How to greet a student in German


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Ist " Eine Runde Golf gewinnen." Akkusativ oder Dativ


Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher das es Akkusativ ist . 
Sicher ist Akkusativ...EINE Runde

(die Runde is subst. fem. and in Dativ is EINER Runde)

Help me with 2 pleaseeeee


Mir geht es nicht so gut. Translate to “I’m not doing very well” mark Brainliest if this helps


Gut Danke. Es geht mir gut


PLS!!!!!HELP!!!!!!! ASAP!!!! I ONLY!!!!!! HAVE AN HOUR!!!!! TO FINISH THIS!!!!!!!! GERMAN!!!!!!!Write five sentences IN GERMAN telling things you don't do very often. Use KEIN for at least one of your sentences. DON"T use either of the verbs in the examples for your sentences.

Example 1: Ich trinke nicht oft.
Example 2: Ich esse keinen Fisch.

You will be graded on (a) Vocabulary usage (b) Correct placement of nicht/kein, and (c) Overall quality of your written response.



This might now be helpful but on Brainly you can switch your country’s that you’re in. Switch to Germany and then ask your question. I did that and got help immediately with people who speak German

Fill in the correct conjugation of the verb given in parenthesis: er ___ (fragen) ​


Er (fragt) fragen is past tense and Fragt is present

What are some advantages and disadvantages of (your) school/school rules? In german, and say what it means too. please.


We can go wherever we want to for lunch. = Wir können in der Mittagspause hingehen wo wir wollen.
By having rules in school you also learn to follow rules in life. = Durch Regeln in der Schule lernt man Regeln auch im späteren Leben zu folgen.
Because our breaks in school are so short, students are late for their classes. = Weil die Pausen in der Schule so kurz sind, sind Schüler spät zu ihren Stunden.
Because school starts early, most students are tired and don´t want to learn. = Weil Schule früh startet, sind viele Schüler müde und wollen nicht lernen.
our school is on computers students can just put a checkmark that they did it =
unserer Schule ist auf Computern Studenten setzen Sie einfach ein Häkchen, dass sie es getan hat. our school is at home :D = unserer Schule ist zu Hause.

Hope this helped you! = Hoffe, das Ihnen geholfen!

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