A data structure used to bind an authenticated individual to a public key is the definition of ________. digital certificate
internet layer
data link layer


Answer 1


Digital Certificate is the correct answer of this question.


Digital certificates are always for encryption and identification for transmitting public keys.The concept of digital certificate is a data structure used for linking an authenticated person to a public key. It is used to cryptographically attach public key rights to the organization that controls it.

For example:- Verisign, Entrust, etc.

  • An appendix to an electronic document that is used for authentication purposes.
  • A digital certificate's most frequent use is to confirm that an user sending a message is who he or she appears to be, and provide the recipient with the means to encode a response.

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The answer is MS-Word

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see explaination


import re

def emails(document):


function to find email in given doc using regex

:param document:

:return: set of emails


# regex for matching emails

pattern = r'[\w\.-]+at[\w\.-]+\.\w+'

# finding all emails

emails_in_doc = re.findall(pattern, document)

# returning set of emails

return set(emails_in_doc)

# Testing the above function

print(emails('random text ertatxyz.com yu\npopatxyz.com random another'))

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Correct Answer: citizens

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b. Support a specific objective
c. A collection of ISs and technologies
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Explanation: Stand-alone application is the application that is found on the system of every client.In accordance with the IT section, Business intelligence can be transferred into stand-alone application .This helps in the development of the essence of the system at an independent level.

Other options are incorrect because supporting a certain factor will not make it independent, cannot act as the group of ISs technology or web system for gaining profit.Thus,the correct option is option(a).

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Following are the program in the C++ Programming Language.

//header file


//header file

#include <bits/stdc++.h>


using namespace std;

//set main function

int main()


//set float type variables

float a,s,m,d,c,b,g;

//print message and get variable from the user

cout<<" Enter The First Number : ";


//print message and get variable from the user

cout<<" Enter The Second Number: ";



//get variable from the user for Operation

cout<<" Enter the Operation which you want : ";

char choice;











g=fmod(c, b);

//set switch statement

//here is the solution



   case '+':  

     cout<<"Addition: "<<a<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '-':

     cout<<"Subtraction: "<<s<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '*':

     cout<<"Multiplication: "<<m<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '/':

     cout<<"Division: "<<d<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '%':

     cout<<"Modulus: "<<g<<endl;

     goto again;






return 0;


Here, we define the required header files then, we set main function.

  • set float type variables a,s,m,d,c,b,g.
  • Get input from the user for operation in the variable c,d.
  • Set character type variables in which we get input from the user for operations.
  • Then, we perform some operations.
  • Set switch statement which display the output according to the user an if user input wrong then statement breaks.

The two ways to use the help menu is by searching of the contents or searching the _____ Menu


The two ways to use the help menu is by searching of the contents or searching the index.