So, I have strict parents & need help, if u don’t know how to fix this after u read it, leave. I don’t want u getting points for nothing I’m deleting ur answer if u do it for points. Anyways, I want to get Spotify on my phone, but it says “Enter the password for (my email)”. How do I sign back into it if I don’t know the password. My dad has the password, but I don’t want to get in trouble for stealing his phone to fix mine. Please help, I’ll give the brainliest!


Answer 1

Well if you forgot your password you can click "Forgot Password" at the bottom and it should ask you some questions and send you an email with the password

Answer 2
Answer: You can click forget password and it will email a link to re-set your password. Or you can always ask someone to help you login.

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Edhisive 3.5 code practice



x = int(input("What grade are you in? "))

if (x == 9):

   print ("Freshman")

elif (x == 10):


elif (x == 11):

   print ("Junior")

elif (x == 12):



   print ("Not in High School")


Write a program which promptsuser to enter an integer value. Using while loop print the valuesfromzero up to the number enteredby the user.

• Enlist the odd numbers out of them

• Enlist the prime numbers out of odd number list and printtheir sum (add all the prime numbers)


Answer:Following is the c++ code for the problem:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

   int number;

   cout<<"Enter the number"<<endl;


   int i=0,c=0,odd[500];

   while(i<=number)//loop for printing the numbers form 0 to number.


       cout<<i<<" ";

       if(i%2!=0)// storing in the odd array if the number is odd.


           odd[c++]=i;//storing odd numbers..






   cout<<"The odd numbers are "<<endl;

   while(i<c)//loop to print the odd numbers.


       cout<<odd[i]<<" ";



   cout<<endl<<"The prime numbers are "<<endl;


   int sum=0;


   while(i<c)//loop to print the prime numbers..


       int div=2;









           cout<<odd[i]<<" ";

           sum+=odd[i];//updating the sum..




   cout<<endl<<"The sum of odd prime numbers is "<<sum<<endl;//printing the sum..

return 0;


Output :

Enter the number


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49  

The odd numbers are  

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49  

The prime numbers are  

3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47  

The sum of odd prime numbers is 326.


First I have printed the values from 0 to n and i have taken an array to store odd numbers.After that i have printed the odd values.And after that i have printed prime numbers among the odd numbers and their sum.These all operations are done using while loop.

Assume you're running a query on your orders in the past year. You want to see how many orders were placed after May. What type of query would you use to find this data? A. Select
B. Range
C. Complex
D. Parameter


Your answer is A. Because a query is a question about a an organization to check how it's going

PowerPoint provides a wide variety of predefined shapes that can add visual insert to a slide true or false


PowerPoint provides a wide variety of shapes for visual inserts this is true
True because you are able to add pictures and other visual representations

List the various cases where use of a NULL value would be appropriate.



The answer is below


There are cases where the use of a NULL value would be appropriate in a computer programming situation. These cases can be summarily described below:

The first case is in a situation where the value of the attribute of a certain element is known to exist, but the value can not be found

The second case is in a situation where the value of the attribute of a certain element is not known whether it exists or not.

Write a statement that assigns total_coins with the sum of nickel_count and dime_count. Sample output for 100 nickels and 200 dimes is: 300


The statement which gives the sum of nickel and dime is written below :

total_coins = nickel_count + dime_count

The statement required is written using Python 3 :

  • We could write these as a function :

deftotal(nickel_count, dime_count) :

total_coins =dime_count+nickel_count


total(100, 200)

#the function total takes in two arguments(number of nickels and number of dimes)

#assigns the varibale total_coins to the sum of nickel_count and dime_count

  • We could also write this in the form of a program which prompts users to enter values :

nickel_count = int(input('Enter count of nickel : '))

# User is prompted to enter number of nickels

dime_count = int(input('Enter count of dime : '))

# User is prompted to enter number of dimes

total_coins = nickel_count + dime_count

#assigns the varibale total_coins to the sum of nickel_count and dime_count


#outputs the value of total_coins

Learn more :


total_coins = nickel_count + dime_count


The statement that performs the operation in the question is total_coins = nickel_count + dime_count

Full Program (Written in Python)

nickel_count = int(input("Nickel Count: "))

dime_count = int(input("Dime Count: "))

total_coins = nickel_count + dime_count

print("Total coins: ",total_coins)

The first two lines prompt user for nickel and dime count respectively

The third line adds the two coins categories together

The last line prints the total count of coins