Blank spaces or unseen control characters in a data file are referred to as


Answer 1


White spaces or WHITESPACE

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Corey set up his presentation for delivery to his team.



If Corey wants to control the pacing of his presentation, he should adjust his playback settings. In the playback settings, he should select the default setting under "type;" this will allow him to change slides anytime. He should also click the check box under "options" that says "Change slides manually" so he can simply click on the slide whenever he is ready to move on to another slide.


If you don't like that answer, here's another one:

Corey knew he would need a lot of time to explain each point and that his team members would have lots of comments and questions. The best way that Corey should set up his slide show would be to make sure that he has an outline. Also, there should only be one thought per slide (never mix it). It has to be taken into account that he should have fewer words and more images/graphs.

How do you suppose the Anagram Server works?



 The anagram is the type of word and phase that are formed by the rearranging the another letter with the word and phase.

The anagram is the type of network server that produce the anagram and it is use as the code and pseudonyms.

If the anagram is create by someone then, the person is known as anagrammatist. Its main goal is to produce the anagram which reflect on their particular subject. The anagram word can also be represented or rearranged into the nag a ram.

e interesting application of two-dimensional arrays is magic squares. A magic square is a square matrix in which the sum of every row, every column, and both diagonals is the same. Magic squares have been studied for many years, and there are some particularly famous magic squares. Write a program to determine whether a series of square matrices are magic or not. The first line of input for each square specifies the size of the square(number of rows and columns). The square elements follow, one row per line. The end of the data is indicated by -1. Create a class called Square that has methods to construct a square of a specified size, to read in the elements of t



Check the explanation


// Define a Square class with methods to create and read in

// info for a square matrix and to compute the sum of a row,

// a column, either diagonal, and whether it is magic.


// ****************************************************************

import java.util.Scanner;


public class Square {

int[][] square;


//create new square of given size


public Square(int size) {

square = new int[size][size];



//return the sum of the values in the given row


public int sumRow(int row) {

// Add your code here

int sum = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < square.length; i++) {

sum = sum + square[row][i];


return sum;



//return the sum of the values in the given column


public int sumCol(int col) {

// Add your code here

int sum = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < square.length; i++) {

sum = sum + square[i][col];


return sum;



//return the sum of the values in the main diagonal


public int sumMainDiag() {

// Add your code here

int sum = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < square.length; i++) {

sum = sum + square[i][i];


return sum;



//return the sum of the values in the other ("reverse") diagonal


public int sumOtherDiag() {

// Add your code here

int sum = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < square.length; i++) {

sum = sum + square[square.length - i - 1][i];


return sum;



//return true if the square is magic (all rows, cols, and diags have

//same sum), false otherwise


public boolean magic() {

// Add your code here. Check if the sum of main diagonal equals the other diagonal,

// also if all rows and all columns sums equal to the diagonal as well. Any uneuqal will

// terminate the comparison.

int d1 = sumMainDiag();

int d2 = sumOtherDiag();

if (d1 != d2) {

return false;


for (int i = 0; i < square.length; i++) {

if (d1 != sumRow(i) || d1 != sumCol(i)) {

return false;



return true;



//read info into the square from the standard input.


public void readSquare(Scanner scan) {

for (int row = 0; row < square.length; row++) {

for (int col = 0; col < square.length; col++) {

square[row][col] = scan.nextInt();





//print the contents of the square, neatly formatted


public void printSquare() {

for (int row = 0; row < square.length; row++) {

for (int col = 0; col < square.length; col++) {

System.out.print(square[row][col] + "\t");






// ****************************************************************



// Uses the Square class to read in square data and tell if

// each square is magic.


// ****************************************************************

class SquareTest {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

File file = new File("magicData.txt");

Scanner scan = new Scanner(file);

int count = 1; //count which square we're on

int size = scan.nextInt(); //size of next square

//Expecting -1 at bottom of input file

while (size != -1) {

//create a new Square of the given size

Square magicSquare = new Square(size);

//call its read method to read the values of the square


System.out.println("\n******** Square " + count + " ********");

//print the square


//print the sums of its rows

for (int row = 0; row < size; row++) {

System.out.println("Sum of row " + row + ": "

+ magicSquare.sumRow(row));


//print the sums of its columns

for (int col = 0; col < size; col++) {

System.out.println("Sum of column " + col + ": "

+ magicSquare.sumCol(col));


//print the sum of the main diagonal

System.out.println("Sum of the main diagonal: "

+ magicSquare.sumMainDiag());

//print the sum of the other diagonal

System.out.println("Sum of the other diagonal: "

+ magicSquare.sumOtherDiag());

//determine and print whether it is a magic square

if (magicSquare.magic()) {

System.out.println("It's a magic square!");

} else {

System.out.println("It's not a magic square!");



//get size of next square

size = scan.nextInt();






See explaination


/ Define a Square class with methods to create and read in

// info for a square matrix and to compute the sum of a row,

// a column, either diagonal, and whether it is magic.


// ************************************************************

import java.util.Scanner;


public class Square {

int[][] square;


//create new square of given size


public Square(int size) {

square = new int[size][size];



//return the sum of the values in the given row


public int sumRow(int row) {

// Add your code here

int sum = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < square.length; i++) {

sum = sum + square[row][i];


return sum;



//return the sum of the values in the given column


public int sumCol(int col) {

// Add your code here

int sum = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < square.length; i++) {

sum = sum + square[i][col];


return sum;



//return the sum of the values in the main diagonal


public int sumMainDiag() {

// Add your code here

int sum = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < square.length; i++) {

sum = sum + square[i][i];


return sum;



//return the sum of the values in the other ("reverse") diagonal


public int sumOtherDiag() {

// Add your code here

int sum = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < square.length; i++) {

sum = sum + square[square.length - i - 1][i];


return sum;



//return true if the square is magic (all rows, cols, and diags have

//same sum), false otherwise


public boolean magic() {

// Add your code here. Check if the sum of main diagonal equals the other diagonal,

// also if all rows and all columns sums equal to the diagonal as well. Any uneuqal will

// terminate the comparison.

int d1 = sumMainDiag();

int d2 = sumOtherDiag();

if (d1 != d2) {

return false;


for (int i = 0; i < square.length; i++) {

if (d1 != sumRow(i) || d1 != sumCol(i)) {

return false;



return true;



//read info into the square from the standard input.


public void readSquare(Scanner scan) {

for (int row = 0; row < square.length; row++) {

for (int col = 0; col < square.length; col++) {

square[row][col] = scan.nextInt();





//print the contents of the square, neatly formatted


public void printSquare() {

for (int row = 0; row < square.length; row++) {

for (int col = 0; col < square.length; col++) {

System.out.print(square[row][col] + "\t");






// ****************************************************************



// Uses the Square class to read in square data and tell if

// each square is magic.


// ****************************************************************

class SquareTest {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

File file = new File("magicData.txt");

Scanner scan = new Scanner(file);

int count = 1; //count which square we're on

int size = scan.nextInt(); //size of next square

//Expecting -1 at bottom of input file

while (size != -1) {

//create a new Square of the given size

Square magicSquare = new Square(size);

//call its read method to read the values of the square


System.out.println("\n******** Square " + count + " ********");

//print the square


//print the sums of its rows

for (int row = 0; row < size; row++) {

System.out.println("Sum of row " + row + ": "

+ magicSquare.sumRow(row));


//print the sums of its columns

for (int col = 0; col < size; col++) {

System.out.println("Sum of column " + col + ": "

+ magicSquare.sumCol(col));


//print the sum of the main diagonal

System.out.println("Sum of the main diagonal: "

+ magicSquare.sumMainDiag());

//print the sum of the other diagonal

System.out.println("Sum of the other diagonal: "

+ magicSquare.sumOtherDiag());

//determine and print whether it is a magic square

if (magicSquare.magic()) {

System.out.println("It's a magic square!");

} else {

System.out.println("It's not a magic square!");



//get size of next square

size = scan.nextInt();





Write a program that prompts the user to enter a Social Security number in the format ddd-dd-dddd, where d is a digit. The program displays Valid SSN for a correct Social Security number or Invalid SSN otherwise.


The program that prompts the user to enter a Social Security number in the format ddd-dd-dddd, where d is a digit can be implemented in Python using regular expressions. The regular expression pattern for the SSN format can be used to validate the input.

Pythons code:


import re

ssn_pattern = re.compile(r'^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$')

ssn = input("Enter your Social Security Number (format: ddd-dd-dddd): ")

if ssn_pattern.match(ssn):

print("Valid SSN")


print("Invalid SSN")


In the above code, we first import the `re` module to work with regular expressions.

We then define the regular expression pattern for the SSN format as `^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$`. This pattern matches any string that starts with three digits, followed by a hyphen, then two digits, another hyphen, and finally, four digits.

We then prompt the user to enter their SSN using the `input()` function. We then check if the entered SSN matches the pattern using the `match()` function of the regular expression object `ssn_pattern`.

If the SSN matches the pattern, we print "Valid SSN". Otherwise, we print "Invalid SSN".

Know more about SSN,


ssn = input("Enter a valid Social Security number: ")

dashes = 0

nums = 0

message = "Invalid SSN"

if len(ssn) == 11:

   for x in ssn:

       if x.isdigit():

           nums += 1

       elif x == "-":

           dashes += 1

if nums == 9 and dashes == 2:

   message = "Valid SSN"


I wrote my code in python 3.8. I hope this helps!

. In Stack we can access elements from both ends

o True

o False





The answer is False. In Stacks, we can access only the top element present in the stack. Stack is the collection of elements which follow LIFO ( Last In First Out ) which means the last element inserted in the stack is the first element to  out. Stack has restriction that only the element which is present at the top called as top element is only accessible. That means only the top element can be inserted and deleted.

Write a program segment that simulates flipping a coin 25 times by generating and displaying 25 random integers, each of which is either 1 or 2



//import the Random class

import java.util.Random;

//Begin class definition

public class CoinFlipper {

   //The main method

    public static void main(String []args){


       //Create an object of the Random class

       Random ran = new Random();


       //Use the object and the number of times for simulation

       //to call the flipCoin method

       flipCoin(ran, 25);

    } //End of main method



    //Method to flip coin

    public static void flipCoin(Random ran, int nooftimes){

        //Create a loop to run as many times as specified in variable nooftimes

       for(int i=1; i<=nooftimes; i++)

           System.out.println(ran.nextInt(2) + 1);


}   //End of class definition


Sample Output:





























The above code has been written in Java. It contains comments explaining every part of the code. Please go through the comments.

The sample output from the execution of the code is also given above.

The code is re-written as follows without comments.

import java.util.Random;

public class CoinFlipper {

    public static void main(String []args){

       Random ran = new Random();


       flipCoin(ran, 25);



    public static void flipCoin(Random ran, int nooftimes){

       for(int i=1; i<=nooftimes; i++)

           System.out.println(ran.nextInt(2) + 1);

