Explain how geographic features can cause local winds?


Answer 1
Answer: If there is a dip in the land the wind goes into there then the wind is trapped in the bowl shaped transformed so the wind is stronger inside the bowl shaped area than the area outside of the creator.
Answer 2


All wind is caused by the uneven heating of Earth's surface, which sets convection currents in motion. Convection currents on a large scale cause global winds; convection currents on a small scale cause local winds.


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I believe its newtons 3rd law for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction since the squid is moving foward by shooting the water its pushing the squid back as its reaction. Hope this helped !

Please help me on this I know it’s not B this stuff is kinda hard for me


There you go again.  Newton's 3rd Law says "for every action there is an EQUAL OPPOSITE reaction.".


If THIS MUCH force pushes the bullet THAT way, then THE SAME amount of force pushes the rifle THIS way.

The bullet pushes backward on the rifle with the same amount of force as the rifle exerts on the bullet.

sla’s change in velocity is 30 m/s, and Hazel has the same change in velocity. Which best explains why they would have different accelerations?


Because acceleration depends not only on the change in velocity.
It also depends on the time during which the change occurs.
The formula is

Acceleration = (change in velocity) divided by (time for the change) .

Maybe Sla changed his velocity in 3 seconds, but Hazel
took all morning to change hers.  In that case, even though
the amounts of change were equal, the times were different,
so the quotients of (change/time) were different. 

How are Newton’s second and third laws of motion important to your everyday life?


Well, first off, Newtons second law of motion deals with the motion of accelerating and decelerating objects.
e already know that from everyday life examples such as simply pushing a car that if 2 people push a car on a flat road it will accelerate faster than if one person was pushing it... Therefore, there is a relationship between the size of the force and the acceleration.  
 Now onto the third law of motion. First of all, what is the third law of motion? Well, a force is a push or a pull that acts upon an object as a results of its interaction with another object. Forces result from interactions! According to Newtons third law, whenever one object, and another object interact with each other, they exert forces upon each other. "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."  The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. So, how is this important to everyday life you may ask? 
Well, the action-reaction force pairs are found everywhere in your body.
 For example, right now as I am typing, my tendons are exerting forces on bones, and those bones exert reaction forces on the tendons, as muscles contract, pulling my fingers on the keys. I press on those keys, and they press back on my fingers. See? Since im pressing on the keys, the press back on me. Its opposite from eachother, as stated in the quite above. "
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." 
 ~I hope this helped :)

A person is pulled to the right on a sled (total mass of 52.9 kg) across the surface of a frozen pond with a force of 67.7 Newtons so that they move with a constant velocity. What is the force of friction acting on the sled?



67.7 N


Draw a free body diagram of the person on the sled.  There are four forces:

67.7 N  to the right,

friction force to the left,

weight force down,

and normal force up.

Constant velocity means 0 acceleration.

Sum of the forces in the x direction:

∑F = ma

67.7 N − F = 0

F = 67.7 N

If an organism starts from only one cell,how do we get different body parts and organs


Every cell has chromosomes in its nucleus.  In a human cell,
there are 26 of them. AND ... lined up on every chromosome
are thousands and thousands of GENES.  Those carry the
instructions for what kind of organ or bone or tissue or hair
this cell will be used to build, how the structure will work, how
tall you will be, what color your eyes will be, how deep your
voice will be, and what illnesses you will have. 

Every cell has the complete set of instructions in it.  In the past
several years, we have just started to be able to read them, and
extraordinary progress has been made.  There's an awful long way
still left to go.