Debugging is not testing, but always occurs as a consequence of testing. A) TRUE


Answer 1

It is true to say that Debugging is not testing but always occurs as a consequence of testing.

What is Debugging?

Debugging is the process of identifying and fixing defects in computer programs, software, or systems. It is a crucial step in computer programming and software development.

Debugging is used to identify and correct errors. The testing procedure just displays the consequences of the coding fault on the application; it does not assist the developer in identifying the mistake in the code.

Software developers and engineers use debugging to find and correct bugs in programs before making them available to the general public. It's an additional step to testing, which entails discovering how an issue impacts a program as a whole.

Debugging is the act of locating and fixing problems in software code that might lead to unexpected behavior or crashes. These mistakes are sometimes referred to as "bugs." Debugging is used to identify and fix faults or flaws in software or systems so that they don't operate incorrectly.

To read more about Debugging, refer to -


Answer 2
Answer: A) True Hope that helps

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Answer and Explanation:

I and II answered

Interruption: interruption occurs when network is tampered with or communication between systems in a network is obstructed for illegitimate purposes.

Interception: interception occurs when data sent between systems is intercepted such that the message sent to another system is seen by an unauthorized user before it reaches destination. Interception violates confidentiality of a message.

Modification: modification occurs when data sent from a system to another system on the network is altered by an authorized user before it reaches it's destination. Modification attacks violate integrity, confidentiality and authenticity of a message.

Fabrication: fabrication occurs when an unauthorized user poses as a valid user and sends a fake message to a system in the network. Fabrication violates confidentiality, integrity and authenticity.

why is the disk method a special case of the general slicing​ method? choose the correct answer below. a. the cross sections of the slices are disks with holes through them. b. the functions that generate the solids are all lines. c. the functions that generate the solids are all parabolas. d. the cross sections of the slices are disks.


Answer: d)The cross sections of the slices are disks.

Explanation:The slicing method deals with the elimination of the horizontal layer of the solid body .It is considered that disk method is the special case of the slicing method.

Disk method consist of the slices that are used for the estimated volume of the solid body of revolution that are known as disk.The solid body revolving around a line and its volume is estimated.Thus, the correct option is option (d).

Using your choice of pseudocode, C# or java, define a class for a Pig. A Pig object should have three attributes: a name, an age, and weight. Your class should have (i) a constructor that takes three arguments and copies them to the attributes; (ii) setters (mutators) and getter accessors) or properties (C#) for the attributes; (iii) a display method to display the Pig's attributes on screen; and (iv) a main() method that creates a Pig object, assigns values to its attributes, and displays them by calling the display method.



Following are the code to this question:

public class Pig //Defining class Pig


private String name; //Defining string variable name

private int age; // Defining integer variable age

private double weight; // Defining double variable weight

Pig (String name, int age, double weight)  //Defining parameterized constructor  


super(); //using super key = name; //holding value in name variable

this.age = age;  // holding value in age variable

this.weight = weight; // holding value in weight variable


String getName() //Defining method getName


return name; //return name value


void setName(String name) // Defining method setName    

{ = name; //hold name value


int getAge() // Defining method getAge


return age; //return value


void setAge(int age) // Defining method setAge  


this.age = age; // hold age value


double getWeight()  //Defining method getWeight


return weight; //return weight value


void setWeight(double weight) //Defining method setWeight  


this.weight = weight; //hold weight value


void display() //Defining method display


System.out.println("Name:" + name + " Age:" + age + " Weight:" + weight); //print value


public static void main(String[] ar) //Defining main method


Pig onc = new Pig("Jig",5,14.5); //creating class object and called parameterized constructor  

onc.display();//calling display method




please find the attachment.


In the given java program, a class "Pig" is declared, in which three name, age, and weight is defined which differs in datatypes, in the next step, parameterized constructor, get and set method, and display method declared, which can be described as follows:

  • In the parameterized constructor, uses super and this keyword to call and holds parameter value.  
  • In the get method three methods "getName, getAge, and getWeight" are defined, that return method values, and the set method "setName, setAge, and setWeight" uses this keyword to hold value in its variables.
  • The display method is used to print all method store values by its variables name.
  • Inside the main method, class object "onc" is created, which stores the value in it and calls the display method that print value with a message.

Write a program that uses a two-dimensional array to store the highest and lowest temperatures for each month of the year. Prompt the user for 12 months of highest and lowest. Write two methods : one to calculate and return the average high and one to calculate and return the average low of the year. These methods MUST be your original code. Your program should output all the values in the array and then output the average high and the average low.a) Function getData: This function reads and stores data in the two-dimensional array.b) Function averageHigh: This function calculates and returns the average high temperature for the year.
c) Function averageLow: This function calculates and returns the average low temperature for the year.
d) Function indexHighTemp: This function returns the index of the highest high temperature in the array.
e) Function indexLowTemp: This function returns the index of the lowest low temperature in the array."



The Java code is given below with appropriate comments


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Temperature {


  public static void main(String[] args)


      // declaring the temperatures array

      double[] maxTemp = new double[12];

      double[] lowTemp = new double[12];

      double avgHighTemp = 0;

      double avgLowTemp = 0;


      Scanner kb = new Scanner(;

      System.out.println("Please enter the highest and lowest temperatures");

      System.out.println("of each month one by one below\n");


      // inputting the temperatures one by one

      for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)


          System.out.print("Please enter the highest temperature for month #" + (i+1) + ": ");

          maxTemp[i] = Integer.parseInt(kb.nextLine());

          System.out.print("Please enter the lowest temperature for month #" + (i+1) + ": ");

          lowTemp[i] = Integer.parseInt(kb.nextLine());



      avgHighTemp = getAvgHighTemperature(maxTemp);

      avgLowTemp = getAvgLowTemperature(lowTemp);

      System.out.printf("Average high temperature is: %.2f\n", avgHighTemp);

      System.out.printf("Average low temperature is: %.2f\n", avgLowTemp);




  // method to calculate the average high temperature

  public static double getAvgHighTemperature(double[] highTemp)


      double total = 0;

      for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)


          total += highTemp[i];


      return total/12;



  // method to calculate the average low temperature

  public static double getAvgLowTemperature(double[] lowTemp)


      double total = 0;

      for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)


          total += lowTemp[i];


      return total/12;



Analyze the following code:// Enter an integer Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int number = input.nextInt(); if (number <= 0) System.out.println(number);
1) The if statement is wrong, because it does not have the else clause;
2) System.out.println(number); must be placed inside braces;
3) If number is zero, number is displayed;
4) If number is positive, number is displayed.
5) number entered from the input cannot be negative.



3) If number is zero, number is displayed;


The code snippet created is supposed to take any input number from the user (positive or negative) and print it to the console if it is less than 0. In this code the IF statement does not need an else clause and will work regardless. The System.out.println() statement does not need to be inside braces since it is a simple one line statement. Therefore, the only statement in the question that is actually true would be ...

3) If number is zero, number is displayed;


If number is zero, number is displayed



The above code segment


What is true about the code segment

Analyzing the options, we have:

(1) Wrong statement because there is no else clause

The above statement is not a requirement for an if statement to be valid; i.e. an if statement can stand alone in a program

Hence, (1) is false

(2) The print statement must be in { }

There is only one statement (i.e. the print statement) after the if clause. Since the statement is just one, then the print statement does not have to be in {} to be valid.

Hence, (2) is false

(3) number is displayed, if input is 0

In the analysis of the program, we have: number <=0

i.e. the if statement is true for only inputs less than 0 or 0.

Hence, number will be printed and (3) is false

(4) number is displayed for positive inputs

The valid inputs have been explained in (3) above;

Hence, (4) is false.

(5) is also false

In the Stop-and-Wait flow-control protocol, what best describes the sender’s (S) and receiver’s (R) respective window sizes?



The answer is "For the stop and wait the value of S and R is equal to 1".


  • As we know that, the SR protocol is also known as the automatic repeat request (ARQ), this process allows the sender to sends a series of frames with window size, without waiting for the particular ACK of the recipient including with Go-Back-N ARQ.  
  • This process is  mainly used in the data link layer, which uses the sliding window method for the reliable provisioning of data frames, that's why for the SR protocol the value of S =R and S> 1.