Which of the following cases was an important precedent for Green v. County School Board?a. Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg

b. University of California v. Bakke

c. Brown v. Board of Education

d. Griswold v. Connecticut


Answer 1

Option C  Brown v. Board of Education is correct. The Brown v. Board of Education was about the question of segregation policy in Education.

Green v. County School Board

In the Brown v. Board of Education that students can have "Freedom of Choice", with an objective of desegregation. School autihority came up with loopholes in the verdict, and the objective of desegregation was not met.

This Green V. County school board verdict argues about how "Freedom of Choice" is violating equal protection. Thus, Option C is was the important precedent for this case.

Learn More about Green v. County School Board here


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   hoped this helped