If you answer the whole question and show your work/coding I will rate 5 stars/brainliest!!! Walnut Orchard has two farms that grow wheat and corn. Because of different soil conditions, there are differences in the yields and costs of growing crops on the two farms. The yields and costs are shown in the following table. Each farm has 100 acres available for cultivation. 11,000 bushels of wheat and 7,000 bushels of corn must be grown. Please have an LP model to minimize the total cost while meeting the demand and solve it with Lindo or Excel. You need to have all parts of a model: notation, objective function, constraints, and sign restrictions.
If you answer the whole question and show your work/coding - 1


Answer 1

Answer: 18,100

Explanation: two farms that grow wheat and corn.

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8.2.1: Function pass by reference: Transforming coordinates. Define a function CoordTransform() that transforms the function's first two input parameters xVal and yVal into two output parameters xValNew and yValNew. The function returns void. The transformation is new



The output will be (3, 4) becomes (8, 10)


#include <stdio.h>

//If you send a pointer to a int, you are allowing the contents of that int to change.

void CoordTransform(int xVal,int yVal,int* xNew,int* yNew){

*xNew = (xVal+1)*2;

*yNew = (yVal+1)*2;


int main(void) {

int xValNew = 0;

int yValNew = 0;

CoordTransform(3, 4, &xValNew, &yValNew);

printf("(3, 4) becomes (%d, %d)\n", xValNew, yValNew);

return 0;


The following program includes fictional sets of the top 10 male and female baby names for the current year. Write a program that creates: A set all_names that contains all of the top 10 male and all of the top 10 female names. A set neutral_names that contains only names found in both male_names and female_names. A set specific_names that contains only gender specific names. Sample output for all_names: {'Michael', 'Henry', 'Jayden', 'Bailey', 'Lucas', 'Chuck', 'Aiden', 'Khloe', 'Elizabeth', 'Maria', 'Veronica', 'Meghan', 'John', 'Samuel', 'Britney', 'Charlie', 'Kim'}


The program analyses a set of male and female names and displays, the combined set of names, specific names and neutral names. The program written in python 3 goes thus :

male_names = {'John', 'Bailey', 'Charlie', 'Chuck', 'Michael', 'Samuel', 'Jayden', 'Aiden', 'Henry', 'Lucas'}


female_names = {'Elizabeth', 'Meghan', 'Kim', 'khloe','Bailey', 'Jayden' , 'Aiden', 'Britney', 'Veronica', 'Maria'}


neutral_names = male_names.intersection(female_names)

#names common to both males and females

all_names = male_names.union(female_names)

#set of all baby names ; both male and female

specific_names = male_names.symmetric_difference(female_names)

#name in one set and not in the other


print(' ')



print(' ')



Learn more :brainly.com/question/9908895


Please see attachment


Please see attachment

Imagine you have been asked to find the following object pictured on the left in the accompanying array on the right.RED AND WHITE SQUARES ALL LOOK SIMILAR
What type of search do you think this would be?


This type of search would be a linear search. A linear search involves looking at each item in the array one by one until the desired item is found.

In this case, you would look at each square in the array until you find the one that matches the object pictured on the left.  This is a common search method for small arrays or when the array is unsorted.

The algorithm continues until the target element is found, or until it reaches the end of the array and fails to find the target element. Linear searches are useful in scenarios where the array is small and unsorted, as the algorithm does not need to compare every element in the array to find the target element.

Learn more about linear search:



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percentage yield = 63%


The yield efficiency or percentage yield measure the amount of products that are formed from a given amount of reactant. For a percentage yield of 100, all the reactants are completely converted to product. Mathematically, the percentage yield is given by:

percentage\ yield = (Actual\ yield)/(expected\ yield) * 100\nActual\ yield = 10.08kg\nExpected\ yield= 16.00kg\n\n\therefore percentage\ yield = (10.08)/(16.00) * 100 = 63 \%

Link AB is to be made of a steel for which the ultimate normal stress is 65 ksi. Determine the cross-sectional area of AB for which the factor of safety will be 3.20. Assume that the link will be adequately reinforced around the pins at A and B.


