A babysitter charges $2.50 an hour until 9:00 PM when the rate drops to$1.75 an hour (the children are in bed). Write a program that accepts astarting time and ending time in hours and minutes and calculates the totalbabysitting bill. You may assume that the starting and ending times are ina single 24-hour period. Partial hours should be appropriately prorated.


Answer 1


print("enter starting time hours")

st_hours=int(input()) #starting time hours


st_minutes=int(input()) #starting time minutes

print("enter ending time hours")

et_hours=int(input()) #ending time hours


et_minutes=int(input()) #ending time minutes


if (st_hours<21 and et_hours>21): #if starting time is less than 21 and ending time is greater than 21


a_minutes=et_minutes #taking time after 21 from ending time ending time-21

time_minutes=60-st_minutes #converting all the time into minutes








elif(st_hours>=21): #if starting time is greater than 21


time_minutes=(60-st_minutes)+et_minutes #converting time into minutes




elif(et_hours<=21): #if ending time is less than 21







This is a conditional program, the conditions applied are if and else if.

The resultant output was gotten using this three steps:

(1) If starting time is less than 21 and ending time is greater than 21

Then I converted the time into minutes before 21

ex:- 8:30

21-9= 12*60= 720 + 30 = 750

Then I calculated the bill.

750 * (2.50 / 60)

Then I converted the time after 21 and then calculated the bill and printed it.

(2)If starting time is greater than 21

Converted time into minutes and multiplied it with (1.75 / 60) to get the bill.

(3) If ending time is less than 21

Converted time into minutes and multiplied it with (2.50 / 60) to get the bill.

Please check attachment for program code screenshot.

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The table definition is not given;

However, I'll make the following assumptions

Table Name:



Technician name will be represented with Techname

Employee number will be represented with Empnum

Year Hired will be represented with Year

Having said that; the sql code is as follows:


The newest year hired will be the largest of the years;

Take for instance:

An employee hired in 2020 is new compared to an employee hired in 2019

This implies that the year has to be sorted in descending order to maintain the from newest to oldest.

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I will say Yes. There are very much limitless possible and future we can expect from social media and even more from social networking. Its capabilities from upcoming software in the future. Since the Internet is in its early days of growing and cloud computing being introduced there are way more possibilities in the future.

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Human visual behavior often includes searching, scanning, and monitoring.

While it should be possible to moderate the performance of these tasks based on the dimensions used in the table, it is often useful to analyze these situations using Signal Detection Theory (SDT).              


Three suggestions for my favourite search engine that includes search are:

1.  ensure that search results are graded according to the following categories using different colours:  

  • Most accurate and relevant results;
  • Accurate and slightly relevant results
  • Fairly accurate and fairly relevant results

These can help the users identify more easily the results to spend more time on. This categorisation can be done using colours. This is because of the way the eye functions. Unlike a camera snapshot, for example, the eye does not capture everything in a scene equally, but selectively picks out salient objects and features from the current context, and focuses on them so they can be processed in more detail.

2.  Another suggestion is that attention needs to be paid to where people look most of the time. It is not out of place for people to instinctively avoid search results that have dollar signs or currency signs especially when they are not searching for a commercial item.  

3. Lastly in displaying results that have images, it best to use sharp images. The theory suggests with respect to contrast, clarity and brightness that sharper and more distinct objects appear to be nearer, and duller objects appear to be farther away. To elicit the interest of the reader, targeted results or information from search engines must make use of the factors of contrast, clarity and brightness.



A customer contacts the help disk stating a laptop does not remain charged for more than 30 minutes and will not charge more than 15%. Which of the following components are the MOST likely causes the issue? (Select three.)A. LCD power inverterB. AC adapterC. BatteryD. ProcessorE. VGA cardF. MotherboardG. Backlit keyboardH. Wireless antenna



Option A, Option B, and Option C are the correct options.


The following options are correct because when any person is facing a problem related to its laptop and he wanted to contact with the customer service agent to solve his problem of the Laptop that is his Laptop battery does not work more than the half-hour and his Laptop's battery not charge more than 15%.

So, his laptop will be facing the problems related to Battery, LCD power inverter, or AC adapter.

What makes a computer a computer?​



A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. You may already know that you can use a computer to type documents, send email, play games, and browse the Web


Follow me..............

central processor unit (CPU)

memory (ram)

input (mouse keyboard)

output (monitor or printer)

browse the web

ability to store retrieve and process data

I don't rlly know much about technology but I hope this helps

Write a C++ program to find the number of pairs of integers in a given array of integers whose sum is equal to a specified number.



int main()


   int A1= {5,3,4,8,9,0,7};

   int SArri1 = sizeof(A1);

  printf("Original array: ");


   for (int i=0; i < SArri1;i++)  

   printf("", A1[i] );


   int i, sum = 20, n= 0;

   printf("\nArray pairs whose sum equal to 20: ");


   for (int i=0; i<SArri1; i++)

       for (int j=i+1; j<SArri1; j++)

           if (A1[i]+A1[j] == sum)


              Printf(“\n”, array1[i])





  printf("\nNumber of pairs whose sum equal to 20: ",n)

   return 0;



First of all, you should create the array of integers, and put random numbers. Then you have to save in a constant the size of the array (in this  code is called SArr1) With a for you can print all the numbers that are on the array because then you will print all array pairs whose sum is equal to  a specified numer. in this code we are going to use 20.

then with a condition (if) you are going to compare one of number of the array with all the others and check if its equal to 20. If yes, it going to print the numbers that answer to that condition and it's going to add +1 to the variable n (for this you will need to use two bucles for)

Then you can print the number of pairs whose sum is equal to 20 by printing n