A) What actions or steps in Excel can you take to rank them from 1st to 10th (4 marks) b) State the specific action(s) or step(s) in Excel that will produce a list/display of those countries with 800 or more medals in total? (4 marks)

c) Which type of graph will be suitable for representing only gold medals information? (2 marks)

d) In which column(s) might replication have been used?
(2 marks)

e) What Excel formula can be used to calculate the overall total medals awarded? (3 marks)

14) Write the Excel functions for the following: (5 Marks each)

a. Give the total number of medals for Germany and Great Britain.

b. Give the average number of silver medals for a European country,

c. Sum the Medals Total for Gold for those countries with less than 20 games involvement.

d. Search the database (the whole spreadsheet) to find ‘Italy’ and also the corresponding Medals Total.
a) What actions or steps in Excel can you take - 1


Answer 1


a) highlight row F by clicking on F, go to toolbar at top undar DATA click filter, you will see an arrow next to F now, click the dropdown on the arrow and sort


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Write a function named "read_json" that takes a JSON formatted string as a parameter and return the data represented by the input in the appropriate types for this language. For example, if the input string represents a JSON object you should return a key-value store containing the same data?



Following are the program in the Python Programming Language.

import json #import package

#define function

def read_json(info):

 return json.loads(info)#load data in variable

#call and print the function

print(read_json('[{'A': 10}, {'Y': 16}, {'U': 28}]'))


[{'A': 10}, {'Y': 16}, {'U': 28}]


following are the description of the code

  • Define function "read_json()" and pass an argument "info" inside it.
  • Return the data inside from the "load()" function .
  • Call the function i.e "read_json" and passing the value to that function.
  • Print function print the data which is inside the "read_json" function.

Which business application uses electronic tags and labels to identify objects wirelessly over short distances? A. Radio-frequency identification
B. Global positioning systems
C. Geographic information systems
D. Location-based services



Option A (Radio Frequency Identification)


Option A (Radio Frequency Identification)

Radio Frequency Identification:

This technology uses radio waves to transfer data between a reader and movable items. The benefit of this technology is we do not require physical contact with items and scanner.

Components of RFID:

  • tags (computer chip)
  • Reader
  • Communication System
  • RFID software

There are two RFID standards:

  • Electronic Product Code (EPC) standard
  • International Standard Organization (ISO)

What is not recyclable in a
hybrid car
hydrogen car
petrol car


There are different aspect of cars that cannot be recyclable. In petrol cars, The aspect that cannot be recycled is  used gear oil, windshield wiper solution, brake fluid, power steering fluid, etc.

This is because they are very toxic substances, as they have lead and poisonous ethylene glycol in them.

  • A lot of electric and hybrid cars often uses different kinds of lithium-ion batteries and nickel metal hydride batteries that are used and not all part are recyclable.

  • In hydrogen car, their fuel cells is not to have some measure of recyclable.  The Fuel cells has some recyclable materials but not all.

Learn more about recyclable from


How to solve the problem in the man middle attack?


Answer and Explanation :

A man middle attack is the attack which takes place when there is a communication between the two system. This mostly happen whenever there is online communication between two systems it may be anything as email chatting etc.

It is very difficult to protect from a man middle attack but there is a technology

known as PKI technology which is used for protection from man middle attack

What two benefits are a result of configuring a wireless mesh network? Check all that apply. 1. Performance
2. Range
3. WiFi protected setup
4. Ad-hoc configuration​


Based on the information given, the correct options are performance and range.

It should be noted that a mesh network can be regarded as the local network topology whereby infrastructure nodes connect directly, with other different nodes ,cooperate with one another so that data can be efficiently route from/to clients.

The advantage of configuring a wireless mesh network is that it enhances performance and range.

Learn more about network on:






A mesh network can be regarded as local network topology whereby infrastructure nodes connect dynamically and directly, with other different nodes ,cooperate with one another so that data can be efficiently route from/to clients. It could be a Wireless mesh network or wired one.

Wireless mesh network, utilize

only one node which is physically wired to a network connection such as DSL internet modem. Then the one wired node will now be responsible for sharing of its internet connection in wireless firm with all other nodes arround the vicinity. Then the nodes will now share the connection in wireless firm to nodes which are closest to them, and with this wireless connection wide range of area can be convered which is one advantage of wireless mesh network, other one is performance, wireless has greater performance than wired one.

Some of the benefits derived from configuring a wireless mesh network is



#Write a function called string_finder. string_finder should #take two parameters: a target string and a search string. #The function will look for the search string within the #target string. # #The function should return a string representing where in #the target string the search string was found: # # - If search string is at the very beginning of target # string, then return "Beginning". For example: # string_finder("Georgia Tech", "Georgia") -> "Beginning" # # - If search string is at the very end of target string, # then return "End". For example: # string_finder("Georgia Tech", "Tech") -> "End" # # - If search string is in target string but not at the # very beginning or very end, then return "Middle. For # example: # string_finder("Georgia Tech", "gia") -> "Middle" # # - If search string is not in target string at all, then # return "Not found". For example: # string_finder("Georgia Tech", "Idaho") -> "Not found" # #Assume that we're only interested in the first instance #of the search string if it appears multiple times in the #target string, and that search string is definitely #shorter than target string. # #Hint: Don't be surprised if you find that the "End" case #is the toughest! You'll need to look at the lengths of #both the target string and the search string. #Write your function here!



I am writing a Python program:

def string_finder(target,search): #function that takes two parameters i.e. target string and a search string

   position=(target.find(search))# returns lowest index of search if it is found in target string

   if position==0: # if value of position is 0 means lowers index

       return "Beginning" #the search string in the beginning of target string

   elif position== len(target) - len(search): #if position is equal to the difference between lengths of the target and search strings

       return "End" # returns end

   elif position > 0 and position < len(target) -1: #if value of position is greater than 0 and it is less than length of target -1

       return "Middle" #returns middle        

   else: #if none of above conditions is true return not found

       return "not found"

#you can add an elif condition instead of else for not found condition as:

#elif position==-1    

#returns "not found"

#tests the data for the following cases      

print(string_finder("Georgia Tech", "Georgia"))

print(string_finder("Georgia Tech", "gia"))

print(string_finder("Georgia Tech", "Tech"))

print(string_finder("Georgia Tech", "Idaho"))


The program can also be written in by using string methods.

def string_finder(target,search):  #method definition that takes target string and string to be searched

       if target.startswith(search):  #startswith() method scans the target string and checks if the (substring) search is present at the start of target string

           return "Beginning"  #if above condition it true return Beginning

       elif target.endswith(search):  #endswith() method scans the target string and checks if the (substring) search is present at the end of target string

           return "End"#if above elif condition it true return End

       elif target.find(search) != -1:  #find method returns -1 if the search string is not in target string so if find method does not return -1 then it means that the search string is within the target string and two above conditions evaluated to false so search string must be in the middle of target string

           return "Middle"  #if above elif condition it true return End

       else:  #if none of the above conditions is true then returns Not Found

           return "Not Found"