Which is true about the radiation force of light shining on a surface? The force is greater if the light reflects back along its incident path than in some other direction. The force is greater if the light is absorbed instead of being reflected. The force is greater if the light is reflected in some direction other than back along the incident path.


Answer 1


The force is greater if the light is absorbed instead of being reflected


Light could either be reflected or absorbed. Reflection takes place where light is concentrated back to another surface whereas absorption takes place when light is incorporated into a surface thereby providing kinetic energy. The kinetic energy produced by absorption provides more force than reflection which just involves concentrating back to another surface.

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F0 / 81


Let the two charges by Q and q which are separated by d.

By use of coulomb's law

F0 = k Q q / d^2      ......(1)

Now the charges are decreased by factor of 9.

Q' = Q / 9

q' = q / 9                 ......(2)

Now the Force is

F' = k Q' q' / d^2

F' = k (Q /9) (q / 9) / d^2

F' = k Q q / 81d^2

F' = F0 / 81      

1 What is force ? Write its unit and mention
three effects of the force.​


Force is a push or a pull that changes or trends to change the state of rest or uniform motion of an object or changes the direction or shape of an object. It causes objects to accelerate. SI unit is Newton.

1) Can change the state of an object : For example, pushing a heavy stone in order to move it.

2) May change the speed of an object if it is already moving. For example, catching a ball hit by a batsman.

3) May change the direction of motion of an object.

A remote-controlled car’s wheel accelerates at 22.7 rad/s2 . If the wheel begins with an angular speed of 10.3 rad/s, what is the wheel’s angular speed after exactly twenty full turns



Below is an attachment containing the solution.

A bullet of mass 0.01 kg moving horizontally strikes a block of wood of mass 1.5 kg which is suspended as a pendulum. The bullet lodges in the wood, and together they swing upwards a distance of 0.40 m. What was the velocity of the bullet just before it struck the wooden block





Suppose after the impact, the bullet-block system swings upward a vertical distance of 0.4 m. That's means their kinetic energy is converted to potential energy:

E_p = E_k

mgh = mv^2/2

where m is the total mass and h is the vertical distance traveled, v is the velocity right after the impact at, which we can solve by divide both sides my m

Let g = 9.81 m/s2

gh = v^2/2

v^2 = 2gh = 2 * 9.81* 0.4 = 7.848

v = √(7.848) = 2.8m/s

According the law of momentum conservation, momentum before and after the impact must be the same

m_uv_u + m_ov_o = (m_u + m_o)v

where m_u = 0.01, v_u are the mass and velocity of the bullet before the impact, respectively.m_ov_o are the mass and velocity of the block before the impact, respectively, which is 0 because the block was stationary before the impact

0.01v_u + 0 = (0.01 + 1.5)*2.8

0.01v_u = 4.23

v_u = 4.23 / 0.01 = 423 m/s

what is the necessary condition on a force the result the conservation of angular momentum for a particle affected by that force?



The force must be applied on the axis of rotation


A rotating system conserves its angular momentum only if there are no external torques on the system. In other words, the external torque must be equal to zero.



Torque is equal to the vector product of a force by the distance between the axis of rotation and where the force is applied.

For this product to be zero, the force must be applied on the axis of rotation (d=0).

If you travel 2 km north, then travel 5 km south, what is your displacement?



This is a vector addition problem which requires magnitude and direction as the answer. First is to resolve the southbound vector and the northbound vector. Since they are opposite in directions their vector sum is their algebraic sum. 3 km north + 5 km south = 2 km south.

We then add 2 km west and 2 km south using Pythagorean theorem since west and south form a right angle. (2 km)^2 west + (2 km)^2 south gives (4 + 4) km^2 southwest = 8 (km)^2 45 degrees south of west

Extracting the square root of 8 gives us about 2.83 km 45 degrees south of west.


I hope it will help you...