The program that you create for this exercise will begin by reading the cost of a meal ordered at a restaurant from the user. Then your program will compute the tax and tip for the meal. Use your local tax rate when computing the amount of tax owing. Compute the tip as 18 percent of the meal amount (without the tax). The output from your program should include the tax amount, the tip amount, and the grand total for the meal including both the tax and the tip. Format the output so that all of the values are displayed using two decimal places.


Answer 1

The program is a sequential program; as such, it does not require loops or conditional statements.

The program in Python, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

#This gets input for the cost of the meal

cost = float(input("Cost: "))

#This initializes the local rate tax to 7.25%

local_rate_tax = 0.0725

#This initializes the tip to 18%

tip = 0.18

#This calculates the tax amount

taxAmount = cost * local_rate_tax

#This calculates the tip amount

tipAmount = cost * tip

#This calculates the grand total

grand = cost + taxAmount + tipAmount

#This prints the tax amount

print("Tax amount: {:.2f}".format(taxAmount))

#This prints the tip amount

print("Tip: {:.2f}".format(tipAmount))

#This prints the grand total

print("Grand total: {:.2f}".format(grand))

All outputs are formatted to 2 decimal places.

See attachment for sample run

Read more about similar programs at:

Answer 2



If I were calculating a tip at a restaurant using the same syntax, it would have been. meal ... New value of meal is double meal times tax. you're saying: (meal + meal) * tax but meal + meal * tax is calculated in the following order meal + (meal * tax) ... eh? ;) The exercise implied it was just reading the equation from right to left.

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Implemented using Python

n = int(input("Sides: "))

if(n>=1 and n <=50):

    for i in range(1,n+1):

         for j in range(1,i+1):




    for i in range(n,0,-1):

         for j in range(i,1,-1):




         print("Range must be within 1 and 50")


This line prompts user for number of sides

n = int(input("Sides: "))

The line validates user input for 1 to 50

if(n>=1 and n <=50):

The following iteration uses nested loop to print * in ascending order

   for i in range(1,n+1):

         for j in range(1,i+1):



The following iteration uses nested loop to print * in descending order        

    for i in range(n,0,-1):

         for j in range(i,1,-1):



The following is executed if user input is outside 1 and 50


         print("Range must be within 1 and 50")

Jimmy Fallon's persona when he is outside the White House can best be characterized as:A. humble and excited.
B. outrageous and crazy.
C. stern and authoritative.
D. dark and serious.


B) outrageous and crazy
The answer to your question is b

Most slide layouts include at least one ________ by default.Question 2 options:


action button





I think that the answer placeholder :)

Sry if im wrong tho


The answer is placeholder.

Write an Enlistee class that keeps data attributes for the following pieces of information: • Enlistee name • Enlistee number Next, write a class named Private that is a subclass of the Enlistee class. The Private class should keep data attributes for the following information: • Platoon number (an integer, such as 1, 2, or 3) • Years of service (also an integer)



function Enlistee( name, number ){

    constructor( ){

      super( ) ; name;

      this.number= number;

      this.Private= ( platoonNumber, yearOfService ) =>{

                             this.platoonNumber = platoonNumber;

                             this.yearOfService = yearOfService;





In Javascript, OOP ( object-oriented programming) just like in other object oriented programming languages, is used to create instance of a class object, which is a blueprint for a data structure.

Above is a class object called Enlistee and subclass "Private" with holds data of comrades enlisting in the military.

The section on the Publisher screen that allows you to quickly move from one page another in a publication is the _____. View tabPage pane

Page Design tab

Zoom bar



Page pane


This pane is present under the navigation pane, it allow to hop easily from one page to other.  Moreover pages can be added using Add Page button.

Page pane makes the view and navigation from on page to another easier and quicker.

Write a program that accepts a four digit number, such as 1998, and displays it on number on a line, like: 1 9 9 8 The program should prompt for a four digit number. The program assumes that the user enters the correct information. Provide the java code, including a comment with your name, course code and date.


package brainly;

import java.util.*;



* @author CotrinaAlejandra


public class Brainly {

   /*Provide the java code, including a comment with your name, course code and date.



   Date: */

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       // TODO code application logic here

       int number;

       Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

       System.out.print("Write a four digit number: ");


       String newLine= String.valueOf(number);

       System.out.println(newLine.charAt(0)+"  "+newLine.charAt(1)+"  "+newLine.charAt(2)+"  "+newLine.charAt(3));




