Using your choice of pseudocode, C# or java, define a class for a Pig. A Pig object should have three attributes: a name, an age, and weight. Your class should have (i) a constructor that takes three arguments and copies them to the attributes; (ii) setters (mutators) and getter accessors) or properties (C#) for the attributes; (iii) a display method to display the Pig's attributes on screen; and (iv) a main() method that creates a Pig object, assigns values to its attributes, and displays them by calling the display method.


Answer 1


Following are the code to this question:

public class Pig //Defining class Pig


private String name; //Defining string variable name

private int age; // Defining integer variable age

private double weight; // Defining double variable weight

Pig (String name, int age, double weight)  //Defining parameterized constructor  


super(); //using super key = name; //holding value in name variable

this.age = age;  // holding value in age variable

this.weight = weight; // holding value in weight variable


String getName() //Defining method getName


return name; //return name value


void setName(String name) // Defining method setName    

{ = name; //hold name value


int getAge() // Defining method getAge


return age; //return value


void setAge(int age) // Defining method setAge  


this.age = age; // hold age value


double getWeight()  //Defining method getWeight


return weight; //return weight value


void setWeight(double weight) //Defining method setWeight  


this.weight = weight; //hold weight value


void display() //Defining method display


System.out.println("Name:" + name + " Age:" + age + " Weight:" + weight); //print value


public static void main(String[] ar) //Defining main method


Pig onc = new Pig("Jig",5,14.5); //creating class object and called parameterized constructor  

onc.display();//calling display method




please find the attachment.


In the given java program, a class "Pig" is declared, in which three name, age, and weight is defined which differs in datatypes, in the next step, parameterized constructor, get and set method, and display method declared, which can be described as follows:

  • In the parameterized constructor, uses super and this keyword to call and holds parameter value.  
  • In the get method three methods "getName, getAge, and getWeight" are defined, that return method values, and the set method "setName, setAge, and setWeight" uses this keyword to hold value in its variables.
  • The display method is used to print all method store values by its variables name.
  • Inside the main method, class object "onc" is created, which stores the value in it and calls the display method that print value with a message.

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public int RandNum();

* Assuming it returns an integer


I believe you mean to write the function header of randNum.

To write the header of the function, we need to specify its return type, name, parenthesis and parameters inside the parenthesis - if exist.

If it returns an integer it should have int, if it returns a double it should have double in the header. In the answer, I assumed it returns an integer.

The name is already given, RandNum

Since, the function does not take any parameter, inside of the parenthesis will be empty.

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import random

i = 1

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i = 1

while i <= 100:

   print("#"+str(i)+": "+str(random.uniform(1,100)), end=", ")

   i += 1

I hope this helps!

Poor quality lateral communication will result in which ofthefollowing?
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c. Lack of delegation
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b. Lack of coordination


LAteral communication in human resources and organizational communication is known as the communication that exists between peers and colleagues, so that wouldn cause a lack of cirection, delegation or control because its not between bosses and employees, what it would cause would be a lack of coordination between the employees.




b, lack of coordination

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bend slightly and stretch your right hand up

move your head back and forward slowly

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Make a Fist, hold, and stretch your fingers is the correct answer
A. make a fist, hold, and stretch your fingers

C And D are rather absurd as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is 
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A) intellectual property, core competencies, and financial and human assets                                


Key corporate assets are

Intellectual property

Core competencies

Financial and human assets.

Corporate assets are referred to as individuals, properties, goods, data  company or firm repute.These assets are managed digitally. A digital firm is the one in which almost all the important business partnerships and relationships that an organization has with their employees, customers are administered, interposed and handles digitally.

Intellectual property:

It is a property that is the outcome of human creativity and intelligence. It is an intangible property such as copyrights, patents, trademarks etc. The IP strategy is basically a strategy, in accordance with the company's business objectives, to obtain IP assets and extract the most benefit from current IP assets.

Core Competencies:

Core competencies are the skills and proficiency that are essential for a company or business to attain competitive edge. They separate an organization from its competitors and create a competitive lead for a it in the marketplace. Core competency is an corporation's tactical and strategic strength. Development of core competencies of an corporation helps to sustain the competitive advantage of the corporation for a long time.

Financial and human assets.

Basically, the individuals in a corporate determine and define a corporate's success or failure. Human assets are a part of the company's intangible assets. For example human capital is an intangible asset. It can be defined as economic benefit of a worker's experience and skills. For example assets like knowledge, training, intellect, expertise, health. The abilities of employees reflects corporate's assets.

Financial assets refer to a security contract that contains a right over the real assets of a company. For example cash, stocks, bonds and bank deposits. A financial asset has a claim on the real assets or physical assets usually possessed by a company. Financial assets 'main contribution is to finance companies or money making organizations. These are provided in the market so that investors can bring their investments to use, and corporations can invest in real assets and make money.