A bicyclist travels 60.0 in 3.5 hours. what is the cyclists average speed


Answer 1
Answer: Average speed = (distance)/(time to cover it). ..... (60)/(3.5 hours) = 17.143 per hour. ... (The 17.143 could be nanometers, inches, miles, light years etc. No unit is given in the question.)
Answer 2
Answer: 60 miles in 3.5 hours. we need to divide to find how many miles he went in one hour.

so 60 divided by 3.5 is 17.1428571429

If you round he was going about 17 miles an hour

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He could theoretically push the gold brick away from himself, and due to Newton's 3rd law (Every action has an equal and opposite reaction), the same amount of force would recoil back at him from the gold brick. As a result, he will move in the opposite direction from the gold brick, and since it as an ideal frozen lake (meaning there is no friction present), he will keep going until he reaches the edge of the lake.

And I don't know if he's still a fool. That's up to you.

Which of the following is NOT an example of accelerated motion?A. an airplane taking off down a straight runway
B. a boulder falling off a cliff in a straight path
C. a ball being thrown straight up
D. a bicyclist moving in a straight line at a constant speed


Accelerated motion  =  any change in speed or direction.

A.  No.  The airplane's speed is increasing.

B.  No.  The boulder's speed increases as it falls.

C.  No.  The speed of the ball decreases as it approaches the peak,
then it changes direction, begins to move downward, and its speed
increases steadily after that.

D.  Yes.  The cyclist's speed and direction are not changing.

Final answer:

Accelerated motion refers to any motion with changing velocity, including changes in speed or direction. Most of the examples provided involve accelerated motion, except for the bicyclist moving in a straight line at a constant speed, as both speed and direction remain constant in such scenario.


In the context of physics, accelerated motion refers to any motion in which the velocity changes - either in magnitude (speed) or direction. This can be due to an increase or decrease in speed, or a change in direction. Examples of accelerated motion include an airplane taking off down a straight runway, a boulder falling off a cliff in a straight path, and a ball being thrown straight up.

However, a bicyclist moving in a straight line at a constant speed is NOT an example of accelerated motion. In this case, the speed (magnitude of velocity) and direction are both constant, and therefore there is no acceleration present.

Learn more about Accelerated Motion here:



What is the difference between mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves?



D. A mechanical wave travels through matter, while an electromagnetic wave travels through empty space.


There is one major difference between electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves. Electromagnetic waves can travel through space and medium. Mechanical waves needs matter to transfer.

An abattoir has a mass of 100 g. What will be the total mass if 100 ml of water and 50 ml of oil are added?



The total mass of the abattoir is 100 grams. When you add 100 ml of water and 50 ml of oil, you need to consider the density of these substances to calculate their mass.

The density of water is approximately 1 gram per milliliter (g/ml). So, 100 ml of water has a mass of 100 grams.

The density of oil can vary depending on the type, but for a rough estimate, we can assume it's around 0.9 grams per milliliter (g/ml). So, 50 ml of oil has a mass of 50 x 0.9 = 45 grams.

Now, you can calculate the total mass:

Total mass = Mass of abattoir + Mass of water + Mass of oil

Total mass = 100 grams + 100 grams + 45 grams

Total mass = 245 grams

The total mass when 100 ml of water and 50 ml of oil are added to the abattoir will be 245 grams.


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B. has the ability to create static discharge

C. has an excess or shortage of electrons.

D. has a large atomic nucleus


C. has an excess or shortage of electrons.

What type of energy is released when fossil fuels are burned?


Before the fuel is burned, it's chock full of chemical energy.  When the fuel is burned, the chemical energy is released, and it escapes in the form of heat and light energy. 


¨chemical energy¨ is released.