In what respect does an atom of magnesium differ from a magnesium ion (Mg^{2+})? (A)The ion has a more stable electronic arrangement than the atom.
(B)The positive charge on the nucleus of the ion is two units greater than the nuclear charge on the atom.
(C)The ion has two more protons than the atom.
(D)The ion will react more readily with free Cl₂.
(E)The ion has two more planetary electrons than the atom.
Can anyone explain this one?


Answer 1
Answer: both b and d are correct however the ion reacts more readily to a number of different elements. not just Cl2 so the best correct answer is b: the positive charge on the nucleus of the ion us two units greater than the nuclear charge on the atom.

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Table salt, NaCl, is an example of an amorphous solid.





Before answering the question, it is important to understand;

An amorphous solid is any noncrystalline solid in which the atoms and molecules are not organized in a definite lattice pattern. Such solids include glass, plastic, and gel. Emphasis on the word noncrystalline.

Table salt on the other hand is an ionic solid made up of Ions of opposite charges (Sodium ion and Chlorine ion) strongly attract each other; those of like charges repel. As a result ions in an ionic compound are arranged in a particular manner.

The ions in NaCl are ordered hence are referred to as crystalline solids  and not amorphous.

False, it is an example of an Ionic solid

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Answer is given below:


Given Data:

heat = 3.4kJ

work done is = 1.9 kJ

To Find:



ΔE = q + w


ΔE = q + w

ΔE = 3.4 kJ + 1.9kJ

ΔE =  5.3 kJ

Calculate the number of grams of CH_3COOH in the vinegar.


when density in g/ml
9.86ml CH3COOH (X g/1ml) = g
9.86ml (1.049g/1ml) = 10.343 g
hope it helps

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The statement that best explains why heating a liquid affects its viscosity is that "The molecules move faster at higher temperatures and overcome attractions more easily.". Remember that viscosity is a physical property of the fluids that measure the resistance (opposition) to flow and it, generally decreases, as the temperature increases and the intermolecular force decrease.


aka: A


What is the gram formula mass of Ca3(PO4)2


Mass Molar of Ca_(3) (PO_4)_2
Ca = 3*40 = 120 amu
P = 2*31= 62 amu
O = (16*4)*2 = 64*2 = 128 amu
Mass Molar of Ca_(3) (PO_4)_2 = 120 + 62 + 128 = 310 g/mol

Therefore: What is the gram formula mass of Ca3(PO4)2 ?
Answer: 310 grams

What does it mean if Keq = 1?a. Products and reactants are equally favored in the reaction.
b. Products are favored over reactants in the reaction.
c. Reactants are favored over products in the reaction.
d. All of the reactants have turned into products in the reaction.


Final answer:

If Keq equals 1, this means the reaction is at equilibrium and neither the reactants nor the products are favored. The concentrations of both remain constant over time.


When Keq = 1, it implies that the reaction is at equilibrium and neither the reactants nor the products are favored in the reaction. So, the correct answer to your question is option a: Products and reactants are equally favored in the reaction.

In this situation, the concentrations of products and reactants remain constant over time because the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction.

Learn more about Equilibrium Constant here:


Final answer:

For a chemical equilibrium, Keq = 1 indicates that neither reactants nor products are favored; rather, they are present in roughly equal amounts at equilibrium. So the correct answer is Option C.


If Keq = 1 for a chemical equilibrium, it means that products and reactants are equally favored in the reaction. In other words, neither the reactants nor the products are favored when the reaction reaches equilibrium. Equilibrium constants help us understand the extent to which a reaction occurs. When Keq is greater than 1, the concentration of products at equilibrium is greater than the concentration of reactants, suggesting a product-favored reaction. Conversely, when Keq is less than 1, the concentration of reactants is higher, indicating a reactant-favored reaction. When Keq is equal to 1, it implies that the concentrations of reactants and products are roughly equal at equilibrium, reflecting a state of balance in the chemical system.

Learn more about Equilibrium Constant here: