You text file begins with the following rows. The pattern is a description of the item to be repaired, its color, and the issue. bike, red, flat tire bike, blue, broken chain skate, blue, loose wheel mitt, red, torn lace Your program starts with the following lines. import csv aFile = open("data\broken.txt","r") aReader = csv.reader(aFile) countRed = 0 for item in aReader: When you write code to count the number of times red is the color, what is the index of "red"?


Answer 1

Answer: the answer is 1


edge 2021

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(Palindrome integer) Write the methods with the following headers // Return the reversal of an integer, i.e., reverse(456) returns 654 public static int reverse(int number) // Return true if number is a palindrome public static boolean isPalindrome(int number) Use the reverse method to implement isPalindrome. A number is a palindrome if its reversal is the same as itself. Write a test program that prompts the user to enter an integer and reports whether the integer is a palindrome.



import java.util.Scanner;

public class PalindromeInteger {

public static void main(String[] args) {

 // Create an object of the Scanner class to allow for user's inputs

 Scanner input = new Scanner(;

 // Create a prompt to display the aim of the program.

 System.out.println("Program to check whether or not a number is a palindrome");

 // Prompt the user to enter an integer number.

 System.out.println("Please enter an integer : ");

 // Receive user's input and store in an int variable, number.

 int number = input.nextInt();

 // Then, call the isPalindrome() method to check if or not the

 // number is a  palindrome integer.

 // Display the necessary output.

 if (isPalindrome(number)) {

  System.out.println(number + " is a palindrome integer");


 else {

  System.out.println(number + " is a not a palindrome integer");



// Method to return the reversal of an integer.

// It receives the integer as a parameter.

public static int reverse(int num) {

 // First convert the number into a string as follows:

 // Concatenate it with an empty quote.

 // Store the result in a String variable, str.

 String str = "" + num;

 // Create and initialize a String variable to hold the reversal of the  

 // string str. i.e rev_str

 String rev_str = "";

 // Create a loop to cycle through each character in the string str,

 // beginning at  the last character down to the first character.

 // At every cycle, append the character to the rev_str variable.

 // At the end of the loop, rev_str will contain the reversed of str

 for (int i = str.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

  rev_str += str.charAt(i);


 // Convert the rev_str to an integer using the Integer.parseInt()

 // method.  Store the result in an integer variable reversed_num.

 int reversed_num = Integer.parseInt(rev_str);

 // Return the reversed_num

 return reversed_num;


// Method to check whether or not a number is a palindrome integer.

// It takes in the number as parameter and returns a true or false.

// A number is a palindrome integer if reversing the number does not

//  change the  number itself.

public static boolean isPalindrome(int number) {

 // check if the number is the same as its reversal by calling the

 //reverse()  method declared earlier. Return true if yes, otherwise,

               // return false.

 if (number == reverse(number)) {

  return true;


 return false;




The source code file for the program has also been attached to this response for readability. Please download the file and go through the comments in the code carefully as it explains every segment of the code.

Hope this helps!

Quicksort reaches the worst-case time complexity when:Partition is not implemented in place
Picking the largest one of input or partitioned data as pivot value
Median of input or partitioned data is expensive to calculate
Data is sorted already and always pick the median as pivot
Choose the incorrect statement:
When the median is always picked as pivot in input/partitioned data, then quicksort achieves the best-case time complexity.
Mergesort has O(N(log(N)) time complexity for its worst case, average case and best case
Insertionsort reaches its best-case time complexity O(N log(N)) when the input data is pre-sorted
Quicksort is practically fast and frequently used sorting algorithm.
Choose the incorrect statement:
In the lower bound analysis by using decision tree, each branch uses one comparison to narrow down possible cases
In the lower bound analysis by using decision tree, he number of required comparisons can be represented by height of decision tree
A decision tree to sort N elements must have N^2 leaves
O(N log(N)) lower bound means that comparison-based algorithm cannot achieve a time complexity better than O(N log(N))
Choose the incorrect statement regarding time complexity of union-find operation:
Inverse Ackermann function does not depend on N and is a constant factor.
When we use arbitrary union and simple find for union-find operation, the worst-case time complexity is O(MN) for a sequence of M operations and N elements
Union-by-size and Union-by-rank both improve the time complexity to O(M log(N)) for a sequence of M operations and N elements
To finish the entire equivalence class computation algorithm, we need to go over each pair of elements, so if we use union-by-rank with path compression for find operation, then the overall time complexity is O(N^2 log*N), where log*N denotes the inverse Ackermann function.
Choose the incorrect statement regarding Dijstraâs algorithm
Dijstraâs algorithm is a greedy algorithm
Dijstraâs algorithm requires to dynamically update distance/costs/weights of paths.
To begin with, Dijstraâs algorithm initializes all distance as INF
Dijstraâs algorithm can be implemented by heaps, leading to O(|E|+|V| log(|V|)) time complexity, where, particularly, log(|V|) is due to "insert" operation in heaps.


i) Picking the largest one of input or partitioned data as pivot value.

ii) Insertion sort reaches its best-case time complexity O(N log(N)) when the input data is pre-sorted

iii) A decision tree to sort N elements must have N^2 leaves

iv) Inverse Ackermann function does not depend on N and is a constant factor.

v) Dijstraâs algorithm requires to dynamically update distance/costs/weights of paths.

What is quicksort?

  • Quicksort is an efficient sorting algorithm used to sort items in an array. It is an in-place algorithm, meaning it does not require any additional memory for sorting.
  • The algorithm works by choosing a pivot element from the array and partitioning the array based on the pivot.
  • All elements that are less than the pivot are placed before it, and all elements that are greater than the pivot are placed after it. This is repeated until the array is completely sorted.
  • Quicksort is considered one of the fastest sorting algorithms and is used in many applications, such as sorting data in databases.
  • It is also used in many programming languages, including C, Java, and Python.
  • Quicksort is an example of a divide-and-conquer algorithm, as it splits the array into smaller pieces which are easier to sort.

To learn more about quicksort refer to:


Gus is developing new software in an environment in which incremental changes are released at regular intervals within a timebox. Shana is developing software for the minimum viable product stage in order to provide the development team with feedback on how to improve the application. Gus is employing the software methodology known as __________, while Shana is employing the software methodology known as __________.


Gus is employing the software methodology known as "Agile", where incremental changes are released at regular intervals within a timebox.

Given that;

Gus is developing new software in an environment in which incremental changes are released at regular intervals within a timebox.

Now Gus is employing the software methodology known as "Agile", where incremental changes are released at regular intervals within a timebox.

This approach allows for flexibility and adaptability in response to changing requirements and customer feedback.

Shana, on the other hand, is employing the software methodology known as "Lean Startup", specifically focusing on the minimum viable product (MVP) stage.

The Lean Startup methodology emphasizes rapid iteration and feedback cycles to quickly validate ideas, test assumptions, and gather insights for continuous improvement.

Hence, Both Gus and Shana are using different methodologies that align with their respective goals and stages of software development.

Learn more about the methodology;


Answer: Agile, Lean

Gus is employing the software methodology known as agile, while Shana is employing the software methodology known as lean.




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