Fill in the Blank. 1. You want to be shielded from all three types of nuclear radiation. If you find shielding that blocks _________________ radiation, then it will most likely also block the other two types. 2. When nuclear radiation enters the tube of a Geiger counter, it ____________________ the atoms of the gas contained in the tube. 3. The particles that make up protons and neutrons and are thought to be basic units of matter are ____________________.


Answer 1
Answer: 1.  If you find shielding that blocks gamma radiation,then it will most likely also block the other two types. (as the hardest radiation)
2. When nuclear radiation enters the tube of a Geiger counter, it the excited atoms of the gas contained in the tube. (this type deposits all energy into a single atom)
3 The particles that make up protons and neutrons and are thought to be basic units of matter are quarks.

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The statement about “Upwelling is a process in which warm, nutrient rich water from the deep ocean rises to the surface” is false. It must be the cold, nutrient rich water from the deep ocean that must rise to the surface and replaces warm surface water. The cause of upwelling is when the local wind patterns blow along the northwest coast of South America causing local surface currents to move away. The warm water is then replaced by the deep cold water




Each enzyme functions in a different area of the body, but both work to harness the power in carbohydrates and break these complex molecules into simple sugars. Based on the information you have learned about the digestive system, what do you expect to be the optimal pH for the enzymatic action of pancreatic amylase?


The optimal pH is 6.9. The pancreatic amylase is a hydrolase secreted by the pancreas and will go into the alimentary canal. The working environment has a pH of 6.9. So the optimal pH for the enzyme needs to be 6.9.


The optimum pH scale for the catalyst activity of secretion enzyme ranges from half-dozen to seven. higher than and below this vary, the reaction rate reduces as enzymes get denaturated. The accelerator secretion enzyme is most active at pH scale 6.8.
Human duct gland alpha-amylase. II. Effects of hydrogen ion concentration, substrate and ions on the activity of the protein. refined human duct gland alpha-amylase (alpha-1,4-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase, EC was found to be stable over a large vary of hydrogen ion concentration values (5.0 to 10.5.
The optimal pH is 6.9. The pancreatic amylase is a hydrolase secreted by pancreas and will go into the alimentary canal. The working environment has a pH of 6.9. So the optimal pH for the enzyme needs to be 6.9.

Which element has atoms that can bond with each other to form long chains or rings?(1) carbon (3) oxygen
(2) nitrogen (4) fluorine


The correct answer is option 1. It is the carbon (C) atom that can bond with each other to form ring and chain structures in compounds. These ring and chain structures and compounds are called organic compounds. Chain structures include alkanes, alkenes, alkynes. Ring structures include cyclic hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons.

Answer: Option (1) is the correct answer.


Carbon atoms are able to combine with its atoms resulting in formation of long chains. This property of carbon is known as catenation. Whereas carbon atom also has the property to combine with other atoms and results in the formation of long chains or rings.

On the other hand, oxygen, nitrogen, and fluorine does not form long chains or rings.

Thus, we can conclude that carbon is the element whose atoms can bond with each other to form long chains or rings.

For the reaction 2HNO3 + Mg(OH)2 -> Mg(NO3)2 + 2H20 How many grams of magnesium nitrate are produced from 5.5 moles of nitric acid (HNO3)?


The amount of magnesium nitrate are formed from the 5.5 moles of the nitric acid in grams are 407.8 g.

The reaction is as :

2HNO₃  +   Mg(OH)₂  ---->  Mg(NO₃)₂  +  2H₂O

The number of moles of nitric acid = 5.5 moles

2 moles of the nitric acid = 1 mole of the magnesium nitrate

The number of moles of nitric acid = 5.5 / 2 mol

The number of moles of nitric acid = 2.75 mol

The grams of the magnesium nitrate = moles × molar mass

The grams of the magnesium nitrate = 2.75 mol × 148.3 g/mol

The grams of the magnesium nitrate = 407.8 g

Therefore, the mass of the magnesium nitrate is 407.8 g.

To learn more about moles here


Ok, so i thought it through, and the answer is 815.7314 grams :) 
happy to show my working out if you want/ need :)

Explain why substances with simple molecular structures are gases or liquids, or solids with low melting and boiling points . The term intermolecular forces of attraction can be used to represent all forces between molecules ?




Substances with giant covalent structures are solids with high melting and boiling points due to the nature of the covalent bonds and the three-dimensional network they form within the crystal lattice. This structure is also often referred to as a network covalent structure. Let's break down the key reasons why these substances have such properties:

1. **Strong Covalent Bonds**: In giant covalent structures, each atom forms strong covalent bonds with neighboring atoms. Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms. This sharing results in the formation of very strong and directional bonds, which require a significant amount of energy to break.

2. **Three-Dimensional Network**: In these substances, the covalent bonds extend in a three-dimensional network throughout the entire structure. This means that every atom is bonded to several neighboring atoms in all three spatial dimensions. This extensive network of covalent bonds creates a robust and interconnected structure.

3. **Lack of Weak Intermolecular Forces**: Unlike some other types of solids (e.g., molecular solids or ionic solids), giant covalent structures lack weak intermolecular forces, such as Van der Waals forces. In molecular solids, weak intermolecular forces are responsible for their relatively low melting and boiling points. In giant covalent structures, the primary forces holding the atoms together are the covalent bonds themselves, which are much stronger.

4. **High Bond Energy**: The covalent bonds in giant covalent structures have high bond energies, meaning that a substantial amount of energy is required to break these bonds. When a solid is heated, the energy provided must be sufficient to overcome the covalent bonds' strength, leading to the high melting and boiling points.

5. **Rigidity and Structural Integrity**: The three-dimensional covalent network imparts rigidity and structural integrity to the substance. This network resists deformation and allows the substance to maintain its solid form at high temperatures, as the covalent bonds continuously hold the structure together.

Examples of substances with giant covalent structures include diamond (composed of carbon atoms), graphite (also composed of carbon atoms but arranged differently), and various forms of silica (e.g., quartz and silicon dioxide). Diamond, in particular, is known for its exceptional hardness, high melting point, and remarkable optical properties, all of which are attributed to its giant covalent structure.

In summary, giant covalent structures have high melting and boiling points because of the strong covalent bonds, the three-dimensional network of bonds, and the absence of weak intermolecular forces. These factors combine to create a solid with exceptional stability and resistance to temperature-induced phase changes.

Final answer:

Substances with simple molecular structures are usually gases, liquids, or solids with low melting points due to the intermolecular forces between their molecules. The chemical identities of the molecules determine the types and strengths of these attractions, influencing the physical state of the substance.


Substances with simple molecular structures tend to be gases, liquids, or solids with low melting and boiling points because of the nature of intermolecular forces at play. Intermolecular forces are the attractions between molecules, which determine many of the physical properties of a substance. For instance, small, symmetrical molecules, such as H2, N2, O2, and F2, have weak intermolecular attractive forces and form molecular solids with very low melting points (below -200 °C).

In a liquid, intermolecular attractive forces hold the molecules together, though they still have sufficient kinetic energy to move relative to each other. In gases, the molecules have large separations compared to their sizes due to which the forces between them can be ignored, except during collisions.

Therefore, the chemical identities of the molecules in a substance determine the types and strengths of intermolecular attractions possible; this subsequently influences whether the substance is a gas, liquid, or solid, and its melting and boiling points.

Learn more about Intermolecular Forces here:


Mr. Fuller assigned his science class a lab comparing the masses of objects to the nearest gram using a balance. The mass of a paper clip is about 1 gram. How many paper clips will it take to balance the scale, if it is determined that a 1 centimeter cube of gold has the mass of 19.3 grams?


Like about 15 paper clips to balance the scale


C)  19


took the test