ add width to the plant body.shoot tip
root tip
vascular cambium


vascular cambium

Apical Meristems are found in the tips of the roots and in the buds of the shoots. They supply cells for the plants to grow in length.

Apical Meristems are found in herbaceous plants, woody plants, grasses, and flowering plants.

In flowering plants, shoot apical meristem develops into an inflorescence meristem which produces the floral meristem. The floral meristem is responsible for the production of the sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels of the flower.

The correct answer is C.

How do ocean currents affect weather in areas close to shore?



Warm and cold ocean currents can affect the climate of an area along the coast if the winds blow in from the ocean. Warm ocean currents heat the air above the water and carry the warm air to the land.


Hope this helped :)


Warm and cold ocean currents can affect the climate of an area along the coast if the winds blow in from the ocean. Warm ocean currents heat the air above the water and carry the warm air to the land, increasing the temperature of the coastal region.


hope it helps

What s the name for the compound with the formula NaF 1. sodine floride
2. sodium flouride
3. sodium florine
4. fluorine sodide



2. sodium flouride is the correct answer.


The name for the compound with the formula NaF is sodium flouride.

sodium flouride is an excellent source of fluoride ion and it used fo many purposes.

  • Sodium fluoride is a colorless inorganic salt.
  • sodium fluoride is soluble in water.

uses of sodium fluoride

  • It is used to cure dental cavities.
  • It used in the metallurgy.
  • It is used as a cleaning agent and as an insecticide.

2 Sodium fluoride is the answer