Given the unbalanced ionic equation:3Mg + ____ Fe3+ ==> 3Mg2+ + ____ Fe
When this equation is balanced, both Fe3+ and Fe have a coefficient of
(1) 1, because a total of 6 electrons is transferred
(2) 2, because a total of 6 electrons is transferred
(3) 1, because a total of 3 electrons is transferred
(4) 2, because a total of 3 electrons is transferred


Answer 1

Answer: The correct answer is Option 2.


For the given redox reaction, magnesium is getting oxidized because it is loosing electrons and iron is getting reduced because it is gaining electrons.

The half reaction for oxidation and reduction is given by the equations:

Oxidation half reaction:  Mg\rightarrow Mg^(2+)+2e^-       ×  3

Reduction half reaction:  Fe^(3+)+3e^-\rightarrow Fe      ×  2

Net ionic reaction: 3Mg+2Fe^(3+)\rightarrow 3Mg^(2+)+3Fe

Total number of electrons transferred are 6.

So, the correct answer is Option 2.

Answer 2
Answer: The answer is (2) 2, because a total of 6 electrons is transferred. We can know the electron transferred number form Mg to Mg2+ ion. There is 3 Mg involved and two electrons per atom. So total is 6,

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B because temperature does not affect the pH or the amount of hydrogen. The ratio of hydrogen to oxygen will always be the same. It's B because gas has more kinetic energy at high temperature and will not dissolve in water well. 

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How is helium which is produced by the conversion of hydrogen into energy related to the solar core


The sun's core is where Hydrogen atoms produce energy as they convert to molecules of Helium. Helium that is produced by the conversion of hydrogen into energy is related to the solar core in the sense that the conversion process produces energy captured in the core. I hope this helps you. 

Answer : The phenomenon called as Nuclear Fusion is observed in the sun's core or solar core, where 4 atoms of Hydrogen molecule combines to give two atoms of Helium. It is due to fusing of two Hydrogen atoms to form one Helium molecule. In the core of sun this fusion process occurs, changing of mass of Hydrogen atom into Helium releases lot of energy in the form of heat and light.

The reaction that occurs inside the solar core is given below;

 4 H^(1)_(1) ----> He^(4)_(2)

Compared to a proton, an electron has(1) a greater quantity of charge and the same sign(2) a greater quantity of charge and the opposite sign(3) the same quantity of charge and the same sign(4) the same quantity of charge and the opposite sign


The answer is (4).An electron and a proton both have the same quantity of charge, namely about 1.602e-19 C, but whereas protons are positive, electrons are negative. This is why elements in their natural state (same number of electrons as protons) are neutral.

(4) the same quantity of charge and the opposite sign

Further Explanation

Protons, neutrons, and electrons are generally called subatomic particles. They are important components for building atoms. Each atom has a different number of protons, neutrons, and electrons. And ask how the atom maintains its identity and uniqueness. They have different charges and different masses. Also, the role of each subatomic particle is very different from each other. The main difference between Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons can be found in the charge. Protons are positively charged and neutrons are neutral while electrons are negatively charged.

Protons are positively charged. The charge, in this case, is determined by the number of coulombic charges an electron has. The charge of a proton is the same as loading an electron and, approved, can be expressed as 1e. (1e = 1,602 * 10 ^ (- 19) C).

Protons, along with neutrons, are called "nucleons." There are one or more protons in each atom. The number of protons is different in each atom and makes the identity of the atom. When elements are grouped together in a periodic table, the number of protons is used as the atomic number of the element.

Electrons are the third type of subatomic particles, and they are found to orbit around the nucleus in discrete energy levels with discrete. Just like the number of protons, the number of electrons in an atom which carries the identity of each element. The way electrons are published in each element is expressed by their electronic configuration. The number of electrons is similar to the number of protons found in an element. The electron is symbolized as 'e.' Electrons are the only subatomic particles that take part in chemical reactions. They also take part in certain reproductive reactions.

Learn more

proton and electron


Grade:  high school

Subject:  chemistry

keywords: proton, electron.

With the help of a reaction show that zinc is more reactive than iron.


3Zn+2Fe^(3+)\rightarrow 3Zn^(2+)+2Fe

Determining nitrogen balance in the clinical setting can be very valuable. To determine a client’s state of nitrogen balance, a 24-hour urinary urea nitrogen collection is done. What do you also need to do?



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The nitrogen balance is the difference between the nitrogen intake and nitrogen excreted. If this calculation is positive, the body grow; if it is negative, the body is decreased.