Which feature of civilization provides the most important artifacts?a. public works
b. writing
c. organized governments
d. art and architecture​


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is B. Writing

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Do you think that white collar crimes is a problem in society? Why or why not? What do you think should be done to reduce white collar crimes?please help!​



Yes, white collar crimes are a problem in society.


  • White collar crimes are a major problem to the society as it increases corruption and inefficiency in the society. A large portion of the society are victims of white collar crimes as those who involve in such crimes use and siphon funds and opportunity for their own personal purposes.
  • Most of these crimes involve amassing public funds, embezzlement, fraud, bribery, etc by the higher authorities or those in higher positions.
  • In order to reduce such crimes, the public should be vigilant and should demand for transparency in the public offices and businesses. It is important to implement an efficient prosecuting machinery in each district and state to prevent and punish every white collar criminals.
  • The most effective way tor reduce white collar crimes would be recruiting or employing accountable individuals with proficient qualities so that they would not engage in such crimes but instead work for the common good and development of all.

Final answer:

White collar crimes are a problem due to their significant financial, societal and institutional consequences. Reducing these crimes requires stronger regulations, stricter penalties and resource-infused legal systems.


White collar crimes, broadly defined as non-violent crimes committed by individuals or organizations in business environments, are indeed a problem in society. The main reason for this is that white collar crimes often involve deception, fraud, or breach of trust and can result in significant financial loss for individuals, companies, and even countries. Moreover, these crimes can have wider societal impacts, eroding trust in institutions and causing social harm.

In terms of what can be done to reduce white collar crimes, several strategies can be effective. First, there needs to be stronger and more detailed regulation of business and financial practices to prevent fraudulent activities. Second, enforcing stricter penalties for those convicted of white collar crimes can act as a deterrent. Finally, there is a need to invest more in law enforcement agencies and legal systems to ensure they have the resources to detect and prosecute these crimes effectively.

Learn more about White Collar Crimes here:



Which of the following has the highest albedo? an object that is white an object that is red an object that is black an object that is blue





Final answer:

In terms of reflectivity or albedo, an object that is white has the highest albedo. This is because white reflects most of the sunlight that hits it, while red, black, and blue objects absorb more sunlight and have lower albedos.


In the context of physics, albedo is a measure of the reflectivity of an object's surface. It determines how much sunlight is reflected off the surface of an object. The scale ranges from 0 (no reflection, akin to an ideally black surface) to 1 (full reflection, similar to an ideally white surface). Among the colors mentioned, an object that is white has the highest albedo because white reflects most of the sunlight that hits it, while colors like red, black, and blue absorb more sunlight. Thus, they have lower albedo values.

Learn more about Albedo here:



As industrialization progressed and the productionof goods and services moved away from the home,women hadfewer occupational skills.
PG: 313


Women had fewer occupational skills as industrialization advanced and the production of goods and services shifted away from the home.

What is goods and services?

  • An economic system's output is goods and services. Services are tasks carried out for the benefit of the recipients, whereas goods are tangible items sold to customers. Automobiles, home goods, and clothing are a few examples of goods. Legal counsel, housekeeping, and consulting services are a few examples of services. A business's output can fall somewhere in the middle of these two ideas.
  • A landscaping business might, for instance, sell a homeowner a tree (a good) and also mow the lawn (a service). Items that are typically tangible are referred to as goods. Examples include pens, real books, salt, apples, and hats. Services are things that other people do for you, such as architects and suppliers.

To learn more about consulting services refer to:



1. What Web browser functionality enables Nielsen to gather the data for its application? Using your understanding of Web browsing technology, how might this work? 2. What enables Nielsen to bring in the demographic data to their application? 3. Nielsen has faced criticism for the accuracy of its demographic representation in it TV ratings. How might the demographic data in the Online Campaigns ratings be flawed?



Nielsen utilizes program treats to get the information for its application. It gives sufficient degree of help to understanding a client investigation just as their perusing conduct. It utilizes a particular sort of usage in its application to evaluate the peruse class just as additionally gain master aesthetic mysterious information that is utilized in obtaining of the information to give satisfactory appraisals in the individual condition. They likewise procure use it conduct of the people visiting their site by taking a gander at the idea of the quest being accomplished for the particular information.  

The steady accessibility of a plant in the clients just as a wide client base builds the unwavering quality in the particular condition. Nielsen utilizes large information examination to do various evaluations for various associations just as conditions in the particular condition.  

Information precision in internet advocating can be effortlessly imperfect as the majority of the information can be reproduced or bogus be made over the advanced stages which could make a negative effect on accessibility of chances for Nielsen to get right information. Straightforwardly decreases the general effect of the administrations being given by news and their particular condition and increment the odds of bogus data being utilized by the association for evaluation of the information over the web.

What generalization can you make about why the constitutional convention decided to replace the articles of confederation


The generalizations about the political experience of participants in the Constitutional Convention are that they understand the importance of political compromise and dialogue to strengthen the federal government.

Throughout the constitutional convention, the opinion of delegates about how the government should preserve the union was revised.

Shay's Rebellion made members realized how weak articles of confederation were and federal government had no strength over the states.

During the constitutional convention, all the delegates discussed and shared their opinion about how the union can be saved with dialogue and political compromise.

Dialogue proved to be effective to resolve issues during the convention.

See a similar question about constitutional convention here:




Most of the representatives wanted a stronger central government is the answer to your question.

Have a great day/night and stay safe! :3

How did the Supreme Court cases help end segregation?



Partly because of checks and balances.


(Checks and balances basically made almost all decisions by government officials fair and constitutional)


Board of Education of Topeka on May 17, 1954 is perhaps the most famous of all Supreme Court cases, as it started the process ending segregation. It overturned the equally far-reaching decision of Plessy v. ... The Plessy decision institutionalized Jim Crow laws that allowed racial segregation to continue for decades.
