why do you think the colonists were unhappy with fact that their judges tenure and salaries were dependent on the kings


Answer 1
Answer:   The judges worked for the king of england. And since they worked for him, they had to do comply with his wishes. This would have been disconcerting for the colonists who were just looking to be left alone and not have to abide by the wishes of some guy a few thousand miles away.

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Which Treaty placed a ceiling on the amount of nuclear weapons the United States and Soviet Union could possess.?


The correct answer is the following.

The treaty that placed a ceiling in the amount of nuclear weapons the United States and the Soviet Union could possess was “SALT I.”

The United States and the Soviet Union signed the firsts treaty to limit the amount of nuclear weapons. They were the SALT 1 and 2 treaties. SALT means Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. The first treaty was signed in 1972 and the other in 1979. The agreements tried to limit the production of intercontinental ballistic missiles that contained nuclear weapons. Formal negotiations started in November 1969 due to the initiative of United States President Lyndon B. Johnson.

SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty) & START (STrategic Arms Reduction Treaty)

What was the main target of the Kamikazes?


The main target of the Kamikazee soldiers were American warships that were very important and devastating targets in the eyes of the Japanese. Because Kamikaze were ordered to fly directly into these ships, they presented a very problematic issue the Americans faced in World War II.

Final answer:

The Kamikazes main target was enemy ships, and their strategy was to crash their planes into them.


The main target of the Kamikazes was enemy ships. The Kamikaze pilots were trained to crash their planes into enemy vessels, causing maximum damage and destruction. This strategy was used by the Japanese during World War II as a desperate attempt to counter the superior firepower of the Allied forces.

Learn more about Kamikazes here:



What research element is the most essential to sociologists?


The empirical observation is the most essential research element for sociologists because it ensures that sociological research is grounded in evidence, objectivity, and systematic data collection it allows sociologists to explore and explain the complexities of human society, contributing to a deeper understanding of social structures, behaviors, and interactions.

The most essential research element for sociologists is arguably the concept of **"empirical observation."**

Empirical observation forms the foundation of sociological research and distinguishes sociology as a social science.

Here's why it is the most essential element:

1. **Empirical Basis:** Sociology seeks to understand and explain social phenomena through systematic and empirical observation.

This means that sociologists rely on evidence gathered through direct observation, measurement, and data collection rather than relying solely on theory or opinion.

2. **Objectivity:** Empirical observation emphasizes the importance of objectivity in research.

Sociologists aim to collect data and observe social phenomena in an unbiased and objective manner, reducing the influence of personal bias or preconceptions.

3. **Testing Hypotheses:** Empirical research allows sociologists to formulate hypotheses or research questions and test them using real-world data.

This process helps in verifying or refuting theories and understanding causal relationships.

4. **Generalizability:** Empirical research aims to produce findings that are generalizable to larger populations or social contexts.

This allows sociologists to draw conclusions about society as a whole, not just specific cases.

5. **Data Collection Methods:** Sociologists employ various research methods for empirical observation, including surveys, interviews, participant observation, experiments, content analysis, and more.

These methods allow for the collection of diverse types of data.

6. **Evidence-Based Policy and Practice:** Empirical research in sociology provides evidence that can inform policy decisions, social interventions, and practical solutions to social issues.

It is the basis for evidence-based practice and policymaking.

7. **Accurate Understanding:** Empirical observation enables sociologists to gain a more accurate and nuanced understanding of complex social phenomena, helping society address pressing issues like inequality, crime, education, and healthcare.

For similar questions on research element



What level of government is responsible for providing the common defense?


Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution instructs the Legislative Branch to “provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.” This week the House of Representatives upheld our Constitutional responsibility with the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Hoped that helped:)

. Wilson said, "Without the watchful. . . Resolute interference of the government, there can be no fair play between individuals and . . . The trusts." How does this statement contrast with the laissez-faire approach of the Gilded Age?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

This statement contrasts with the laissez-faire approach of the Gilded Age in that President Woodrow Wilson had a totally different approach to guarantee fair competition between businesses and industries in the United States. He believed that the role of the government was to create the proper conditions and legislation that allowed all of the American citizens to grow, prosper, and thrive, having no preferences in the application of the law.

Let's have in mind that during the Gilded Age, the Robber-Barons created multi-millionary industries that eliminated the competition and formed monopolies, as was the case of the Standard Oil company of John F. Rockefeller or the Steel company of Andrew Carnegie.

Final answer:

Wilson's assertion is at odds with the laissez-faire approach of the Gilded Age because he advocated for government intervention to ensure fair interaction between individuals and trusts, whereas laissez-faire proposed minimal government interference.


Wilson's statement contrasts significantly with the laissez-faire approach of the Gilded Age, which believed in minimum government intervention in the economy. Wilson argued that the government had a responsibility to intervene and protect individuals from the power of the trusts, large corporate entities that were prevalent during this time.

This underscores a key difference between laissez-faire capitalists who believe in unrestricted competition and minimal restrictions, and those who, like Wilson, argue for government regulation to achieve fair play and equality. This is a fundamental debate within economics and political theory that has persisted into the modern day.

Learn more about Laissez-faire vs Government Intervention here:



In 1984, the nobel peace prize was awarded to _______ for his work opposing apartheid in south africa.a. desmond tutu
b. p.w. botha
c. nelson mandela
d. f.w. de klerk


A. Desmond Tutu.

Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. (Couldn't have been able to get this award since he was in prison for 27 years, getting out 1990) 


A. Desmond Tutu.
