The sql standard prescribes three different types of __________ operations: left, right, and full.


Answer 1
Answer: The sql standard prescribes three different types of JOIN operations: left, right, and full.
The LEFT [OUTER] JOIN yields all rows with matching values in the join columns, plus all ofthe unmatched rows from thelefttable.
The RIGHT [OUTER] JOIN yields all rows with matching values in the join columns, plus all ofthe unmatched rows from therighttable.
 The FULL [OUTER] JOIN yields all rows with matching values in the join columns, plus all theunmatched rows from both tables named in the FROM clause.

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Originally, Java was used to create similar apps as other languages, which as python. The correct option is b.

What are computer languages?

The computer languages are Java and Python is in their conversion; the Java compiler converts Java source code into an intermediate code known as bytecode, whereas the Python interpreter converts Python source code into machine code line by line.

Curly braces are used in Java to define the beginning and end of each function and class definition, whereas indentation is used in Python to separate code into separate blocks.

Multiple inheritances is done partially through interfaces in Java, whereas Python continues to support both solitary and multiple inheritances.

Therefore, the correct option is b. Python.

To learn more about computer languages, refer to the below link:





Took the test

Which exercise can help you prevent Carpel Tunnel Syndrome?make a fist, hold, and stretch your fingers

bend slightly and stretch your right hand up

move your head back and forward slowly

blink your eyes often


Make a Fist, hold, and stretch your fingers is the correct answer
A. make a fist, hold, and stretch your fingers

C And D are rather absurd as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is 
caused by a pinched nerve in the wrist.

Interchanges of ideas in forums and internet news groups are functions of which domain?


I believe that the answer to the question provided above is that the  Interchanges of ideas in forums and internet news groups are functions of the information domain.
Hope my answer would be a great help for you.    If you have more questions feel free to ask here at Brainly.

Write a program that reads a string (password) and a number. The program will keep asking the user for a password and number as long as the user does not provide the expected values ("milkyway" and 1847, respectively), and as long as the user has not exhausted the maximum number of attempts . In addition, the program will stop asking for data if the word "quit" is provided as a password value (in this case, the program will not read the number). The program will print the message "Wrong credentials" when an invalid password or number (or both) is provided. If the user eventually provides the correct credentials the message "Access Granted" will be displayed; otherwise the message "Access Denied" will be generated. The following example illustrates the messages to use to read data and to display results. Enter password: milkyway
Enter number: 10
Wrong credentials
Enter password: tomato
Enter number: 1847
Wrong credentials
Enter password: milkyway
Enter number: 1847
Access Granted



// Program is written in Java Programming Language

// Comments are used for explanatory purpose

// Program starts here

import java.util.Scanner;

public class checkPass{

public static void main (String [] args)


// Call scanner function

Scanner input = new Scanner (;

// Declare user password and number

string userpass;

int usernum;

// Initialise password and number

string password = "milkway";

int number = 1847;

// Initialise number of attempts to 0

int attempts = 0;

while (attempts<=10 )


// Prompt user to enter password and number

System.out.println("Enter password: ");

userpass = input.nextLine();

System.out.println("Enter Number: ");

usernum = input.nextInt();

if(userpass == password && usernum == number)


System.out.print("Access Granted");

attempts = 11;




System.out.print("Wrong Credentials");







The correct password and number are defined and stored in their respective variables. While loop is used to keep on taking input from the user until the user inputs correct password and number or user runs out of attempts. The number of attempts is set to 3 but can be changed to any number as you like.

The user is asked to input password first then we check if the user wants to quit? if true terminate program else continue to get the input number from the user.

Now we have password and number from the user, check if both are correct? if yes then grant the access else wrong credentials add one to the attempt, display the number of attempts left and repeat the whole loop again.

Python Code:

password = "milkyway"

number = 1847


while attempts < 3:

   pas=str(input("Please Enter the Password\n"))

   if pas=="quit":

       print("You quit!")


   num=int(input("Please Enter the Number\n"))

   if pas==password and num==number:

       print("Access Granted")


       print("Wrong credentials")


       print("Attempts left: ",3-attempts)


Test 1:

Please Enter the Password


Please Enter the Number


Wrong credentials

Attempts left: 2

Please Enter the Password


Please Enter the Number


Wrong credentials

Attempts left: 1

Please Enter the Password


Please Enter the Number


Access Granted

Test 2:

Please Enter the Password


Please Enter the Number


Wrong credentials

Attempts left: 2

Please Enter the Password


You quit!

Note: feel free to ask in comments if you dont understand anything!

Juan Garcia is the network administrator for a small company that also maintains its own web server. He has taken the following precautions: All the computers are patched, have antivirus software, and have unneeded services shut down. The network has a firewall with proxy server and IDS. The organization has a policy requiring passwords of ten characters in length, and must be changed every 90 days. Has Juan done enough to secure the network



Yes Juan has done enough to secure the network


All the computers are patched, have antivirus software, and have unneeded services shut down - this is done to prevent malware from residing in the system.

The network has a firewall with proxy server and IDS - the firewall limit access to network so as to limit intrusion into the network

The organization has a policy requiring passwords of ten characters in length, and must be changed every 90 days - this is done to prevent leakage of sensitive information in the network especially when there is a compromise in the network.

PLEASE HELP!!!For this activity, you will create two designs for the same project. For example, you might choose to create a CD cover for your favorite band’s newest release, or you might want to design a menu for the local deli. No matter what you decide for your subject matter, the two designs must involve different media. One of these media will be an image-editing program, such as Inkscape. You will learn more about the basic tools available in Inkscape later in this lesson. The two designs should incorporate different techniques. For example, you might make one design abstract, while making the other more realistic. Be sure to save both of your designs. Scan or take a picture of the design that wasn’t created in an image-editing program. You will submit this item later in this lesson as your portfolio item. Select the link to access the Techniques Activity Rubric.



I'm not exactly sure on what the question is, but from reading it, I determined that you'll be creating 2 different designs using Inkscape/Photoshop. I'm leaving 2 of my designs in here for you to use on your project. Unknown on what to do about the design that wasn't created in an image-editing program.