Arrange the following units of storage in descending
order. B, TB,KB, GB,MB


Answer 1




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Write a loop that continually asks the user what pets the user has, until the user enters "rock", in which case the loop ends. It should acknowledge the user in the following format. For the first pet, it should say "You have a dog with a total of 1 pet(s)" if they enter dog, and so on. Sample Run:
User enters:
lemur parrot cat rock
You have a lemur with a total of 1 pet(s)
You have a parrot with a total of 2 pet(s)
You have a cat with a total of 3 pet(s)


Following are the python program to use the loop to count the number of pets until the user enters the "rock":


c = 0#defining a variable c that initilzes with 0

p = input()#defining a variable p that input value

while p != 'rock':#defining a loop that check p value not equal to rock

  c += 1#using c variable for counts total number of pets

  print('You have a %s with a total of %d pet(s)' %(p,c))#print total number of pet

  p = input() #input value


Please find the attached file.

Program Explanation:

  • Defining a variable "c" that is initialized with 0, which is used to count input values.
  • In the next line, a "p" variable is declared as the input value from the user end.
  • A while loop is declared to check that the p-value is not equal to 'rock'.
  • Inside this loop, the "c" variable is used for counting the total number of pets, and a print method is used to print the total number of pets.
  • Another input method is used that works until the user inputs the value that is "rock".

Find out more about the loop here:

In an e-credit card transaction the clearinghouse plays the following role:A. validates and verifies the sellers payment information

B. initiates the transfer of money

C. transfers funds between the sellers bank and the buyers bank

D. all of the above



validates and verifies the seller's payment information- A.


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Using for loop . Input an integer and identify whether it's EVEN OR ODD ( without using modulo operator )using only . C++ programming



Following are the program in c++ language

#include<iostream> // header file

using namespace std; // namespace

int main()  


int n1,i; // variable declaration

cout<<"Enter Number: ";

cin>>n1; // input number

for(i=n1;i>1;i=i-2) // check the condition  


n1 = n1-2; // decrement the value of number by -2  


if(n1==0) // check if it is 0

cout<<"number is EVEN"<<"\n"; // print even


cout<<"number is ODD"<<"\n"; // print odd

return 0;



Enter Number: 45

number is ODD

Again run the program

Enter Number:10

number is EVEN


In this program, we input the number by a user in variable n1. After that, we iterate the for loop and initialize the value of a variable" i" in for loop and check the condition.

In each iteration, the variable n1 is decrement by 2 and store it n1.

Finally, check if n1==0 then it print number is EVEN  otherwise it print number is ODD.