1. What power does creating your own variables give you that you wouldn't otherwise have?


Answer 1


It gives the power of setting values and using them anywhere within the coding project without declaring them again.


What is a variable?

A variable is a name that a programmer gives to locations in a computer memory where values are stored and they need to be declared before usage.

Declaring a variable means that its data type must be defined and initial value set and creating your own variables gives the power of being able to set the variable once and use anywhere in the coding project without declaring it again.

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Which of the following are key corporate assets?A) intellectual property, core competencies, and financial and human assetsB) production technologies and business processes for sales, marketing, and financeC) knowledge and the firm's tangible assets, such as goods or servicesD) time and knowledge



A) intellectual property, core competencies, and financial and human assets                                


Key corporate assets are

Intellectual property

Core competencies

Financial and human assets.

Corporate assets are referred to as individuals, properties, goods, data  company or firm repute.These assets are managed digitally. A digital firm is the one in which almost all the important business partnerships and relationships that an organization has with their employees, customers are administered, interposed and handles digitally.

Intellectual property:

It is a property that is the outcome of human creativity and intelligence. It is an intangible property such as copyrights, patents, trademarks etc. The IP strategy is basically a strategy, in accordance with the company's business objectives, to obtain IP assets and extract the most benefit from current IP assets.

Core Competencies:

Core competencies are the skills and proficiency that are essential for a company or business to attain competitive edge. They separate an organization from its competitors and create a competitive lead for a it in the marketplace. Core competency is an corporation's tactical and strategic strength. Development of core competencies of an corporation helps to sustain the competitive advantage of the corporation for a long time.

Financial and human assets.

Basically, the individuals in a corporate determine and define a corporate's success or failure. Human assets are a part of the company's intangible assets. For example human capital is an intangible asset. It can be defined as economic benefit of a worker's experience and skills. For example assets like knowledge, training, intellect, expertise, health. The abilities of employees reflects corporate's assets.

Financial assets refer to a security contract that contains a right over the real assets of a company. For example cash, stocks, bonds and bank deposits. A financial asset has a claim on the real assets or physical assets usually possessed by a company. Financial assets 'main contribution is to finance companies or money making organizations. These are provided in the market so that investors can bring their investments to use, and corporations can invest in real assets and make money.

Give an example of a function from N to N that is:______.a) one-to-one but not onto
b) onto but not one-to-one
c) neither one-to-one nor onto



Let f be a function

a) f(n) = n²

b) f(n) = n/2

c) f(n) = 0


a) f(n) = n²

This function is one-to-one function because the square of two different or distinct natural numbers cannot be equal.

Let a and b are two elements both belong to N i.e. a ∈ N and b ∈ N. Then:

                                f(a) = f(b) ⇒ a² = b² ⇒ a = b

The function f(n)= n² is not an onto function because not every natural number is a square of a natural number. This means that there is no other natural number that can be squared to result in that natural number.  For example 2 is a natural numbers but not a perfect square and also 24 is a natural number but not a perfect square.

b) f(n) = n/2

The above function example is an onto function because every natural number, lets say n is a natural number that belongs to N, is the image of 2n. For example:

                                f(2n) = [2n/2] = n

The above function is not one-to-one function because there are certain different natural numbers that have the same value or image. For example:

When the value of n=1, then    

                                   n/2 = [1/2] = [0.5] = 1

When the value of n=2 then

                                    n/2 = [2/2] = [1] = 1

c) f(n) = 0

The above function is neither one-to-one nor onto. In order to depict that a function is not one-to-one there should be two elements in N having same image and the above example is not one to one because every integer has the same image.  The above function example is also not an onto function because every positive integer is not an image of any natural number.

Raj, a recent graduate, has recently joined your organization as a Junior Business Analyst. He has been asked to conduct a Feasibility Analysis on whether to automate the process of software installation or not. If you were in Raj's place, based on which of these parameters would you identify if that process can be automated? Pick onea. Availability of software licensingb. Entering license number during installationc. Operating System being usedd. Software version being used



a. Availability of software licensing


With feasibility analysis, we take into consideration economic, technical, legal, and scheduling factors to make sure that our project completes successfully. Acquiring license for a software can be free of cost or paid subscription. So a business analyst needs to make an account of the cost of accessing the software services. Also while automating a software installation process, it would require automatic authentication which would again require details of licensing. So in my best knowledge, analyzing availability of software licensing is a must and foremost step for a feasibility study.

Write a pseudocode thats accept and then find out whether the number is divisible by 5 ​



input number

calculate modulus of the number and 5

compare outcome to 0

if 0 then output "divisible by 5"

else output "not divisible by 5"


The modulo operator is key here. It returns the remainder after integer division. So 8 mod 5 for example is 3, since 5x1+3 = 8. Only if the outcome is 0, you know the number you divided is a multiple of 5.

Write a program using integers user_num and x as input, and output user_num divided by x three times.Ex: If the input is:20002Then the output is:1000 500 250Note: In Python 3, integer division discards fractions. Ex: 6 // 4 is 1 (the 0.5 is discarded).LAB ACTIVITY2.29.1: LAB: Divide by x0 / 10main.pyLoad default template...12''' Type your code here. '''



Following are the code to the given question:

user_num = int(input())#defining a variable user_num that takes input from user-end

x = int(input())#defining a variable x that takes input from user-end

for j in range(3):#defining for loop that divides the value three times

   user_num = user_num // x#dividing the value and store integer part

   print(user_num)#print value








In the above-given program code two-variable "user_num and x" is declared that inputs the value from the user-end and define a for loop that uses the "j" variable with the range method.

In the loop, it divides the "user_num" value with the "x" value and holds the integer part in the "user_num" variable, and prints its value.  

Assume: Memory: 5 bit addresses Cache: 8 blocks All memory locations contain valid data If the memory location is 9. What is the Binary Address and cache block # If the memory location is 12. What is the Binary Address and cache block # If the memory location is 15. What is the Binary Address and cache block #



The answer to this question can be described as follows:

binary address: 01001, 01100, 01111.

Cache block: 1, 4, 7


Given values

Memory = 5 bit and cache = 8 blocks

Option 1)

memory location is =9

convert into binary number, so we get binary address = 01001

So, the cache block = 1

Option 2)

memory location is = 12

convert into binary number, so we get binary address = 01100

So, the cache block = 4

Option 3)

memory location is =15

convert into binary number, so we get  binary address = 01111

So, the cache block = 7