A customer has engaged your software development company to develop a new order-processing system. However, the time frames are very tight and inflexible for delivery of at least the basic part of the new system. Further, user requirements are sketchy and unclear. a. What is the best system development strategy that might be advantageous to use in this engagement? b. What is the potential downside to using the strategy described in the part a?


Answer 1
Answer: Sorry b. Not answered. Thanks. Rate it if this helps.

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Consider a demand-paging system in which processes are performing sequential data accesses with the following time-measured utilizations: CPU utilization 20%
Paging disk 98%
Other I/O devices 10%

For each of the following, indicate yes or no to say whether or not it will (or is likely to) improve CPU utilization:

a. Install a faster CPU
b. Install a bigger paging disk
c. Increase the degree of multiprogramming
d. Decrease the degree of multiprogramming
e. Install more main memory
f. Install a faster hard disk
g. Increase the page size



a. Install a faster CPU - No

b. Install a bigger paging disk - No

c. Increase the degree of multiprogramming - No

d. Decrease the degree of multiprogramming - Yes

e. Install more main memory - Yes

f. Install a faster hard disk - Yes

g. Increase the page size - Yes


a. Install a faster CPU No.

Installing a faster CPU will not improve CPU utilization too much because the CPU utilization is low (20%) and the utilization of the paging disk is very high (98%), we can see that the system has lack of free memory.

b. Install a bigger paging disk No.

Installing a bigger paging disk doesn't improve the CPU utilization because the system has lack of free memory.

c. Increase the degree of multiprogramming No.

If the level of multiprogramming is increased more processes would have to be swapped in and out of the memory with a higher chance of page fault much frequently and the CPU utilization would reduce.

d. Decrease the degree of multiprogramming Yes.

If the level of multiprogramming is reduced less processes would have to be swapped in and out of memory, reducing the chance of page fault and the CPU utilization would improve.

e. Install more main memory

This is likely to improve CPU utilization as more pages can remain resident and not require paging to or from the disks.

f. Install a faster hard disk

With a faster hard disk, the CPU will get more data more quickly and this will lead to faster response and more throughput to the disks. With a faster hard disk, the disk is not a bottleneck to utilization.

g. Increase the page size

Increase the page size will likely degrade the performance, because the internal fragmentation will be worse, the utilization of main memory will be low, more processes will not be able to fit into main memory, and the system will have to spend more time in swapping. So this is as likely to decrease utilization as it is to increase it.

What is computer virus?


It is a (software) program that is installed on a computer without the user's knowledge for the purpose of making harmful changes. A computer virus attaches itself to another program (the execution of the host program triggers the action of the virus). And most of them perform actions that are malicious in nature, such as destroying data. A computer virus operates in two ways: As soon as it lands on a new computer, begins to replicate or it plays dead until the trigger kick starts the malicious code. The term 'computer virus' was formally defined by Fred Cohen in 1983.


A computer virus is a virus attached onto your computer, and it gives you bugs and can often delete your important files.

Write a program to complete the task given below: Ask the user to enter any 2 numbers in between 1-10 and add both of them to another variable call z. Use z for adding 30 into it and print the final result by using variable results.



a = int(input("Enter first value between 1 - 10"))

b = int(input("Enter second value between 1 - 10"))

z = a + b

z += 30

print("The value of z = ", z)


The code is written above in python language to perform the given task.

Now, let us explain each statement of code.

Step 1: The first two lines take input from the user prompting the user to enter the values between 1 to 10.

Then the values are type casted to int using int().

The values are stored in variables a and b.

Step 2: Then, the values of a and b are added to get another variable z.

Step 3: The statement 'z += 30' is equivalent to z = z+30

It adds 30 to the variable z and stores it in the same variable z.

Step 4: Finally the value of variable 'z' is printed using print() command.

1) The program reads an integer, that must be changed to read a floating point. 2) You will need to move that number into a floating point register and then that number must be copied into an integer register. 3) You will need to extract the exponent from the integer register and stored in another register. 4) You will need to insert the Implied b



1. Get the number

2. Declare a variable to store the sum and set it to 0

3. Repeat the next two steps till the number is not 0

4. Get the rightmost digit of the number with help of remainder ‘%’ operator by dividing it with 10 and add it to sum.

5. Divide the number by 10 with help of ‘/’ operator

6. Print or return the sum

# include<iostream>

using namespace std;

/* Function to get sum of digits */

class gfg



   int getSum(float n)


   float sum = 0 ;

   while (n != 0)


    sum = sum + n % 10;

    n = n/10;


return sum;



//driver code

int main()


gfg g;

float n = 687;  

cout<< g.getSum(n);

return 0;



Arrange the following units of storage in descending
order. B, TB,KB, GB,MB





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Microsoft word 365 allows two columns

Yep it’s that I agree with him because I agree with him because I agree with him because I know his answer is right so I agree with him:)
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