Select the correct answer.At which stage of art criticism do you sum up your evaluations?

A description

B. judgment

C. interpretation

D. analysis




Answer 1

Answer: B. judgment

Explanation: To critique a work of art, there are a 4 steps method:

Description: describe everything you see in the work: name of the artist, the title, what you observe, what media he/she used, the year it was created;

Analysis: describe how the artist uses the elements of art (line, shape, color, texture, space) and the principlesofdesign (balance, movement, pattern, emphasis, contrast);

Interpretation: try to explain what is the meaning of the art, why the artist created it, what was he/she's idea for it, based on the 2 previous steps;

JudgmentorEvaluate: make an opinion of why the art is worth it based on the other steps and give reasons for liking or disliking, its importance or the way it make you feel;

After going through each step, your evaluation or opinion will be expressed in the 4th step: Judgment.

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B. Print(totalitems // 5)


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We will use the following approach to solve the problem:


1. We will identify the largest pancake in the given stack of pancakes, then insert the spatula below that pancake and flip the entire stack consisting of that largest identified pancake and all other pancakes on the top of it. Now the largest pancake will be on the top of the stack. Now insert the spatula at the bottom of stack and flip. In this way the largest pancake will become the bottommost pancake.

Now identify the next second largest pancake and repeat above process, keep on relating that until all are sorted.

This requires almost 2n-3 flips in worst case. ( For n pancakes). So the time complexity is O(n)

2n because one flip is required to bring pancake at top, then in 2nd flip it goes to bottom.

-3 because, the stack becomes sorted once the 2nd last pancake comes to the top. So next three steps are never required.

B) we want to find stack of n pancakes, that take omega (n) steps.

For that to happen, in worst case ( 2n-3 )>= cn , taking c=1

2n-3 >= n , => n >=3

So for n greater than or equal to 3 the condition holds.

How can volunteering yo help plan fundraiser for your team or club be a way to develop your strengths?



volunteering for a fund raiser is a good way of developing interpersonal skills that would prove to be very effective and useful in life and in your career path

this find raiser requires some skills. they have been listed below



during planning stage, you have to take into consideration how to make the fundraiser a successful event. you take into account the best activities that would raise the most money during the event. this planning skill is a useful life skill.


this is a people skill, you must be one who can build relationships, a good listener, a motivator. on the day of the event, you would likely meet with and talk to different persons. Even for the people that make up team, it would require social skills for you to get along with them

3. administrativeskills:

this skill would require how to set up a meeting, making proposals and also how to send letters appropriately.

eachoftheseskillsI havelistedareskillsthatwouldhelpyoutodevelopyourstrengthasaperson.

Provide your own examples of the following using Python lists. Create your own examples. Do not copy them from another source. Nested lists The “*” operator List slices The “+=” operator A list filter A list operation that is legal but does the "wrong" thing, not what the programmer expects Provide the Python code and output for your program and all your examples.


Lists are used in Python to hold multiple values in one variable

(a) Nested list

A nested list is simply a list of list; i.e. a list that contains another list.

It is also called a 2 dimensional list.

An example is:

nested_list = [[ 1, 2, 3, 4]  , [ 5, 6, 7]]

(b) The “*” operator

The "*" operator is used to calculate the product of numerical values.

An example is:

num1 = num2 * num3

List slices

This is used to get some parts of a list; it is done using the ":" sign

Take for instance, you want to get the elements from the 3rd to the 5th index of a list

An example is:

firstList = [1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

secondList = firstList[2:5]

The “+=” operator

This is used to add and assign values to variables

An example is:

num1 = 5

num2 = 3

num2 += num1

A list filter

This is used to return some elements of a list based on certain condition called filter.

An example that prints the even elements of a list is:

firstList = [1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

print(list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, firstList)))

A valid but wrong list operation

The following operation is to return a single list, but instead it returns as many lists as possible

def oneList(x, myList=[]):





Read more about Python listsat:

Write a program that first reads in the name of an input file and then reads the input file using the file.readlines() method. The input file contains an unsorted list of number of seasons followed by the corresponding TV show. Your program should put the contents of the input file into a dictionary where the number of seasons are the keys, and a list of TV shows are the values (since multiple shows could have the same number of seasons).



def readFile(filename):

   dict = {}

   with open(filename, 'r') as infile:

       lines = infile.readlines()

       for index in range(0, len(lines) - 1, 2):

           if lines[index].strip()=='':continue

           count = int(lines[index].strip())

           name = lines[index + 1].strip()

           if count in dict.keys():

               name_list = dict.get(count)




               dict[count] = [name]


   return dict

def output_keys(dict, filename):

   with open(filename,'w+') as outfile:

       for key in sorted(dict.keys()):

           outfile.write('{}: {}\n'.format(key,';'.join(dict.get(key))))

           print('{}: {}\n'.format(key,';'.join(dict.get(key))))

def output_titles(dict, filename):

   titles = []

   for title in dict.values():


   with open(filename,'w+') as outfile:

       for title in sorted(titles):



def main():

   filename = input('Enter input file name: ')

   dict = readFile(filename)

   if dict is None:

       print('Error: Invalid file name provided: {}'.format(filename))



   output_filename_1 ='output_keys.txt'

   output_filename_2 ='output_titles.txt'





Which of the following is a central feature of agroup?interactionmutual influenceinterdependenceall of the given options


Answer: All of the above

Explanation: A group is considered as the collection of two or more constituents/individuals. The characteristics of the a group are interaction , interdependence,interaction etc. There is a sense of responsibility and trust to work to achieve goal by depending on each other is described as the interdependence and for this interaction between group is needed as to maintain good communication and also there is a influence of each other on each group member.

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