Name TWO words that are from another country.


Answer 1

Two words that are from another country but are used in the US commonly are:

  • déjà vu (day-jah-voo)
  • parachute (pair-UH-shoot)
Answer 2
Answer: Endogenic =genic - Latin

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Which of the following are steps in preparing to write a research paper? Select all that apply.-pick a limited topic
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-obtain potential sources
-make source cards


-prepare a working outline
-obtain potential sources
-make source cards

Writing a research paper is not just writing a simple descriptive report in a plain manner. But it involves, straightforward and comprehensible writing skill which elucidates the needed literatures, sources and key variables for the readers to understand. 


Pick a limited topic


Prepare a working outline

Obtain potential sources

Make source cards


After you have decided upon a limited topic, suitable perhaps for an 8- to 12-page paper, begin brainstorming. You may need additional information in order to gain a general overview of the topic. An encyclopedia, such as the Encyclopedia Britannica or the Encyclopedia Americana; textbooks; or references, such as histories, biographical references, and specific dictionaries, will serve this purpose. While you are doing this early reading, you may also begin a "working" outline, or first version, of your proposed outline.

The next step is to begin accumulating potential sources of information, called a "working bibliography." One place to check for sources is the subject section of the computerized catalog (formerly card catalog). You may also look in the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, an index to hundreds of popular magazines. Textbooks, the vertical file (pamphlets), specialized indexes (such as New York Times Index and the Book Review Index ), and bibliographies also provide sources. Many researchers find 3 x 5 index cards useful for maintaining the "working bibliography."

What does Laura mean to express to her daughters?



The correct answer is B.) She does not want to dwell on something that cannot be changed.


Good luck!!!

Which of the following is a complex sentence?A. Check out the editorial page in today's paper and you'll notice the piece by Oscar Lewis.
B. I would like to visit the Kinshasa, but I understand the city is unsafe for foreigners.
C. As Jake was reading the letter from June yet again, the flight attendant coughed gently to get his attention.
D. I simply cannot make heads or tails of rap lyrics, but I suppose I'm just too old to understand them.


The correct answer is C. Because a complex sentence contains one independent clause (in this case, 'the flight attendant coughed gently to get his attention') and at least one dependent/subordinate clause (in this case, 'as Jake was reading the letter from June yet again'). 

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Human activities cause increased nitrogen deposition in a variety of ways, including

burning of both fossil fuels and forests, which releases nitrogen into the atmosphere
fertilizing crops with nitrogen-based fertilizers, which then enter the soil and water
ranching, during which livestock waste releases ammonia into the soil and water
allowing sewage and septic tanks to leach into streams, rivers, and groundwater

Which of the following choices is a run-on sentence? A.Most beetles can fly some beetles can't.
B.Some beetles that can't fly are called ground beetles.
C.The hard forewings are called the elytra.
D.Many beetles that can't fly have the two elytra fused together.

Which of the following choices is a sentence fragment?
A.Beetles are the group of insects with the largest number of known species.
B.Beetles can be found almost anywhere.
C.Bodies dividing into three sections.
D.Some can't fly.

Rewrite the following sentence to eliminate the sentence error.

When walking in the woods Leah and Hannah stumbled upon a field of wild berries they picked the nonpoisonous berries to use in making berry jam when they returned home.

Which type of sentence error, if any, is present in the following sentence?

Rhinoceros beetles are easy to handle, they are popular pets in Asia.
A.sentence fragment
Bcomma splice
C.There is no sentence error.

Which type of sentence error, if any, is present in the following sentence about the rhinoceros beetle?

Named for the signature horn on its head.

sentence fragment
run-on sentence
comma splice
There is no sentence error.


C.Bodies dividing into three sections





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The dress of the speaker

The language of the speaker

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the language of the speaker ....novanet


the correct answer is the language of the speaker


took the test!!!