Explain how signal detection theory can be used to analyze web site reading and searching. Based on this analysis, provide three suggestions for your favorite search engine or web site that includes search.


Answer 1


Human visual behavior often includes searching, scanning, and monitoring.

While it should be possible to moderate the performance of these tasks based on the dimensions used in the table, it is often useful to analyze these situations using Signal Detection Theory (SDT).              


Three suggestions for my favourite search engine that includes search are:

1.  ensure that search results are graded according to the following categories using different colours:  

  • Most accurate and relevant results;
  • Accurate and slightly relevant results
  • Fairly accurate and fairly relevant results

These can help the users identify more easily the results to spend more time on. This categorisation can be done using colours. This is because of the way the eye functions. Unlike a camera snapshot, for example, the eye does not capture everything in a scene equally, but selectively picks out salient objects and features from the current context, and focuses on them so they can be processed in more detail.

2.  Another suggestion is that attention needs to be paid to where people look most of the time. It is not out of place for people to instinctively avoid search results that have dollar signs or currency signs especially when they are not searching for a commercial item.  

3. Lastly in displaying results that have images, it best to use sharp images. The theory suggests with respect to contrast, clarity and brightness that sharper and more distinct objects appear to be nearer, and duller objects appear to be farther away. To elicit the interest of the reader, targeted results or information from search engines must make use of the factors of contrast, clarity and brightness.



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Describe how a web browser and web server work together to send a web page to a user


TCP/IP, a network protocol, is used by a browser to connect to a web server and launch a Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The HTTP tries to get info and provide it for displays.

What is a web page?

A web page is a straightforward document that a browser can see. These documents are created using the HTML coding system. Tsi involves the data and the content that can be presented online.

The consumer must either type in URL for the page they want to access via the web or click on the hyperlink that contains the URL.

The Ip identifies the Website browser's Web address, and for the Search engine to comprehend it, they must both utilize the very same normal procedure. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the preferred means of communication here between a web browser and a server (HTTP).

Learn more about web page, here:



In order to get a page from the web , the user must type the Internet Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the page he or she wants, or click on the link that provides the URL. The URL specifies the Internet address of the Web browser to be understood by the Web browser, they must use the same standard protocol. The standard protocol for communication between Web browser and a Web server is Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). 

After the statements that follow are executed,var firstName = "Ray", lastName = "Harris";
var fullName = lastName;
fullName += ", ";
fullName += firstName;

b.firstName="Ray Harris"
c.fullName="Ray Harris"
d.fullName="Harris, Ray"



d. fullName="Harris, Ray"


// here we define two variables firstName="Ray" and lastName= "Harris"

var firstName = "Ray", lastName = "Harris";

// then we create another variable fullName and assign it the value stored in variabl lastName that is "Harris"

var fullName = lastName;

// then we added a coma and space. At this point fullName= Harris,

fullName += ", ";

// then we added firstName to the variable fullName. At this point fullName=Harris, Roy

fullName += firstName;

Note: the += operator means that add the variable on the left by an amount on the right

a+= b; or a = a + b; both mean same

I need help please?!!!



I can't give an answer if you don't tell me what you need help with


I can't give an answer if you don't tell me what you need help with

True / FalseIn the structure of a conventional processor, the computational engine is generally known as the arithmetic-logic unit.





The arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) in a microprocessor is the digital electronic component which carries out arithmetic and logic operations on the provided operands. It is typically integrated as part of the microprocessor chip though standalone ICs are also available.

Some examples of the operations performed by ALU in common microprocessors include:

  • Add
  • Subtract
  • Increment
  • Decrement
  • AND
  • OR
  • XOR

Which one of these are a valid IPv4 address? Check all that apply.A.
B. 345.0.24.6


The valid IPv4 addresses are A., C., and  D.

Valid IPv4 addresses are 32 bits in size and normally contain three periods and four octets like, and the value can be any number from zero to 255.

IPv4 means Internet Protocol version 4.  It is a set of address that identifies a network interface on a computer.

Thus, the only invalid address according to IPv4 standards is B. 345.0.24.6, with others regarded as valid IPv4 addresses.

Learn more about IPv4 here: brainly.com/question/19512399

This quiz is meant to test your understanding of secure passwords. Click on the title and answer the following questions in the submission box: What are the characteristics of a secure password? Why is phishing harmful?



A secure password has the following characteristics:

  • long - it should be more than 15 characters
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Phishing is a kind of social engineering where a cyber criminals  trying to trick the victims to get benefit from them. For example, a cyber criminal can send a phishing email to tell the victims about something wrong with their credit card or bank account and provide a malicious link and persuade the victim to access their fake website that resembles an official bank website.  From there, the victims can send credential info to the cyber criminals without their awareness. Phishing can also be done through phone call. Phishing is harmful as a victim can fall into the trap of disclosing highly critical credential info that incur a huge loss of money.