Match Newton's law with the correct statement.

1. law of universal gravitation

2. 1st law of motion (law of inertia)

3. 2nd law of motion

4. 3rd law of motion
A. "My coffee spilled all over because you slammed on your brakes!"

B."The box of cotton is much easier to lift than the box of books."

C. "That bat hurt my hands when I hit the ball!"

D. "I can't hit the ball farther than you because you're stronger than I am."


Answer 1


1. law of universal gravitation -"The box of cotton is much easier to lift than the box of books."  

2. 1st law of motion (law of inertia) - "My coffee spilled all over because you slammed on your brakes!"  

3. 2nd law of motion -  "I can't hit the ball farther than you because you're stronger than I am."  

4. 3rd law of motion - "That bat hurt my hands when I hit the ball!"  


Law of gravitation states that there exists an attractive force between two objects having mass. The magnitude of the force depends upon the masses of the two objects and inversely proportional to the distance between them. Thus, greater the mass, greater would be the force. weight of an object is determines the gravitation pull of the Earth on the mass of the object. Thus, it is easier to lift a box of cotton which is lighter in weight than a box of books.  

Newton's first law states that an object remains in state of rest or motion unless exerted by an unbalanced external force. Thus, when you are sitting in the car and the driver applies break suddenly, you experience a pull force because you continue to move forward while the car suddenly decelerates and if you would be holding coffee, it can spill.  

Second law of motion states that force is rate of change of momentum. Momentum depends on the mass and velocity of the object. Greater the mass, greater would be momentum. Thus, A person who is stronger would be able to hit the ball harder and hence faster than the other.  

Third law of motion states that, for every action, there is equal and opposite reaction. Thus, when when you a ball with the bat, you are applying force with your hands. Hence, your hands would also experience an equal amount of force in the opposite direction and you would get hurt.  

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So that the door can close more quickly and without you having to push it back. Not sure, but that's what I think.

Final answer:

Magnets are used in the doors of refrigerators and cupboards to keep the doors closed firmly, create a reliable seal, and increase energy efficiency.


Magnets are often fitted to the doors of refrigerators and cupboards for a reason rooted in physics. This setup helps in keeping the doors closed firmly. The magnets are usually embedded in the door seal, creating an attraction with the metal body of the refrigerator or cupboard. This magnetic attraction pulls the door seal flush against the refrigerator when the door is closed, making an airtight seal. As a result, it prevents the cold air inside the refrigerator from escaping, thereby maintaining the interior temperature and ensuring energy efficiency.

Learn more about Magnets here:


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Fossil fuels are easy to find beneath the earths surface , fossil fuels has unlimited potential, and fossil fuels are very cost effective, especially coal.

Burning fossil fuels can cause greenhouse effect which is harming the environment and mining fossil fuels may also endanger the lives of animals.

How do you know when the transfer of heat (thermal energy) has ended?


The transfer of thermal energy as heat requires a difference in temperature between the two points of transfer. Heat may be transferred by means of conduction, convection, or radiation. Conduction is the transfer of thermal energy (heat in transfer) due to collisions between the molecules in the object.

Final answer:

Heat transfer between two objects ends when they reach the same temperature or thermal equilibrium. This process is guided by the second law of thermodynamics and can be observed via changes in temperature. Once no net heat transfer occurs over time, a state of thermal equilibrium is reached.


The transfer of heat, or thermal energy, between two objects ends when those objects reach the same temperature, a state known as thermal equilibrium. This process is guided by the second law of thermodynamics, which indicates that heat will naturally transfer from a hotter object to a cooler one. For instance, if you put ice into a hot drink, heat transfers from the warmer drink to the colder ice until they both reach the same temperature. Furthermore, the internal energy of a system, which includes its thermal energy, is directly proportional to its temperature. Hence, observing the temperature change can provide an indication of when heat transfer has ceased.

However, it's important to note that the absence of a temperature difference doesn't mean energy isn't there; it just isn't available for work because no more heat transfer can occur without a temperature difference. This provides a fundamental characterization of a thermodynamic system and exemplifies that observation of no net heat transfer over time indicates a state of thermal equilibrium.

Learn more about Heat Transfer here:


after the car leaves the platform , gravity causes it to accelerate downward at a rate of 9.8 m/s2. what is the gravitational force on the car?


The gravitational force on the car is the force popularly known
as the car's "weight".  Its magnitude is

            (9.8 m/s²) times (the car's mass, in kilograms) .

The unit of this quantity is [newton] .

Which quantity is a vector quantity?O A.
OB. distance
OC. mass
OD. temperature
O E.


Answer: The answer to the problem is I feel temperature as

Explanation:This is because mesurement of a medium's temperature itself is a SCALAR but when we calculate the temperature increase or decrease in a medium it is known as a VECTOR as it has refers to both the direction of the medium's movement as well as the measurement of the scalar quantity.

Hopefully you got it!!!!

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