A person who is Christian would most likely to attend a service in which of these houses of worship


Answer 1




Answer 2


A church


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It is parent-teacher conference day at Littleton Elementary School. Jimmy's teacher is anxious to meet his parents and discuss his habit of disrupting the class. When the teacher expresses her concern that Jimmy is not being socialized properly, his dad insists that he was the same way at Jimmy's age and that disrupting the class is natural for the children in his family. Jimmy's teacher and father are arguing about which fundamental sociological theory?a. Kohlberg's theory of Moral Development
b. George Herbert Mead's theory of self-development
c. Nature vs. Nurture
d. Freud's theory of self-development
Nature vs. Nurture


Nature versus nurture

Final answer:

The argument between Jimmy's father and teacher reflects the Nature vs. Nurture debate. The father argues that nature (inherited family traits) causes Jimmy's behavior, while the teacher suggests nurture (proper socialization) could change the behavior.


The argument between Jimmy's father and teacher is related to the fundamental sociological theory of Nature vs. Nurture. This theory debates whether a person's behavior and actions are primarily due to their genetics (nature) or their environment and upbringing (nurture). Jimmy's father is insisting that Jimmy's disruptive behavior is due to his inherent family traits (nature), while the teacher is suggesting that the behavior could be corrected with proper socialization (nurture).

Nature vs Nurture

These contrasting views form the core of the Nature vs. Nurture debate in sociology, where theorists attempt to determine what influences our behaviors and personalities. The 'Nature' side argues that our genetic makeup predetermines our character traits whereas the 'Nurture' side believes that our environment and experiences shape us as individuals.

Learn more about Nature vs. Nurture here:



President nixon visited latin america on a goodwill tour. as he exited the plane he gave the a-ok sign. many latin americans were offended by this gesture, because in their region this was an obscene gesture. of which difficulty in interpreting nonverbal behavior should president nixon been more aware? nonverbal messages are often ambiguous. nonverbal messages are continuous. nonverbal cues are multichanneled. nonverbal interpretation is culture-based.


I believe the answer is: nonverbal interpretation is culture-based.

Other example of this cultural based nonverbal interpretation is the V sign.
In United States, V sign is commonly interpreted as a peace symbol.
For commonwealth countries such as England and Australia, V-sign is used to degrade beaten soldiers during the world war II, so they see v sign as offensive.

What is the capital of Australia? A) Sydney B) Perth C) Melbourne D) Canberra



D) Canberra is The capital of Australia





this is not helpfull but i have noo idea what so ever

Name given to a large body of salt water that is smaller than an ocean


The answer is sea.

A sea is a body of salt water that is smaller than an ocean. Seas are usually also connected to an ocean. An example of a sea is the Mediterranean sea which is also connected to the (North) Atlantic ocean. A sea could also be viewed as an interconnected system of the salty oceanic waters on Earth.

Another body of salt smaller than an ocean is a salt lake; Lake Urmia in Iran being one example.

Pedro recognized that his son was closer to him than his daughter because his son partially blocked his view of his daughter. Pedro's perception was most clearly influenced by a distance cue known as__________.





When a person observes an object is partially overlapping another object then the object which is behind appears to be farther away. This phenomenon is called interposition.

Here, as Pedro thought his son was closer to him as his son overlapped his daughter. Hence, the distance cue which influenced the father's perception is interposition.