Air enters the first compressor stage of a cold-air standard Brayton cycle with regeneration and intercooling at 100 kPa, 300 K, with a mass flow rate of 6 kg/s. The overall compressor pressure ratio is 10, and the pressure ratios are the same across each compressor stage. The temperature at the inlet to the second compressor stage is 300 K. The turbine inlet temperature is 1400 K. The compressor stages and turbine each have isentropic efficiencies of 80% and the regenerator effectiveness is 80%. For k = 1.4, calculate: a. the thermal efficiency of the cycle
b. the back work ratio
c. the net power developed, in kW
d. the rates of exergy destruction in each compressor stage and the turbine stage as well as the regenerator, in kW, for T 0 = 300 K.


Answer 1


a. \eta _(th) = 77.65%

b. bwr = 6.5%

c. 3538.986 kW

d. -163.169 kJ


a. The given property  are;

P₂/P₁ = 10, P₂ = 10 * 100 kPa = 1000 kPa

p₄/p₁ = 10

P₂/P₁ = p₄/p₃ = √10

p₂ = 100·√10

T_(2s) = T₁×(√10)^(0.4/1.4) = 300 × (√10)^(0.4/1.4) = 416.85 K

T₂ = T₁ + (T_(2s) - T₁)/\eta _c = 300 + (416.85 - 300)/0.8 = 446.0625 K

p₄ = 10×p₁ = 10×100 = 1000 kPa

p₄/p₃ = √10 =

p₃ = 100·√10

T₃ = 300 K

T₃/T_(4s) = (P₂/P₁)^((k - 1)/k) = (√10)^(0.4/1.4)

T_(4s) = T₃/((√10)^(0.4/1.4) ) = 300/((√10)^(0.4/1.4)) = 215.905 K

T₄ = T₃ + (T_(4s) - T₃)/\eta _c = 300 + (215.905- 300)/0.8 = 194.881 K

The efficiency = 1 - (T₄ - T₁)/(T₃ - T₂) = 1 - (194.881 -300)/(300 -446.0625 ) = 0.28

T₄ = 446.0625 K

T₆ = 1400 K

T_(7s)/T₆ = (1/√10)^(0.4/1.4)

T_(7s) = 1400×(1/√10)^(0.4/1.4)  = 1007.6 K

T₇ = T₆ - \eta _t(T₆ - T_(7s)) = 1400 - 0.8*(1400 - 1007.6) = 1086.08 K

T₈ = 1400 K

T₉ = 1086.08 K

T₅ = T₄ + \epsilon _(regen)(T₉ - T₄) = 446.0625 +0.8*(1086.08 - 446.0625) = 958.0765 K

\eta _(th) =(((T₆ - T₇) + (T₈ - T₉)) -((T₂ - T₁) + (T₄ - T₃)))/((T₆ - T₅) + (T₈ - T₇))

(((1400 - 1086.08) + (1400 -1086.08 ))-((446.0625 - 300)+(194.881 - 300)))/((1400 -958.0765 ) + (1400 -1086.08 )) = 0.7765

\eta _(th) = 77.65%

b. Back work ratio, bwr = bwr = (w_(c,in))/(w_(t,out))

((446.0625 - 300)+(194.881 - 300))/((1400 - 1086.08) + (1400 -1086.08 ))

40.9435/627.84 = 6.5%

c. w_(net, out) = c_p[(T_6 -T_7) + (T_8 - T_9)] - [(T_2 - T_1) + (T_4 -T_3)]

Power developed is given by the relation;

\dot m \cdot w_(net, out)

\dot m \cdot w_(net, out)= 6*1.005*(((1400 - 1086.08) + (1400 -1086.08 ))-((446.0625 - 300)+(194.881 - 300))) = 3538.986 kW

d. Exergy destruction = 6*(1.005*(300-446.0625 ) - 300*1.005*(-0.3966766)

-163.169 kJ

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Logical variables: Running late? Complete the tunction RunningLate such that the logical variable on Time is true if no Traffic is true and gasEmpty is false. Ex >> n°Traffic = true ; >> gasEmpty-false; >onTime - Runninglate(noTraffic,gasEmpty) logical Your Function B Save C Reset EE MATLAB Documentation 1 function onTime - RunningLate (noTraffic,gasEmpty) 2 % complete the logical expression to the right of . using the variables n°Traffic and gasEmpty 4 onTime - 6 end Code to call your function C Reset 1 noTraffic true; gasEmpty true; 2 onTime-Runninglate(noTraffic, gasEmpty)


The program was written in MATLAB. The program source file has an incomplete function, that needs to be completed.

Complete the function with the following code segment

function onTime = RunningLate (noTraffic, gasEmpty)

onTime = ((noTraffic) & not(gasEmpty))


The following, should be noted about the above code segment

  1. The first line declares/defines the function; The function name is RunningLate, and it receives noTraffic and gasEmpty as its parameters
  2. On the second line; If noTraffic is true and gasEmpty is false, the function will return true
  3. If otherwise, it will return false.

I've added the image of the complete question (in a more presentable format), as an attachment.

As stated above;

After running the complete program; onTime will be true if noTraffic and gasEmpty are true and false, respectively.

Read more about MATLAB programs at;

What character string does the binary ASCII code 1010100 1101000 1101001 1110011 0100000 1101001 1110011 0100000 1000101 1000001 1010011 1011001 0100001?


Answer: This is EASY!


To make it easy, you would convert those binary numbers and to denary. And this gives:

84 104 105 115 32 105 115 32 69 65 83 89 33

Then, the denary numbers generated can be converted to ASCII code using this ASCII Table in the attachment below. And the result is: This is EASY!

Write a program to accept a one-line string (maximum of 100 characters) from the keyboard. Edit the string entered in Part 1a (with code that you write) to remove all the white space,digits, punctuation, and other special characters, leaving only the letters. Print out the resulting compressed string to the screen.



// This program is written in C++ programming language

// Comments are used for explanatory purpose

/* The aim of this program is to to remove all the white space,digits, punctuation, and other special characters, leaving only the letters. */

// Program starts here

#include <stdio.h>


using namespace std;

int main()


// Declare Variable of 100 characters

char word[100];

// Prompt user for input

cout<<"Your input goes here (max, 100 characters)";


// Iterate through string to check for non alphabetic characters

for (int i = 0; word[i] != '\0'; ++i) {

// Check for uppercase and lowercase letters

while (!((word[i] >= 'a' && word[i] <= 'z') || (word[i] >= 'A' && word[i] <= 'Z') || word[i] == '\0')) {

for (int j = i; word[j] != '\0'; ++j) {

word[j] = word[j + 1];


word[j] = '\0';



cout<<"The resulting compressed string: "<<word;

return 0;



w = str(input("input your values: "))

values = ' '.join(filter(str.isalpha, w))

while len(w) < 100:




The code is written in python

w = str(input("input your values: "))

This code ask the user to input any string values with characters, numbers, line spaces , letters etc.

values = ' '.join(filter(str.isalpha, w))

This code filters the inputted value to bring only letters. All the letter are then joined together

while len(w) < 100:

The code check if the inputted value is less than 100 characters. While it is less than 100 characters. If it is less than 100 character the next code will function.


This code prints the joined letters after checking with  a while loop to confirm the length of character is less than 100


The break function breaks the code whether it print the values or not.

Generally, the letters will only be printed if the character inputted is less than 100 and later break the while loop or will not print any letter if the character is greater than 100 and later break.

A small family home in Tucson, Arizona has a rooftop area of 2667 square feet, and it is possible to capture rain falling on about 61.0% of the roof. A typical annual rainfall is about 14.0 inches. If the family wanted to install a tank to capture the rain for an entire year, without using any of it, what would be the required volume of the tank in m3 and in gallons? How much would the water in a full tank of that size weigh (in N and in lbf)?



volume  = 53.747 m3 = 14198.138 gal

weight = 526652 N = 118396.08 lbf


We know that volume of water

volume  =  A'* H

where A' = 61% of A

              = 0.61* 2667 = 1626.87 sq ft

volume  =  1626.87 * ((14)/(12) ft)

               =1898.015 ft^3

in\ m^3 = ( 1898.015)/(35.315) =   53.7457 m^3

in\ gallon = 1898.015 * 7.481 = 14198.138 gallon

weight = \rho Vg

       = 1000* 53.74* 9.8

             =526652 N

In\ lbf =  (526652)/(4.448) = 118396.08 lbf

A 26-tooth pinion rotating at a uniform 1800 rpm meshes with a 55-tooth gear in a spur gear reducer. Both pinion and gear are manufactured to a quality level of 10. The transmitted tangential load is 22 kN. Conditions are such that Km = 1.7. The teeth are standard 20-degree, full-depth. The module is 5 and the face width 62 mm. Determine the bending stress when the mesh is at the highest point of single tooth contact.



The bending stress of the face tooth is  \sigma _(bg) = 502.82 MPa


From the question we are told that

        The number of tooth of the pinion is  N_t = 26 \ tooth

         The velocity of rotation is given as \omega_p = 1800 rpm

         The number of tooth is of the gear is  N_g = 55 \ tooth

        The quality level is Q_r = 10

          The transmitted tangential load is F_T = 22\ kN = 22 KN * (1000N)/(1KN) = 22*10^3 N

                                                                    k_m = 1.7

        The angle of the teeth is  \theta_t = 20^o

         The module is  M= 5

         The face width is W_f = 62mm

The diameter of the pinion is mathematically represented as

                d_p = M * N_t

Substituting the values

                d_p = 5 *26

                    = 130 mm = (130)/(1000) = 0.130m

The pitch line velocity is mathematically represented as

                     V_t = (d_p )/(2) (2 \pi \omega_p)/(60)

Substituting values

                          = (0.130)/(2) * (2 * 3.142 * 1800 )/(60)

                          = 12.25\  m/s

Generally the dynamic factor is mathematically represented as

                      K_v = [(A)/(A +√(200V_t) ) ]^B

Now B is a constant that is mathematically represented as

                B = ((12 -Q_r )^(2/3))/(4)

substituting values

                  = ((12- 10 )^(2/3))/(4)


A is also a constant that is mathematically represented as

              A = 50 + 56(1 -B)

Substituting values

             = 50 +56 (1- 0.3968)

             = 83.779

Substituting these value into the equation for dynamic factor we have

           K_v = [(83.779)/(83.779 + √(200 * 12.25) ) ]^(0.3968)

                = 0.831

The geometric bending factor for a 20° profile from table

"AGMA Bending Geometry Factor J for 20°, Full -Depth Teeth with HPSTC Loading , Table 2-9"                

That corresponds to 55 tooth gear meshing with 26 pinion is

                   J_g = 0.41

the diameter pitch can be mathematically represented as

              p_d = (1)/(M)

Substituting values

            p_d  = (1)/(5)


The mathematically representation for gear tooth bending stress in the teeth face is as follows

          \sigma_(bg) = (F_T \cdot p_d )/(W_f * J_g)(K_a K_(dt) )/(K_v) K_s K_B K_t ----(1)

Where W_t is the tangential load

            W_f is the face width

            K_a is the application factor  this is obtained from table "Application Factors, Table 12-17 " and the value  is  K_a  = 1

            K_(dt) is the load distributed factor

            K_s is the size factor

             K_B is the rim thickness factor which is obtained for M which has a value  1

           K_t is the idler

Substituting values into equation 1

     \sigma_(bg) = (22*10^3 *0.2)/(62 * 0.41) * (1 * 1.7 )/(0.831)  * 1 *1 *1.42

            = 502.82  N/mm^2

            = 502.82 * 1000 * (N)/(m^2)

           = 502.82 MPa







Clothing made of several thin layers of fabric with trapped air in between, often called ski clothing, is commonly used in cold climates because it is light, fashionable, and a very effective thermal insulator. So, it is no surprise that such clothing has largely replaced thick and heavy old-fashioned coats. Consider a jacket made up of six layers of 0.1 mm thick synthetic fabric (k = 0.026W/m.K) with 1.2 mm thick air space (k = 0.026 W/m.K) between the fabric layers. Assuming the inner surface temperature of the jacket to be 25˚C and the surface area to be 1.25 m2 , determine the heat loss through the jacket when the temperature of the outdoors is -5˚C and the heat transfer co-efficient of outer surface is 25 W/m2 .K. What would be the thickness of a wool fabric (k = 0.035W/m.K) if the person has to achieve the same level of thermal comfort wearing a thick wool coat instead of a jacket. (30 points)






Heat transfer consists of the propagation of energy in the form of heat in different ways, these can be convection if it is through a fluid, radiation through electromagnetic waves and conduction through solid solids.

To solve any problem related to heat transfer, the general equation is used

Q = delta / R


Q = heat

Delta = the temperature difference

R = is the thermal resistance by conduction, convection and radiation

to solve this problem we propose the previous equation

Q = delta / R

later we find R

R=[tex]r=(6L1)/(AK1) +(5L2)/(AK2)+(1)/(Ah)

R=(6(0.0001))/((1.25)(0.026)) +(5(0.012))/((1.25)(0.026))+(1)/((25)(1.25)) =0.235 K/w


part b

we use the same ecuation with Q=127.66

Q = delta / R

ΔR=(L)/(KA) +(1)/(hA) \nR=(L)/((0.035)(1.25)) +(1)/((25)(1.25))\n R=22.85L+0.032\nQ=(T1-T2)/R\n\n127.66=(25-(-5))/(22.85L+0.032)\nsolving for L\nL=9.2mm