Our favorite program runs in 10 seconds on computer A, which has a 2 GHz clock. We are trying to help a computer designer build a computer, B, which will run this program in 6 seconds. The designer has determined that a substantial increase in the clock rate is possible, but this increase will affect the rest of the CPU design, causing computer B to require 1.2 times as many clock cycles as computer A for this program. What clock rate should we tell the designer to target?


Answer 1

Clock rate is simply the number of clock cycles a computer can perform in a second

Computer B should be designed to have a clock rate of 4GHz

The given parameters are:

\mathbf{t_A = 10s} --- time on computer A

\mathbf{c_A = 2GHz} --- computer A clock

\mathbf{t_B = 6s} --- time on computer B

Start by calculating the period of computer A

\mathbf{T_A = (1)/(c_A)}

So, we have:

\mathbf{T_A = (1)/(2GHz)}

Rewrite as:

\mathbf{T_A = (1)/(2 * 10^9 Hz)}

So, we have:

\mathbf{T_A = 0.5 * 10^(-9) s}}

Next, we calculate the required number of clocks on computer A

\mathbf{n_A = (t_A)/(T_A)}

So, we have:

\mathbf{n_A = (10)/(0.5 * 10^(-9))}

\mathbf{n_A = 20 * 10^(9)}

Computer B requires 1.2 times as many clock cycles as A.

So, we have:

\mathbf{n_B = 1.2 * n_A}

This gives

\mathbf{n_B =1.2 * 20 * 10^(9)}

\mathbf{n_B =24 * 10^(9)}

The clock period of computer B is:

\mathbf{T_B = (t_B)/(n_B)}

So, we have:

\mathbf{T_B = (6)/(24 * 10^(9))}

\mathbf{T_B = 0.25 * 10^(-9)}

Lastly, the clock rate of computer B is:

\mathbf{c_B = (1)/(T_B)}

\mathbf{c_B = (1)/(0.25 * 10^(-9))}

\mathbf{c_B = 4 * 10^(9)}

Express in gigahertz

\mathbf{c_B = 4 GHz}

Hence, computer B should be designed to have a clock rate of 4GHz

Read more about clock rates at:


Answer 2


4 GHz


Time taken for computer A to execute the program is = 10 secs

Given frequency of the clock for computer A is = 2 GHz

We know Clock period = 1 / frequency = 1 / 2 * 109 = 0.5 ns

Number of clocks requried to execute the program in computer A is

= Total Execution time / clock period = 10 / 0.5 * 10-9 = 20 * 109 clocks

Given Time taken for computer B to execute the program is = 6 secs

Given computer B requries 1.2 times as many clocks as computer A

implies number of clocks to execute program in computer B = 1.2 * 20 * 109 = 24 * 109

Here clock period of computer B = Total execution time / number of clocks

                               = 6 secs / 24 * 109

                               = 0.25 ns

Hence clock rate = frequency is = 1 / clock period = 1 / 0.25 ns = 4 GHz.

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  • The steps a person can take to ensure the physical security of your laptop is to;
  • Always use a firewall.
  • Make sure your software up to date.
  • Use antivirus software

How can a person  physically secure their laptop?

A lot of laptops and desktop computers are known to have built-in slots that can connect with a cable lock.  A person can keep their Laptops from getting Lost or stolen by;

  • Keeping it locked.
  • Keeping it off the floor, etc.

learn more about laptop  from


Answer & Explanation:

No Browsing History:

  • Your browser is probably set to incognito mode, change it to general mode.
  • space set on your drive to save the content from your browser might be completely filled, Make sure you have given your browser enough space on your drive to save contents.
  • The number of days to record the history in your browser is set to 0, Check the settings and make sure it is not set to 0.

Phishing Scam

  • Change all the credentials on the site that you have disclosed.
  • Immediately report the mail to an IT department and necessary authorities.
  • Mark the mail as span and block the mail id.

Suspicious File Attachment

  • May be that the suspicious file contains a virus file. Often such viruses are attached to external "Show-case" files so that the victim is not able to identify them. Once the external file is tried to open, the virus slips into the main memory (your RAM) and start executing in the background, creating copies of itself and executing every copy. Soon they start eating up the main memory (The memory that runs all your programs) making your PC slow to respond.

Antivirus Software Outdated

  • Connected to the Internet and update the antivirus.

Laptop's Physical Security

  • Set a password.
  • install a tracking software.

Write a simple arithmetic expression translator that reads in expressions such as 25.5 + 34.2 and displays their value. Each expression has two numbers separated by an arithmetic operator. (Hint: Use a switch statement with the operator symbol (type char) as a selector to determine which arithmetic operation to perform on the two numbers. For a sentinel, enter an expression with zero for both operands.)



Following are the program in the C++ Programming Language.

//header file


//header file

#include <bits/stdc++.h>


using namespace std;

//set main function

int main()


//set float type variables

float a,s,m,d,c,b,g;

//print message and get variable from the user

cout<<" Enter The First Number : ";


//print message and get variable from the user

cout<<" Enter The Second Number: ";



//get variable from the user for Operation

cout<<" Enter the Operation which you want : ";

char choice;











g=fmod(c, b);

//set switch statement

//here is the solution



   case '+':  

     cout<<"Addition: "<<a<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '-':

     cout<<"Subtraction: "<<s<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '*':

     cout<<"Multiplication: "<<m<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '/':

     cout<<"Division: "<<d<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '%':

     cout<<"Modulus: "<<g<<endl;

     goto again;






return 0;


Here, we define the required header files then, we set main function.

  • set float type variables a,s,m,d,c,b,g.
  • Get input from the user for operation in the variable c,d.
  • Set character type variables in which we get input from the user for operations.
  • Then, we perform some operations.
  • Set switch statement which display the output according to the user an if user input wrong then statement breaks.

Develop a crawler that collects the email addresses in the visited web pages. You can write a function emails() that takes a document (as a string) as input and returns the set of email addresses (i.e., strings) appearing in it. You should use a regular expression to find the email addresses in the document.



see explaination


import re

def emails(document):


function to find email in given doc using regex

:param document:

:return: set of emails


# regex for matching emails

pattern = r'[\w\.-]+at[\w\.-]+\.\w+'

# finding all emails

emails_in_doc = re.findall(pattern, document)

# returning set of emails

return set(emails_in_doc)

# Testing the above function

print(emails('random text ertatxyz.com yu\npopatxyz.com random another'))

The scope of a variable declared inside of a function is:a) Local - within that function

b) Within that file only

c) global



The correct answer for the given question is option(a) i.e Local - within that function.


The variable which is declared inside any function are called as local variable The scope and lifetime of local variable is inside that block or function only.

They cannot access outside the function.

Following are the example of local variable

#include <stdio.h> // header file

void fun(); // function prototype

int main()// main function


fun(); //calling function

print("%d",t); // it gives error because t is local variable cannot access in main function

return 0;


void fun()


int t=9;// local variable

printf("t is local variable which value is:");



As we seen that t cannot access outside the function .So correct answer is option(a)

Final answer:

The scope of a variable declared inside of a function is local - within that function. This prevents naming conflicts and ensures control over where a variable can be changed.


The scope of a variable declared inside of a function is typically local to that function. This means that it can only be accessed and manipulated within the function it is declared. It is not visible or accessible from outside of the function or elsewhere in the program file, hence options b) and c) are incorrect. This principle is fundamental in programming languages such as JavaScript, C++, Python, etc., and it is designed this way to prevent naming conflicts and provide control over where a variable can be changed.

Learn more about Variable Scope here:



Choose the best collection for each situation.You need to keep a record of the ages of the last 50 customers visit a restaurant. As new customers come in you delete the age that has been in the list the longest.

You need to store the GPS coordinates of the hospitals in a state in order to find the nearest hospital for ambulance helicopters.

You write a loop to save anywhere from 10 to 100 values from a user. You will pass the collection to a function to find the average.



Deque: You need to keep a record of the ages of the last 50 customers visit a restaurant. As new customers come in you delete the age that has been in the list the longest.

Tuple: You need to store the GPS coordinates of the hospitals in a state in order to find the nearest hospital for ambulance helicopters.

List: You write a loop to save anywhere from 10 to 100 values from a user. You will pass the collection to a function to find the average.

Explanation: Just got the results back no thanks to the guy above

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What does coding actually mean?

Describe coding. Coding, often known as computer programming, is how we communicate with computers. Because coding gives instructions to a machine, it is comparable to writing a set of rules. By learning to write code, you can tell machines much more quickly what to do or how to act.

What three forms of coding are there?

Languages written in an imperative, functional, logical, or object-oriented style are common. These coding language paradigms are available for programmers to select from in order to best meet their demands for a given project.

To know more about coding visit:
