Write a function named "read_json" that takes a JSON formatted string as a parameter and return the data represented by the input in the appropriate types for this language. For example, if the input string represents a JSON object you should return a key-value store containing the same data?


Answer 1


Following are the program in the Python Programming Language.

import json #import package

#define function

def read_json(info):

 return json.loads(info)#load data in variable

#call and print the function

print(read_json('[{'A': 10}, {'Y': 16}, {'U': 28}]'))


[{'A': 10}, {'Y': 16}, {'U': 28}]


following are the description of the code

  • Define function "read_json()" and pass an argument "info" inside it.
  • Return the data inside from the "load()" function .
  • Call the function i.e "read_json" and passing the value to that function.
  • Print function print the data which is inside the "read_json" function.

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___________ are used when an SQL statement has to be executed multiple times in a Python script.a

Prepared statements








Answer: (A) Prepared statement


 Prepared statement is basically used in the structured query language (SQL) statement which are basically execute multiple times in the python script.

The prepared statement is typically used in the SQL statement for update and queries. It is used to executed for the similar SQL statement and it has high efficiency.

It basically is in the form of template where the database compile and perform various query optimization.

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vowels = ("a", "e", "i", "o", "u")

word = input("Enter a word: ")

is_all = True

for c in vowels:

   if c not in word:

       is_all = False

if is_all == True:

   print(word + " is a vowel word.")


   print(word + " is not a vowel word.")


Initialize a tuple, vowels, containing every vowel

Ask the user to enter a word

Initially, set the is_all as True. This will be used to check, if every vowel is in word or not.

Create a for loop that iterates through the vowels. Inside the loop, check if each vowel is in the word or not. If one of the vowel is not in the vowels, set the is_all as False.

When the loop is done, check the is_all. If it is True, the word is a vowel word. Otherwise, it is not a vowel word.

. In Stack we can access elements from both ends

o True

o False





The answer is False. In Stacks, we can access only the top element present in the stack. Stack is the collection of elements which follow LIFO ( Last In First Out ) which means the last element inserted in the stack is the first element to  out. Stack has restriction that only the element which is present at the top called as top element is only accessible. That means only the top element can be inserted and deleted.

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In real-world environments, once the domains that are affected by the risks are identified, subsequent next steps would include selecting, implementing, and testing controls to minimize or eliminate those risks.

Two friends are eating dinner at a restaurant. The bill comes in the amount of 47.28 dollars. The friends decide to split the bill evenly between them, after adding 15% tip for the service. Calculate the tip, the total amount to pay, and each friend's share, then output a message saying "Each person needs to pay: " followed by the resulting number.



bill = 47.28

tip = bill * 0.15

total_pay = bill + tip

each_share = total_pay / 2

print("Each person needs to pay: " + str(each_share))


*The code is in Python.

Set the bill

Calculate the tip, multiply the bill by 0.15

Calculate the total_pay, add bill and tip

Calculate each friend's share, divide the total_pay by 2. Then, print it in required format.

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Sample output:

Enter integer 3232423


Enter integer 12131231



Above is the output of the program and for the solution check the screenshots attach to understand clearly the program.
