Presently we can solve problem instances of size 30 in 1 minute using algorithm A, which is a algorithm. On the other hand, we will soon have to solve probleminstances twice this large in 1 minute. Do you think it would help to buy a faster( and more expensive) computer?


Answer 1


No, if the algorithm is properly written to solve problems with minimal resources like RAM and processor speed.


Rather than buy a faster or more expensive computer simply upgrade the RAM else you may have to buy new computer each the size of problem instances increases.

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The utilization of a subset of the performance equation as a performance metric is a pitfall. To illustrate this, assume the following two processors. P1 has a clock rate of 4 GHz, average CPI of 0.9, and requires the execution of 5.0E9 instructions. P2 has a clock rate of 3 GHz, an average CPI of 0.75, and requi res the execution of 1.0E9 instructions. One usual fallacy is to consider the computer with the largest clock rate as having the largest performance. Check if this is true for P1 and P2.



Given Data:

Clock rate of P1 = 4 GHz

Clock rate of P2 = 3 GHz

Average CPI of P1 = 0.9

Number of Instructions = 5.0E9 =  5 × 10^9

Clock rate of P2 = 3 GHz

Average CPI of P2 = 0.75

Number of Instructions = 1.0E9 = 10^9

To find: If the computer with largest clock rate has the largest performance?



As given in the question, clock rate of P1 = 4 GHz which is greater than clock rate of P2 = 3 GHz

According to the performance equation:

CPU Time = instruction count * average cycles per instruction/ clock rate

CPU Time = I * CPI / clock rate

Where instruction count refers to the number of instructions.

Performance of P1:

CPU Time (P1) = 5 * 10^9 * 0.9 / (4 * 10^9)

                        = 5000000000 * 0.9 / 4000000000

                        = 4500000000 / 4000000000

                        =  1.125s

Performance of P2:

CPU Time (P2) = 10^9 * 0.75/ (3 * 10^9)

                        = 750000000 / 3000000000

                        = 0.25s

So the Performance of P2 is larger than that of P1,

                          performance (P2) > performance (P1)

                                         0.25 is better than 1.125

But clock rate of P1 was larger than P2

                             clock rate of P1 > clock rate of P2

                                                  4 GHz > 3 GHz

So this is a misconception about P1 and P2.

It is not true that computer with the largest clock rate as having the largest performance.

Implement the RC4 stream cipher in C++. User should be able to enter any key that is 5 bytes to 32 bytes long. Be sure to discard the first 3072 bytes of the pseudo random numbers. THE KEY OR THE INPUT TEXT MUST NOT BE HARD CODED IN THE PROGRAM.




#include <iostream>

#include <string>


using namespace std;  

vector<int> permute(vector<int>, vector<int>);

string encrypt(vector<int>s1 , vector<int> t1, string p);

string decrypt(vector<int>s1, vector<int> t1, string p);

int main() {

  string plaintext = "cryptology";

  string plaintext2 = "RC4";

  vector<int> S(256);

  vector<int> T(256);

  int key[] = { 1,2,3,6 };

  int key2[] = { 5,7,8,9 };

  int tmp = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < 256;i++) {

      S[i] = i;

      T[i] = key[( i % (sizeof(key)/sizeof(*key)) )];


  S = permute(S, T);

  for (int i = 0; i < 256 ;i++) {

      cout << S[i] << " ";

      if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0)

          cout << endl;


  cout << endl;

  string p = encrypt(S, T, plaintext);

  cout << "Message: " << plaintext << endl;

  cout << "Encrypted Message: " << " " << p << endl;

  cout << "Decrypted Message: " << decrypt(S, T, p) << endl << endl;

  tmp = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < 256;i++) {

      S[i] = i;

      T[i] = key2[(i % (sizeof(key) / sizeof(*key)))];


  S = permute(S, T);

  for (int i = 0; i < 256;i++) {

      cout << S[i] << " ";

      if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0)

          cout << endl;


  cout << endl;

  p = encrypt(S, T, plaintext2);

  cout << "Message: " << plaintext2 << endl;

  cout << "Encrypted Msg: " << p << endl;

  cout << "Decrypted Msg: "<<decrypt(S, T, p) << endl << endl;

  return 0;


string decrypt(vector<int>s1, vector<int> t1, string p) {

  int i = 0;

  int j = 0;

  int tmp = 0;

  int k = 0;

  int b;

  int c;

  int * plain = new int[p.length()];

  string plainT;

  for (int r = 0; r < p.length(); r++) {

      i = (i + 1) % 256;

      j = (j + s1[i]) % 256;

      b = s1[i];

      s1[i] = s1[j];

      s1[j] = b;

      tmp = (s1[i] + s1[j]) % 256;

      k = s1[tmp];

      c = ((int)p[r] ^ k);

      plain[r] = c;

      plainT += (char)plain[r];


  return plainT;


string encrypt(vector<int>s1, vector<int> t1, string p) {

  int i = 0;

  int j = 0;

  int tmp = 0;

  int k = 0;

  int b;

  int c;

  int * cipher = new int [p.length()];

  string cipherT;

  cout << "Keys Generated for plaintext: ";

  for (int r = 0; r < p.length(); r++) {

      i = (i + 1) % 256;

      j = (j + s1[i]) % 256;

      b = s1[i];

      s1[i] = s1[j];

      s1[j] = b;

      tmp = (s1[i] + s1[j]) % 256;

      k = s1[tmp];

      cout << k << " ";

      c = ((int)p[r] ^ k);

      cipher[r] = c;  

      cipherT += (char)cipher[r];


  cout << endl;

  return cipherT;


vector<int> permute(vector<int> s1, vector<int> t1) {

  int j = 0;

  int tmp;

  for (int i = 0; i< 256; i++) {

      j = (j + s1[i] + t1[i]) % 256;

      tmp = s1[i];

      s1[i] = s1[j];

      s1[j] = tmp;


  return s1;


Provide your own examples of the following using Python lists. Create your own examples. Do not copy them from another source. Nested lists The “*” operator List slices The “+=” operator A list filter A list operation that is legal but does the "wrong" thing, not what the programmer expects Provide the Python code and output for your program and all your examples.


Lists are used in Python to hold multiple values in one variable

(a) Nested list

A nested list is simply a list of list; i.e. a list that contains another list.

It is also called a 2 dimensional list.

An example is:

nested_list = [[ 1, 2, 3, 4]  , [ 5, 6, 7]]

(b) The “*” operator

The "*" operator is used to calculate the product of numerical values.

An example is:

num1 = num2 * num3

List slices

This is used to get some parts of a list; it is done using the ":" sign

Take for instance, you want to get the elements from the 3rd to the 5th index of a list

An example is:

firstList = [1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

secondList = firstList[2:5]

The “+=” operator

This is used to add and assign values to variables

An example is:

num1 = 5

num2 = 3

num2 += num1

A list filter

This is used to return some elements of a list based on certain condition called filter.

An example that prints the even elements of a list is:

firstList = [1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

print(list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, firstList)))

A valid but wrong list operation

The following operation is to return a single list, but instead it returns as many lists as possible

def oneList(x, myList=[]):





Read more about Python listsat:

What information is required for a complete citation of a website source?A: the title, volume number, and page numbers
B: the responsible person or organization and the website URL
C: the responsible person or organization, date accessed, and URL
D: the responsible person or organization and the date accessed



C: the responsible person or organization, date accessed, and URL


Jeff types a sentence She wore a new dress yesterday. He erroneously typed w instead of e in the word dress. What is the accuracy of the typed sentence?


96 i believe i'm not too certain on this one
you take 24 and divide it