Plizz help meeee thanks and have a wonderful day ​
plizz help meeee thanks and have a wonderful day ​ - 1


Answer 1


This is a Upside down Glass of Water Experiment


Answer 2


if I interpret the graphic correctly, then there is a basin fully filled with water on the left, then a piece of paper of a piece of glass, where the paper is in contract with the water on the left, and some water is delivered to the right.

then i suspect this shows the capillary effect of very narrow channels of water. like in the very tiny spaces between the fibers of the paper. as long as the paper is in contact with the water on the left, and the level of water is there higher than on the right, the surface tension of water kind of propels itself further along these narrow channels in the paper and supported by gravity and air pressure it drops even into the other side.

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You won't feel any change and will have no way to know that you've left the earth.


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  • Neptunium may be made by bombarding uranium with neutrons. However Neptunium atoms disintegrate to form plutonium.
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It's not.  It's equivalent to the transfer of that many elementary charges every second .

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                         1.60 x 10⁻¹⁹ coulomb / electron.

The number of electrons in a Coulomb is the reciprocal of that number.

                          6.25 x 10⁻¹⁸ electrons / Coulomb.

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