At what layer in the TCP/IP protocol hierarchy could a firewall be placed to filter incoming traffic by means of:a) message content
b) source address
c) type of application​​


Answer 1

The most significant protocol at layer 3, often known as the network layer, is the Internet Protocol, or IP.The IP protocol, the industry standard for packet routing among interconnected networks, is the source of the Internet's name.  Thus, option C is correct.

What are the TCP/IP protocol hierarchy could a firewall?

Application-layer firewalls operate at the TCP/IP stack's application level (all browser traffic, or all telnet or ftp traffic, for example), and thus have the ability to intercept any packets going to or from an application. They stop different packets (usually dropping them without acknowledgment to the sender).

Firewalls are frequently positioned at a network's edge. An external interface is the one that is located outside the network, while an internal interface is the one that is located inside the firewall.

Therefore, The terms “unprotected” and “protected,” respectively, are sometimes used to describe these two interfaces.

Learn more about TCP/IP here:


Answer 2

The answer is c) type of application

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)Which of following can be thrown using the throwstatement?? Error

? Throwable

? Exception

? RuntimeException

? All of Given

? None of given



All of Given


The throw keywords can be used to throw any Throwable object. The syntax is :

throw <Throwable instance>

Note that Error and Exception are subclasses of Throwable while RuntimeException is a subclass of Exception. So the hierarchy is as follows:


-- Error

-- Exception

   -- RuntimeException

And all of these are valid throwable entities. As a result "All of Given" is the most appropriate option for this question.


The answer is B: throwable


Throwable is the super class of all exceptions

Write a program that reads a string (password) and a number. The program will keep asking the user for a password and number as long as the user does not provide the expected values ("milkyway" and 1847, respectively), and as long as the user has not exhausted the maximum number of attempts . In addition, the program will stop asking for data if the word "quit" is provided as a password value (in this case, the program will not read the number). The program will print the message "Wrong credentials" when an invalid password or number (or both) is provided. If the user eventually provides the correct credentials the message "Access Granted" will be displayed; otherwise the message "Access Denied" will be generated. The following example illustrates the messages to use to read data and to display results. Enter password: milkyway
Enter number: 10
Wrong credentials
Enter password: tomato
Enter number: 1847
Wrong credentials
Enter password: milkyway
Enter number: 1847
Access Granted



// Program is written in Java Programming Language

// Comments are used for explanatory purpose

// Program starts here

import java.util.Scanner;

public class checkPass{

public static void main (String [] args)


// Call scanner function

Scanner input = new Scanner (;

// Declare user password and number

string userpass;

int usernum;

// Initialise password and number

string password = "milkway";

int number = 1847;

// Initialise number of attempts to 0

int attempts = 0;

while (attempts<=10 )


// Prompt user to enter password and number

System.out.println("Enter password: ");

userpass = input.nextLine();

System.out.println("Enter Number: ");

usernum = input.nextInt();

if(userpass == password && usernum == number)


System.out.print("Access Granted");

attempts = 11;




System.out.print("Wrong Credentials");







The correct password and number are defined and stored in their respective variables. While loop is used to keep on taking input from the user until the user inputs correct password and number or user runs out of attempts. The number of attempts is set to 3 but can be changed to any number as you like.

The user is asked to input password first then we check if the user wants to quit? if true terminate program else continue to get the input number from the user.

Now we have password and number from the user, check if both are correct? if yes then grant the access else wrong credentials add one to the attempt, display the number of attempts left and repeat the whole loop again.

Python Code:

password = "milkyway"

number = 1847


while attempts < 3:

   pas=str(input("Please Enter the Password\n"))

   if pas=="quit":

       print("You quit!")


   num=int(input("Please Enter the Number\n"))

   if pas==password and num==number:

       print("Access Granted")


       print("Wrong credentials")


       print("Attempts left: ",3-attempts)


Test 1:

Please Enter the Password


Please Enter the Number


Wrong credentials

Attempts left: 2

Please Enter the Password


Please Enter the Number


Wrong credentials

Attempts left: 1

Please Enter the Password


Please Enter the Number


Access Granted

Test 2:

Please Enter the Password


Please Enter the Number


Wrong credentials

Attempts left: 2

Please Enter the Password


You quit!

Note: feel free to ask in comments if you dont understand anything!

one of the 4 vs of big data that refers to uncertainty due to data inconsistency and incompleteness, ambiguities, latency, deception, and model approximations is . select one: veracity volume validity variety


one of the 4 vs of big data that refers to uncertainty due to data inconsistency and incompleteness, ambiguities, latency, deception, and model approximations is veracity.

What is veracity?

Conformity with truth or fact : accuracy. : devotion to the truth : truthfulness. 3. /vəˈraes.ə.ti/ the quality of being true, honest, or accurate: Doubts were cast on the veracity of her alibi. Synonyms.  Veracity is the quality of being true or the habit of telling the truth. He was shocked to find his veracity questioned. Veracity refers to the quality of the data that is being analyzed. High veracity data has many records that are valuable to analyze and that contribute in a meaningful way to the overall results. Low veracity data, on the other hand, contains a high percentage of meaningless data. This type of source is the starting point for any historian-researcher. Some written sources are forgeries.

To know more about veracity visit:


Given the IPv4 address,, how many subnets are possible and how many hosts can be supported by each subnet?a. 228 = 268 subnets, 24 -2 = 14 hosts per subnetwork
b. 24 = 16 subnets, 228 - 2 = 268E6 hosts per subnetwork
c. 24 - 2 = 14 subnets, 24 = 16 hosts per subnetwork
d. 24 = 16 subnets, 24 - 2 = 14 hosts per subnetwork



d. 24 = 16 subnets, 24 - 2 = 14 hosts per subnetwork


When four bits are borrowed from the fourth octet of class C IP address, the IP address is subnetted to 16 subnets, where the number of subnets is equal to two raised to the number of borrowed bits (ie, 2^ number of borrowed bits), and 14 assignable host IP address gotten from the formula;

  = 2^(number of host bits in the fourth octet) - 2

  = (2^4) - 2

  = 16 - 2 = 14 host addresses

2. Use inheritance to create a hierarchy of Exception classes -- EndOfSentenceException, PunctuationException, and CommaException. EndOfSentenceException is the parent class to PunctuationException, which is the parent class to CommaException. Test your classes in a Driver class with a main method that asks the user to input a sentence. If the sentence ends in anything except a period (.), exclamation point (!), or question mark (?), the program should throw a PunctuationException. If the sentence specifically ends in a comma, the program should throw a CommaException. Use a catch block to catch all EndOfSentenceExceptions, causing the program to print a message and terminate. If a general PunctuationException is caught, the program should print "The sentence does not end correctly." If a CommaException is caught, the program should print "You can't end a sentence in a comma." If there are no exceptions, the program should print "The sentence ends correctly." and terminate.



See explaination


//Create a class EndOfSentenceException that

//extends the Exception class.

class EndOfSentenceException extends Exception



EndOfSentenceException(String str)





//Create a class CommaException that extends the class


class CommaException extends EndOfSentenceException


//Define the constructor of CommaException.

public CommaException(String str)





//Create a class PunctuationException that extends the class


class PunctuationException extends EndOfSentenceException



public PunctuationException(String str)





//Include the header file.

import java.util.Scanner;

//Define the class Driver to check the sentence.

public class Driver {

//Define the function to check the sentence exceptions.

public String checkSentence(String str)

throws EndOfSentenceException


//Check the sentence ends with full stop,

//exclamation mark

//and question mark.

if(!(str.endsWith(".")) && !(str.endsWith("!"))

&& !(str.endsWith("?")))


//Check the sentence is ending with comma.



//Throw the CommaException.

throw new CommaException("You can't "

+ "end a sentence in a comma.");





//Throw PunctuationException.

throw new PunctuationException("The sentence "

+ "does not end correctly.");



//If the above conditions fails then

//return this message to the main function.

return "The sentence ends correctly.";


//Define the main function.

public static void main(String[] args)


//Create an object of Scanner

Scanner object = new Scanner(;

//Prompt the user to enter the sentence.

System.out.println("Enter the sentence:");

String sentence=object.nextLine();

//Begin the try block.

try {

//Call the Driver's check function.




//The catch block to catch the exception.

catch (EndOfSentenceException e)




Give an example of a function from N to N that is:______.a) one-to-one but not onto
b) onto but not one-to-one
c) neither one-to-one nor onto



Let f be a function

a) f(n) = n²

b) f(n) = n/2

c) f(n) = 0


a) f(n) = n²

This function is one-to-one function because the square of two different or distinct natural numbers cannot be equal.

Let a and b are two elements both belong to N i.e. a ∈ N and b ∈ N. Then:

                                f(a) = f(b) ⇒ a² = b² ⇒ a = b

The function f(n)= n² is not an onto function because not every natural number is a square of a natural number. This means that there is no other natural number that can be squared to result in that natural number.  For example 2 is a natural numbers but not a perfect square and also 24 is a natural number but not a perfect square.

b) f(n) = n/2

The above function example is an onto function because every natural number, lets say n is a natural number that belongs to N, is the image of 2n. For example:

                                f(2n) = [2n/2] = n

The above function is not one-to-one function because there are certain different natural numbers that have the same value or image. For example:

When the value of n=1, then    

                                   n/2 = [1/2] = [0.5] = 1

When the value of n=2 then

                                    n/2 = [2/2] = [1] = 1

c) f(n) = 0

The above function is neither one-to-one nor onto. In order to depict that a function is not one-to-one there should be two elements in N having same image and the above example is not one to one because every integer has the same image.  The above function example is also not an onto function because every positive integer is not an image of any natural number.