Question 4(10pt): sum of the max value found in each row Write a function maxSum that takes two parameters; a 2D integer array with 10 columns, and the number of rows. The function must return the sum of the maximum value from each row.


Answer 1


Following is the program in c++ language  

#include <iostream> // header file

using namespace std; // namespace

int maxSum(int ar[][10],int r) // function definition of  maxsum


  int s=0; // varaible declaration

  for(int k=0;k<r;k++)// iterating the loop


      int maximum=ar[k][0]; //finding the maximum value

      for(int k2=0;k2<10;k2++)// iterating the loop


          if(maximum<ar[k][k2]) // check the condition


            maximum=ar[k][k2];   // storing the value in the maximum variable



       s=s+maximum;//adding maximum value to the sum


  return s; // return the sum


int main() // main function


  int ar[][10]={{5,2,8,-8,9,9,8,-5,-1,-5},{4,1,8,0,10,7,6,1,8,-5}}; // initilaized array

  cout<<"sum of maximum value:";

  int t=maxSum(ar,2); // function calling

  cout<<t; // display the maximum value



sum of maximum value:19


Following are the description of Program  

  • The main method declared and initialized an array ar with the column value 10.
  • After that call the method maxsum .The control will move to the function definition of maxsum.
  • In the function header of maxisum there are two value i.e array "ar" and "r".
  • In this function definition, we adding the maximum value to the sum and return the variable "s".
  • In the main function, we print the value.

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Answer: Output buffer


Each packet switches contain multiple links which are attached to it and for individually attached link the output buffer basically store packets. Then, the router send these packets into multiple links.

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import java.util.Scanner;

public class PalindromeInteger {

public static void main(String[] args) {

 // Create an object of the Scanner class to allow for user's inputs

 Scanner input = new Scanner(;

 // Create a prompt to display the aim of the program.

 System.out.println("Program to check whether or not a number is a palindrome");

 // Prompt the user to enter an integer number.

 System.out.println("Please enter an integer : ");

 // Receive user's input and store in an int variable, number.

 int number = input.nextInt();

 // Then, call the isPalindrome() method to check if or not the

 // number is a  palindrome integer.

 // Display the necessary output.

 if (isPalindrome(number)) {

  System.out.println(number + " is a palindrome integer");


 else {

  System.out.println(number + " is a not a palindrome integer");



// Method to return the reversal of an integer.

// It receives the integer as a parameter.

public static int reverse(int num) {

 // First convert the number into a string as follows:

 // Concatenate it with an empty quote.

 // Store the result in a String variable, str.

 String str = "" + num;

 // Create and initialize a String variable to hold the reversal of the  

 // string str. i.e rev_str

 String rev_str = "";

 // Create a loop to cycle through each character in the string str,

 // beginning at  the last character down to the first character.

 // At every cycle, append the character to the rev_str variable.

 // At the end of the loop, rev_str will contain the reversed of str

 for (int i = str.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

  rev_str += str.charAt(i);


 // Convert the rev_str to an integer using the Integer.parseInt()

 // method.  Store the result in an integer variable reversed_num.

 int reversed_num = Integer.parseInt(rev_str);

 // Return the reversed_num

 return reversed_num;


// Method to check whether or not a number is a palindrome integer.

// It takes in the number as parameter and returns a true or false.

// A number is a palindrome integer if reversing the number does not

//  change the  number itself.

public static boolean isPalindrome(int number) {

 // check if the number is the same as its reversal by calling the

 //reverse()  method declared earlier. Return true if yes, otherwise,

               // return false.

 if (number == reverse(number)) {

  return true;


 return false;




The source code file for the program has also been attached to this response for readability. Please download the file and go through the comments in the code carefully as it explains every segment of the code.

Hope this helps!

Write an algorithm that gets as input your current credit card balance, the total dollar amount of new purchases, and the total dollar amount of all payments. The algorithm computes the new balance, which this time includes an 8% interest charge on any unpaid balance below $100 , 12% interest on any unpaid balance between $100 and $500, inclusive, and 16% on any unpaid balance about $500.



balance = float(input("Enter the current credit card balance: "))

purchases = float(input("Enter the amount of new purchases: "))

payments = float(input("Enter the amount of all payments: "))

unpaid = purchases - payments

if unpaid >= 0 and unpaid < 100:

   balance = balance + payments - purchases - (unpaid * 0.08)

elif unpaid >= 100 and unpaid <= 500:

   balance = balance + payments - purchases - (unpaid * 0.12)


   balance = balance + payments - purchases - (unpaid * 0.16)


print("The balance is " + str(balance))


*The code is in Python.

Ask the user to enter the balance, amount of purchases, and amount of payments

Calculate the unpaid balance, subtract payments from purchases

Check the unpaid balance. If it is smaller than 100, calculate the new balance, add payments, subtract purchases and the 8% interest of unpaid balance. If it is between 100 and 500, calculate the new balance, add payments, subtract purchases and the 12% interest of unpaid balance. If it is greater than 500, calculate the new balance, add payments, subtract purchases and the 16% interest of unpaid balance

Print the balance

Write a loop that counts the number of space characters in a string. Recall that the space character is represented as ' '.



I am writing Python program.

string = input("Enter a string: ")

print(string.count(' '))


The first statement takes input string from the user.

input() is used to read the input from the user.

The next statement uses count() function to count the number of times the specified object which is space ' ' hereoccurs in the string.

The print() function is used to return the number of times the space occurs in the string entered by the user.


Enter a string: How are you doing today?


The screenshot of program and its output is attached.

99 POINTS HELP ASAP PLEASE!!!Select the mathematical statement that is true.
A.22 % 2 > −3
B.22 % 2 < 5
C.22 % 2 == 4
D.22 % 2 != 1

This is for my python coding class thank you


^ because 22 is even, it has a remained of 0



D. 22 % 2 != 1


Since 22 is even than it would have to stay 0.

Therefore, your only answer choice would be D.

3. What is the error in the following pseudocode? // The searchName function accepts a string containing the name // to search for, an array of strings containing the names, and // an integer specifying the size of the array. The function // searches for the name in the array. If the name is found, the // string containing the name is returned; otherwise a message // indicating that the name was not found in the array is // returned. Function String searchName(String name, String names[], Integer size) Declare Boolean found Declare Integer index Declare String result // Step through the array searching for the // specified name. While found == False AND index <= size − 1 If contains(names[index], name) Then Set found = True Else Set index = index + 1 End If End While // Determine the result. If found == True Then Set result = names[index] Else Set result = "That name was not found in the array." End If Return result End Function



The answer is "In the given pseudo-code there are three errors".


The description of the errors can be defined as follows:

  • The first error in this code is that the variable doesn't initialize any value with a variable, which is equal to false.
  • The second error is it does not return any string value.
  • At the last, if the conditional statement doesn't work properly because in this block if the name is found, it doesn't print any error message.
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