Scientists use the Celsius scale as the si unit of temperature. True or False


Answer 1
Answer: false, it's Kelvin. Kelvin is another form of metric units used in the si system.
Answer 2
Answer: false they use kelvin scale cause kelvin is the SI unit of temperature

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How many liquids are found on the periodic table?



There are six liquids found on the periodic table.

1. Bromine

2. Mercury

3. Caesium

4. Gallium

5. Rubidium

6. Francium

Which process is a chemical change?(1) melting of ice
(2) boiling of water
(3) subliming of ice
(4) decomposing of water



Option 4 = decomposing of water


Chemical change:

The changes, that occur due to change in the composition of a substance and result in a different compound is known as chemical change.

These changes are irreversible.

These changes occur due to chemical reactions.

These may not be observed with naked eye.


Combustion of fuel or wood: that oil or wood convert into energy, CO2 and ash in case of wood

Boiling of egg: that change the chemical composition of protein in the egg

The reaction of Hydrogen and oxygen:

H 2 (g)  + O 2  (g) -------------------------------------> 2H 2O  (l)

Physical Change                                                                                              

The changes that occur only due to change in shape or form but their chemical or internal composition remain unchanged.

These changes were reversible.

They have same chemical property.

These changes can be observed with naked eye.


Water converting to Ice.

Water converting to gas.

In this water molecule remain the same only they rearrange themselves that change its state of mater not composition.

1 = Melting of ice

The melting of ice is physical change because water molecules are just change the state from solid to liquid and composition remain same.

2 = Boiling of water

It is also a physical change because water molecules are just change the state from liquid to gas and the molecular structure of water molecules remain same.

3 = Subliming of ice

It is physical change because ice is converted into water vapors without going through liquid phase.

4 = Decomposing of water

It is a chemical change because water molecules are split into the hydrogen and oxygen. The molecular structure is changed. New product is formed which is different from the reactant.

What is the oxidation number of chlorine in HClO4?




O has a 2- oxidation change so




So the oxidation number of chlorine is 7 in this case

How many grams are in 2.40 mol of sodium chloride (NaCl)?


In this question, we are asked to convert from moles to grams.
We have 2.40 moles of NaCl

We need the molar mass of NaCl. We can calculate this by referencing the periodic table and looking up the atomic weight. 
Na = 22.99g
Cl  = 35.45g
+      58.44g

2.40 moles x (58.44grams) / (1 mole) = 140.26 grams of NaCl

There are 140.26 grams in 2.40 moles of NaCl. 

A sample of hydrogen gas, has a volume of 8.56 L at a temperature 0oC and pressure of 1.5 atm. Calculate the number of moles of hydrogen present in this gas sample ( Assume that the gas behave ideally)


According to ideal gas law, there are 0.00565 number  of moles of hydrogen present in the gas sample .

What is ideal gas law?

The ideal gas law is a equation which is applicable in a hypothetical state of an ideal gas.It is a combination of Boyle's law, Charle's law,Avogadro's law and Gay-Lussac's law . It is given as, PV=nRT where R= gas constant whose value is 8.314.The law has several limitations.Ideal gas law was proposed by Benoit Paul Emile Clapeyron in year 1834.It is a thermodynamic equation which has wide applications.

Gases which obey ideal gas law are difficult to exist.

Substituting the values as, P=1.5 atmospheres, V=8.56 L, R=8.314 ,T=0°C=273 K that is , n=PV/RT=1.5×8.56/8.314×273=0.00565 moles.

Thus, there are 0.00565 moles of hydrogen present in the gas sample .

Learn more about ideal gas law,here:


p = 1.5atm ≈ 1519.88hPa
V = 8.56L
R = 83.1 [hPa*L] / [mol*K]
T = 0°C =273K

pV = nRT   |:RT

n = pV / RT

n = [1519.88hPa*8.56L] / [83.1 [hPa*L] / [mol*K] * 273K]

What is atomic mass measured in on the periodic table?


the atomic mass of an element,  is measured in amu