Why do dogs have a good nose


Answer 1

Answer: For one thing, they possess up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about six million in us. And the part of a dog's brain that is devoted to analyzing smells is, proportionally speaking, 40 times greater than ours. ... So the air we smell just goes in and out with the air we breathe.

Don’t report me bc I sent a photo of a cute dog


Answer 2


For one thing, they possess up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about six million in us. And the part of a dog's brain that is devoted to analyzing smells is, proportionally speaking, 40 times greater than ours. ... So the air we smell just goes in and out with the air we breathe


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The answer to the blank is: politically.

Simon Bolivar is one of the most important liberators of South America and his efforts during the 19th century against the rule of the Spanish Crown in South America led to the liberation of what is now Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Panama, Ecuador, and Venezuela.

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The answer is the Syrian Desert. The Syrian Desert otherwise called the Hamad, is a blend of steppe and genuine betray covering 500,000 square kilometers the Middle East, covering parts of south-eastern Syria, northeastern Jordan, northern Saudi Arabia, and western Iraq.


The answer to your question is: The Syrian Desert!

Hope this helped!

May I get brainliest, please? Thanks! <:

~Leo Cassidy~

In the lesson, you read about the causes of the Great Depression and how the U.S. government reacted to it. You also saw how Americans were affected by these hard times.Look at the photograph shown on this screen. It was taken by Dorothea Lange in 1935 of two families on the side of a highway in Bakersfield, California.

Choose three people from the photograph. Write one paragraph from each person's perspective explaining how the Great Depression has affected their lives.

Elements you must include when writing your paragraphs:
•details of the photograph, such as which person you chose, what they are wearing, and what belongings they have with them
•how the stock market crash or Dust Bowl affected your chosen person
•why your person chose to migrate during the Great Depression


1. I am the little girl in the bottom-left corner of the photograph. The only things I have with me are the clothes that I am wearing, which are quite old and worn. The Dust Bowl has affected me severely. I have little food to eat, and the food is repetitive. This means I am not getting all the nutrients I need and I am not growing. I am migrating because my family is taking me.

2. I am the woman carrying the baby. I am married to a farmer who lost all his crops due to the Dust Bowl. We can no longer farm in our region, so we are moving to California to look for better opportunities. I have very few belongings. Only a couple of dresses and some clothes for my baby.

3. I am the man sitting down in the middle of the picture. I took out loans to pay for my farm, but when the Dust Bowl came, I could no longer repay them and I lost the farm. I am moving to the city to try to find a job there. I'm bringing my whole family with me. We only have a few possessions, and a little bit of money that will help us get established once we arrive to the city.

Things to discuss in this could be to describe that this family potentially came from the Mid-West during the Dust Bowl and migrated to California in search of better work. You could also discuss the hardships faced by the average family as a result of the Great Depression and so on. Also you could discuss the particular hardships faced by the women who are working to provide for their children and their families. 

Why was slavery a paradox in the United States? a. People in the North refused to allow escaped slaves to live in their states.
b. It went against the ideals of freedom on which the nation was founded.
c. The Supreme Court ruled that slavery was illegal.
d. Slavery had existed throughout the world for thousands of years.


Answer B - The Constitution states that all men are created equal, yet the forced 'employment' of one man to serve the needs of another was not, and is not, reflective of this ideal. 

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Puerto Rico A
Hope this helped

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Sphere of influencein international politics, the claim by a state to exclusive or predominant control over a foreign area or territory. The term may refer to a political claim to exclusive control, which other nations may or may not recognize as a matter of fact, or it may refer to a legal agreement by which another state or states pledge themselves to refrain from interference within the sphere of influence.