Gus is developing new software in an environment in which incremental changes are released at regular intervals within a timebox. Shana is developing software for the minimum viable product stage in order to provide the development team with feedback on how to improve the application. Gus is employing the software methodology known as __________, while Shana is employing the software methodology known as __________.


Answer 1

Gus is employing the software methodology known as "Agile", where incremental changes are released at regular intervals within a timebox.

Given that;

Gus is developing new software in an environment in which incremental changes are released at regular intervals within a timebox.

Now Gus is employing the software methodology known as "Agile", where incremental changes are released at regular intervals within a timebox.

This approach allows for flexibility and adaptability in response to changing requirements and customer feedback.

Shana, on the other hand, is employing the software methodology known as "Lean Startup", specifically focusing on the minimum viable product (MVP) stage.

The Lean Startup methodology emphasizes rapid iteration and feedback cycles to quickly validate ideas, test assumptions, and gather insights for continuous improvement.

Hence, Both Gus and Shana are using different methodologies that align with their respective goals and stages of software development.

Learn more about the methodology;


Answer 2

Answer: Agile, Lean

Gus is employing the software methodology known as agile, while Shana is employing the software methodology known as lean.

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To control data entry into database tables to help ensure consistency and reduce errors will be known as forms in data entry.

What are forms in data entry?

A form is a panel or panel in a database that has many fields or regions for data input.

To control data entry into database tables to help ensure consistency and reduce errors will be forms.

Then the correct option is C.

More about the forms in data entry link is given below.


The answer is: Forms

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Which of these terms best describes the type of AI used in today’s email spam filters, speech recognition, and other specific applications?A. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)
B. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)


The term that is described in the question is A. Artificial Narrow Intelligence.

Artificial intelligence simply means the ability of a computer system to automatically make decisions based on the input value received.

Artificial Narrow Intelligence is the computer's ability to do a single task well. It's used in today’s email spam filters, speech recognition, and other specific applications.

Read related link on:


A. Artificial Narrow Intelligence.


Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer system, with the help of programming, automatically make decisions as humanly as possible, based on the input value received. There are three types of artificial intelligence, namely, artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), artificial general intelligence (AGI) and artificial super intelligence (ASI).

ANI is focus on executing one specific task extremely well like web crawler, speech recognition, email spam filters etc. AGI is meant to handle human intellectual task, while ASI performs task beyond human intellect.

Suppose you are given a stack of n pancakes of different sizes. You want to sort the pancakes so that smaller pancakes are on top of larger pancakes. The only operation you can perform is a flip—insert a spatula under the top k pancakes, for some integer k between 1 and n, and flip them all over. Describe an algorithm to sort an arbitrary stack of n pancakes using O(n) flips. [Hint: This problem sounds a bit like the "Tower of Hanoi" probem that you may have encountered in other classes. But don’t be fooled! The solution looks very different.]



We will use the following approach to solve the problem:


1. We will identify the largest pancake in the given stack of pancakes, then insert the spatula below that pancake and flip the entire stack consisting of that largest identified pancake and all other pancakes on the top of it. Now the largest pancake will be on the top of the stack. Now insert the spatula at the bottom of stack and flip. In this way the largest pancake will become the bottommost pancake.

Now identify the next second largest pancake and repeat above process, keep on relating that until all are sorted.

This requires almost 2n-3 flips in worst case. ( For n pancakes). So the time complexity is O(n)

2n because one flip is required to bring pancake at top, then in 2nd flip it goes to bottom.

-3 because, the stack becomes sorted once the 2nd last pancake comes to the top. So next three steps are never required.

B) we want to find stack of n pancakes, that take omega (n) steps.

For that to happen, in worst case ( 2n-3 )>= cn , taking c=1

2n-3 >= n , => n >=3

So for n greater than or equal to 3 the condition holds.

What is the most important trait of the first pilot project in the AI Transformation Playbook?



Succeed and show traction within 6-10 months.


Ai (Artificial Inteliigence), also known as machine intelligence, is a branch of computer science that is specialized in making smart machines that are capable of doing human tasks

AI Transformation Playbook is a guide to use AI in enterprises successfully, written by Co-founder of Google Brain, Andrew Ng. In his guide, he unveiled the steps that can be followed to successfully installing AI in enterprises, companies, etc.

The most important trait of the first pilot projects is that it succeeds and begins to show traction within 6-10 months.

In his guide, he summarised five steps to install AI in enterprises. The first step is to 'Execute pilot projects to gain  momentum.'

The most important trait of beginning with AI projects is that it succeeds first before being most valuable projects. The success is important as it will help to achieve familiarity and will help other people of the company to invest in this project more.

This success begins to show tractions within 6-12 months of its success.

Write a program that meets the following requirements.Create two stages in a program
Create a pane using FlowPane in each stage
Add three buttons to each pane
Create a class named FlowPaneDemo extends Application
Create user interface using FlowPane
Add the instances of 3 Buttons to pane1 created by FlowPane and other 3 instances of Buttons using FlowPane to pane2
Create scene1 for pane1 with a specific size and scene2 for pane2 with a different size
Set different titles to two stages and display two stages
The output should look like the screen below
Provide appropriate Java comments



import javafx.application.Application;

import javafx.scene.Scene;

import javafx.scene.layout.FlowPane;

import javafx.stage.Stage;

import javafx.scene.control.Button;

public class FlowPaneDemo extends Application {

  public void start(Stage primaryStage) {

      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

      //Creates a FlowPane for each stage.

      FlowPane paneOne = new FlowPane();

      FlowPane paneTwo = new FlowPane();


      //Creates six Buttons, three for each Flow Pane.

      Button buttonOne = new Button("Button One");

      Button buttonTwo = new Button("Button Two");

      Button buttonThree = new Button("Button Three");

      Button buttonFour = new Button("Button Four");

      Button buttonFive = new Button("Button Five");

      Button buttonSix = new Button("Button Six");


      //Adds the Buttons to the two FlowPanes.









      //Creates two Scenes, using each of the FlowPanes.

      Scene sceneOne = new Scene(paneOne, 250, 600);

      Scene sceneTwo = new Scene(paneTwo, 320, 400);


      //Makes a second Stage.

      Stage secondaryStage = new Stage();


      //Set the title and Scenes for the two Stages.

      primaryStage.setTitle("First Stage");



      secondaryStage.setTitle("Second Stage");



      //Runs the show methods for the two Stages.;;


  public static void main(String[] args){

      //Runs the launch method to start a stand-alone JavaFX application; only needed

      //as I am running this in Eclipse.


