Write an Enlistee class that keeps data attributes for the following pieces of information: • Enlistee name • Enlistee number Next, write a class named Private that is a subclass of the Enlistee class. The Private class should keep data attributes for the following information: • Platoon number (an integer, such as 1, 2, or 3) • Years of service (also an integer)


Answer 1


function Enlistee( name, number ){

    constructor( ){

      super( ) ;

      this.name= name;

      this.number= number;

      this.Private= ( platoonNumber, yearOfService ) =>{

                             this.platoonNumber = platoonNumber;

                             this.yearOfService = yearOfService;





In Javascript, OOP ( object-oriented programming) just like in other object oriented programming languages, is used to create instance of a class object, which is a blueprint for a data structure.

Above is a class object called Enlistee and subclass "Private" with holds data of comrades enlisting in the military.

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All of the following are strengths of the Internet as a source of information except


Answer: C

Explanation: Using the process of elimination can rather easily get you the answer. The internet is constantly updating as things happen, so A is true. B is true as well because a simple googling of a question can get you the answers or facts of said question. D applies under the same vain as A. So C is the only possible answer.

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Vertical integration





Vertical Integration


Vertical Integration is a business strategy in which a company purchases its upstream suppliers to ensure that its essential supplies are available as soon as the company needs them.  This enables the business to exercise higher control over supply related uncertainties and to optimize supplies based on changing demand or business priorities.

An example can be a textile manufacturer purchasing a dye manufacturing unit.

Definition of letter in communication skills



Explanation:A letter is a written message conveyed from one person to another person through a medium. Letters can be formal and informal. Besides a means of communication and a store of information, letter writing has played a role in the reproduction of writing as an art throughout history.


A letter is a written message conveyed from one person to another person through a medium. Letters can be formal and informal. Besides a means of communication and a store of information, letter writing has played a role in the reproduction of writing as an art throughout history.

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Initialize a list. ACTIVITY Initialize the list short.names with strings 'Gus', Bob, and 'Ann'. Sample output for the given program Gus Bob Ann 1 short_names- Your solution goes here 2 # print names 4 print(short_names[0])



shortNames = ['Gus', 'Bob','Zoe']


In this assignment, your knowledge of list is been tested. A list is data structure type in python that can hold different elements (items) of different type. The general syntax of a list is

listName = [item1, "item2", item3]

listName refers to the name of the list variable, this is followed by a pair of square brackets, inside the square brackets we have items separated by commas. This is a declaration and initialization of a list with some elements.

The complete python code snippet for this assignment is given below:

shortNames = ['Gus', 'Bob','Zoe']




What character makes an assignment statement an assignment statement?





The equal ('=') is the character that is used to assign the value in the programming.

In the programming, there is a lot of character which has different meaning and uses for a different purpose.

like '==' it is used for checking equality between the Boolean.

'+' is a character that is used for adding.

'-'  is a character that is used for subtraction.

similarly, '=' used for assigning.

for example:

a = a + b;

In the programming, the program evaluates the (a + b) first and then the result assigns to the variable.

You are troubleshooting network connectivity issues on a workstation. Which command would you use to request new IP configuration information from a DHCP server?



ipconfig / release command will be used to request new IP configuration information from a DHCP server


The ipconfig /release sends a DHCP release notification to the client so that the client immediately releases the lease henceforth updating the server's status information . This command also mark the old client's id as being available. Thus, the command ipconfig /renew then request a new IP address.