Which isotope will spontaneously decay and emit particles with a charge of +2?(1) 53Fe (3) 198Au
(2) 137Cs (4) 220Fr


Answer 1

Answer: The correct option is 4.

Explanation: All the options will undergo some type of radioactive decay processes. There are 3 decay processes:

1) Alpha decay: It is a decay process in which alpha particle is released which has has a mass number of 4 and a charge of +2.

_Z^A\textrm{X}\rightarrow _(Z-2)^(A-4)\textrm{Y}+_2^4\alpha

2) Beta-minus decay: It is a decay in which a beta particle is released. The  beta particle released has a mass number of 0 and a charge of (-1).

_Z^A\textrm{X}\rightarrow _(Z+1)^A\textrm{Y}+_(-1)^0\beta

3) Beta-plus decay: It is a decay process in which a positron is released. The positron released has a mass number of 0 and has a charge of +1.

_Z^A\textrm{X}\rightarrow _(Z-1)^A\textrm{Y}+_(+1)^0\beta

For the given options:

Option 1: This nuclei will undergo beta-plus decay process to form _(25)^(53)\textrm{Mn}

_(26)^(53)\textrm{Fe}\rightarrow _(25)^(53)\textrm{Mn}+_(+1)^0\beta

Option 2: This nuclei will undergo beta-minus decay process to form _(80)^(198)\textrm{Hg}

_(79)^(198)\textrm{Au}\rightarrow _(80)^(198)\textrm{Hg}+_(-1)^0\beta

Option 3: This nuclei will undergo a beta minus decay process to form _(56)^(137)\textrm{Ba}

_(55)^(137)\textrm{Cs}\rightarrow _(56)^(137)\textrm{Ba}+_(-1)^0\beta

Option 4: This nuclei will undergo an alpha decay process to form _(85)^(216)\textrm{At}

_(87)^(220)\textrm{Fr}\rightarrow _(85)^(216)\textrm{At}+_2^4\alpha

Hence, the correct option is 4.

Answer 2
Answer: It is 220Fr that would spontaneously decay and emit particles with a charge of +2.

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The correct answer from the given choices is A. One gram of table sugar is equal to 1.76 x 10^21 molecules of sucrose. Scientific notation is a method that scientists use to easily handle numbers that are very large or very small.


The correct answer is option c.



Let's solve this!

To write a number in scientific notation, we look for a number between zero and nine. Then we count the number of times we ran the point to reach that number. If we run the point to the right, the exponent is negative. If we run the point to the left, the exponent is positive.

In this case the number is: 1 760 000 000 000 000 000 000

We choose the number 1.76

We run the point 21 times to the left, so the exponent is positive.

The solution is  1.76*10^(21)

The correct answer is option c.

How did Democritus contribute to the atomic theory/ structure of the atom?


Democritus, an ancient Greek philosopher who lived around 460-370 BCE, made significant contributions to the early development of the atomic theory.

His ideas laid the foundation for the later development of modern atomic theory. Here's how Democritus contributed to the atomic theory and the structure of the atom:

Concept of Indivisible Atoms: Democritus proposed that everything in the physical world was made up of tiny, indivisible particles called "atoms." The word "atom" itself is derived from the Greek word "atomos," which means "indivisible" or "uncuttable." Democritus believed that atoms were the fundamental building blocks of matter and that they could not be divided into smaller parts.

Various Shapes and Sizes: Democritus suggested that atoms could vary in shape and size. He proposed that different substances were composed of atoms with different shapes, which explained the diversity of matter in the universe.

Empty Space: Democritus also introduced the idea of "void" or empty space between atoms. He believed that atoms were in constant motion and that the void allowed for this motion.

Lack of Experimental Evidence: It's important to note that while Democritus made these philosophical speculations about atoms, he did not provide any experimental evidence to support his ideas. His atomic theory was largely based on reasoning and thought experiments rather than empirical data.

Democritus' atomic ideas were influential, but they were largely overshadowed by the more prominent theories of his contemporary, Aristotle, which emphasized the existence of four fundamental elements (earth, water, air, and fire). It wasn't until much later, in the 19th century, that John Dalton and others developed the modern atomic theory, which incorporated experimental evidence and refined our understanding of atoms as the smallest units of matter that retain the properties of chemical elements.

Democritus contributed to the atomic theory by proposing the concept of indivisible atoms as the fundamental building blocks of matter, but his ideas lacked experimental support and were not widely accepted in his time.

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Ionic bonding is the entire exchange of valence electron(s) between particles. It is a kind of substance security that creates two oppositely charged particles. In ionic bonds, the metal loses electrons to wind up plainly an emphatically charged cation, though the nonmetal acknowledges those electrons to end up noticeably a contrarily charged anion.

What point does the ammonium ions act as a buffer solution? Please this is driving me insane.



Explanation:The buffer is a mixture of ammonia (NH3) and ammonium (NH4+). ... Since ammonia (NH3) is a weak base, it will have a pH above 7 and since ammonium (NH4+) is a weak acid, it will have a pH below 7. Ammonia (NH3) is a weak base and ammonium (NH4+) is a weak acid. Ammonia (NH3) is the conjugate base of ammonium (NH4+).

Final answer:

Ammonium ion, in collaboration with ammonia, acts as a buffer solution. The point at which it becomes a buffer is when the concentrations of NH3 and NH4+ are equal, typically around a pH of 9.25, enabling them to neutralize other strong acids or bases to stabilize the pH.


Ammonium ions (NH4+) act as a buffer solution in conjunction with a weak base (ammonia, NH3). This system can balance the pH of a solution by either absorbing excess hydronium ions (H3O+) when the solution becomes too acidic or by producing more when the solution becomes too basic. The point at which the ammonium ion acts as a buffer solution is the pH at which the concentrations of the weak base (NH3) and its conjugate acid (NH4+) are equal. This is typically around a pH of 9.25, where the ammonium ion and its conjugate base, ammonia, can effectively neutralize additional strong acids or bases, thereby stabilizing the pH of the solution.

Learn more about Buffer Solution here:



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Answer: sphere interaction

The ocean absorbing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in order to maintain balance is an example of sphere interaction. The different spheres like lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere interact with one another naturally to achieve equilibrium in the environment. 

sphere interaction is the right answer for odyssey ware

how many grams of silver chromate will precipitate when 150 ml of 0.500 M silver nitrate are added to 100 mL of 0.400 M potassium chromate


Final answer:

When 150 ml of 0.500 M silver nitrate are added to 100 mL of 0.400 M potassium chromate, a silver chromate precipitate forms. Considering the stoichiometry of the reaction and the quantities of reactants, 24.88 grams of silver chromate will precipitate.


The subject of this question is based on precipitation reactions in Chemistry. Precipitation reactions occur when two solutions combine to form an insoluble solid known as a precipitate. The moles of silver nitrate present in a 150 mL of 0.500 M solution can be calculated using the formula Molarity = Moles ÷ Volume (in Litres).

Thus, Moles of AgNO3 = 0.500 M * 0.15 L = 0.075 mol AgNO3. According to the reaction equation 2AgNO3 + K2CrO4 → 2AgCrO4(precipitate) + 2KNO3, for every mole of K2CrO4, we have two moles of AgNO3. Thus, based on stoichiometry and the given quantities of the reactants, the limiting reactant will be AgNO3, and it will totally react and form the silver chromate precipitate. The moles of Ag2CrO4 formed would therefore also be 0.075 mol. To convert this into grams, we use the molar mass of Ag2CrO4, which is approximately 331.73 g/mol. Hence, grams of Ag2CrO4 = 0.075 mol Ag2CrO4 * 331.73 g/mol = 24.88 g Ag2CrO4.

Learn more about Precipitation Reactions here:

