What is the most important trait of the first pilot project in the AI Transformation Playbook?


Answer 1


Succeed and show traction within 6-10 months.


Ai (Artificial Inteliigence), also known as machine intelligence, is a branch of computer science that is specialized in making smart machines that are capable of doing human tasks

AI Transformation Playbook is a guide to use AI in enterprises successfully, written by Co-founder of Google Brain, Andrew Ng. In his guide, he unveiled the steps that can be followed to successfully installing AI in enterprises, companies, etc.

The most important trait of the first pilot projects is that it succeeds and begins to show traction within 6-10 months.

In his guide, he summarised five steps to install AI in enterprises. The first step is to 'Execute pilot projects to gain  momentum.'

The most important trait of beginning with AI projects is that it succeeds first before being most valuable projects. The success is important as it will help to achieve familiarity and will help other people of the company to invest in this project more.

This success begins to show tractions within 6-12 months of its success.

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The answer is below


There are cases where the use of a NULL value would be appropriate in a computer programming situation. These cases can be summarily described below:

The first case is in a situation where the value of the attribute of a certain element is known to exist, but the value can not be found

The second case is in a situation where the value of the attribute of a certain element is not known whether it exists or not.

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A bool can hold only true or false values.

A char can hold maximum 65535 characters.

An int can hold maximum positive value of 2,147,483,647.

A float can hold maximum positive value of 3.4 x 10^{38}.


Primitive data types in Java language can be categorized into boolean and numeric data types.

Numeric can be divided further into floating point and integral type. Floating data type includes float and double values while and integral data type which consists of char, int, short, long and byte data types.

Every data type has a range of values it can hold, i.e., every data type has a minimum and maximum predefined value which it is allowed to hold. The intermediate values fall in the range of that particular data type.

Any value outside the range of that particular data type will not compile and an error message will be displayed.

The data types commonly used in programming are boolean, char, int and float.

A boolean variable can have only two values, true or false.

A char variable can hold from 0 to 65535 characters. Maximum, 65535 characters are allowed in a character variable. At the minimum, a char variable will have no characters or it will be a null char variable, having no value.

An int variable has the range from minimum -2^{31} to maximum 2^{31} – 1. Hence, the maximum positive value an int variable can hold is (2^{31}) – 1.

A float variable can hold minimum value of 1.4 x 10^{-45} and maximum positive value of 3.4 x 10^{38}.

The above description relates to the data types and their respective range of values in Java language.

The values for boolean variable remain the same across all programming languages.

The range of values for char, int and float data types are different in other languages.

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