What is the law of inertia?


Answer 1

Inertia: Objects tend to move at the same speed and direction or, if at rest, stay at rest. A force has to be applied to overcome inertia. An objects inertia is determined by the mass of the object.

Answer 2


The law of inertia is mostly known the same as THE NEWTONS FIRST LAW OF MOTION which states that"A body will continue to its state of rest or motion unless acted by an external forces"


Inertia is the ability of a body at rest to resist motion or a body in motion to resist resting unless acted by external forces.


■There are 3 types of inertia,

◎Inertia of rest

◎Inertia of direction

◎Inertia of motion

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Match the letters to the numbers for 30 points!1.Ca
3. nuclear decay
4. nuclear synthesis
5. η
6. positive charge
7. e
8. number of protons in nucleus

C. fusion
D. compound
F.atomic number
G. neutron


-- 'Ca' (Calcium) is an element.
-- The proton has a positive charge.
-- Nuclear fusion results in the synthesis of atoms of new elements.
-- H₂O (water) is a chemical compound.
-- Nuclear fission is a decay of the nucleus.
-- The atomic number of an element is the number of protons
      in each atom of it.
-- I suppose you're using the Greek letter  η  ('eta', not 'nu')
      to represent the neutron.
-- I suppose you're using ' e ' to represent the electron.


In which of the following situations would the least work have been done?A. A 100-N force lifts an object 3 m.
B. A 250-N force moves an object 1 m.
C. A 25-N force moves an object 8 m.
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Work = (magnitude of the force) x (distance in the direction of the force)

A 100-N force lifts an object 3 m.                ==>  (100 x 3) = 300 joules

B. A 250-N force moves an object 1 m.      ==>  (250 x 1) = 250 joules

C. A 25-N force moves an object 8 m.        ==>  (25 x 8)  =  200 joules

D. A 600-N force is applied to an object
    and moves it 0 m.                                   ==>  (600 x 0) = no work
                                                                           Winner ! Least work.

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b. False


This statement is false. It was not Bernoulli's principle who stated that pressure on a liquid transmitted through the fluid undiminished and acts equally on all point, instead it was Pascal's principle. Bernoulli's principle states that for an inviscid flow of a nonconducting fluid, an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure.

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B) fission.
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The process shown in this diagram contributed great amounts of heat to the young planet Earth and is best known as radioactive decay. Decay is known to release large amounts of heat.
Hey there

I believe the correct answer is (A) 

(A) = Decay 

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The speed of a particle is the instantaneous rate at which its distance of travel
is changing.

Over any finite period of time, its speed is:

               (distance traveled) / (time to travel the distance).

The direction of travel is irrelevant to a description of speed.
SPEED = total DIST. traveled / total time taken

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C.) Transmission
D.) Emission


B.) Absorption
Cause it us measured by how much the wall absorbs and doesn’t let pass through.