What units do scientists use to measure temperature and time?


Answer 1


Scientists commonly use two equivalent units of temperature, the degree Celsius and the kelvin.


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B. 36.5 mL is the correct answer

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(3) saturated



In this case, a solution that is at equilibrium must be (3) saturated as at the equilibrium, the entire solute is completely dissolved into the solvent, so no leftovers are present. Unsaturated solutions are not at equilibrium since there is a portion of solvent that is not contributing to equilibrium. Concentrated solutions are not at equilibrium since they could have more solution than allowed into the solvent.

Best regards.

A solution that is at equilibrium must be saturated.

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Gases best dissolve in liquid under low temperature. This is because when you increase the temperature it will cause an increase in kinetic energy. An increase in kinetic energy means there would be an increase in molecular motion of gas particles. This would cause for gas particles to escape to the gas phase thus making it difficult for it to be dissolved. 


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Answer : The temperature on the kelvin scale is, 277.15 Kelvin

Explanation :

As we are given the temperature in degree Celsius. Now we have to need to convert the temperature from degree Celsius into kelvin.

Conversion used for the temperature from degree Celsius to Kelvin :


Therefore, the temperature on the kelvin scale is, 277.15 Kelvin

4 + 273.15 = 277.15K

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sugar burns in air.....................................