C programmig : Output all combinations of character variables a, b, and c, using this ordering:abc acb bac bca cab cbaSo if a = 'x', b = 'y', and c = 'z', then the output is: xyz xzy yxz yzx zxy zyxYour code will be tested in three different programs, with a, b, c assigned with 'x', 'y', 'z', then with '#', '$', '%', then with '1', '2', '3'.


Answer 1


// Here is code in C.

#include "stdio.h"

// create function to print all the combinations

void print_combi(char a,char b,char c)


// print all combinations of three characters

   printf("%c%c%c %c%c%c %c%c%c %c%c%c %c%c%c %c%c%c\n",a,b,c,a,c,b,b,a,c,b,c,a,c,a,b,c,b,a);


// driver function

int main(void)


// create 3 char variable and initialize

char a='x',b='y',c='z';

// call the function



// initialize with different character


// call the function



// initialize with different character


// call the function



return 0;



Create three char variables a, b, c. First initialize them with x, y, z. then call  the function print_combi() with three parameters . this function will print all the combinations of those characters.We can test the function with different values of all the three char variables.


xyz xzy yxz yzx zxy zyx

123 132 213 231 312 321

#$% #%$ $#% $%# %#$ %$#

Answer 2

A C program to find all combinations of character variables:

void main ()


       char f;

       char s;

       char t;

       f = 'x';

       s = 'y';

       t = 'z';

       System.out.print("" + f + s + t + " " + f + t + s + " " + s +f + t +

       " " + s + t + f + " " + t + f + s + " " + t + s + f);



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data type is most suitable to define a password field.



Data Type String


Hope it helps. pls mark as brainliest.

In the Scrum board, prioritizing the issue backlog is done in the ———- mode.



The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section


Scrum Board is a tool that is used by the scrum teams to view the product backlog. The Scrum task board makes the sprint backlog visible for the team.

In the Scrum board, prioritizing the issue backlog is done in the Current View mode.

However, it is noted that in Scrum board there are two view modes (Tree view mode and List view mode) for the issues in the backlog. The issues that are prioritized is listed in the current view mode.  

Write a programe to add two numbers using function with return type"void".




using namespace std;

//create the function which add two number

void addTwoNumber(int num_1,int num_2)


   int result = num_1 + num_2;  //adding


   cout<<"The output is:"<<result<<endl;  //display on the screen


//main function

int main(){

   //calling the function


   return 0;



First, include the library iostream for using the input/output instructions.

then, create the function which adds two numbers. Its return type is void, it means the function return nothing and the function takes two integer parameters.

then, use the addition operation '+' in the programming to add the numbers and store the result in the variable and display the result.

create the main function for testing the function.

call the function with two arguments 3 and 6.

then, the program copies the argument value into the define function parameters and then the program start executing the function.

Constructing a concurrent server by spawning a process has some advantages and disadvantages compared to multithreaded servers. Discuss a few.



The advantage and the disadvantage of the relevant query are illustrated in the explanation in the paragraph below.



  • The benefit of creating a simultaneous server through spawning a mechanism seems to be that alternative methods are shielded against everyone else, which would be very necessary whenever the extremely database manages communication services entirely.


  • The downside about creating a concurrent system through spawning a methodology seems to be that this process seems to be very expensive but using multicore processing systems should save this expense. It is also easier when using threads again for the aim of communicating between two or even more participants although we stop the kernel executing the correspondence.

Manufactured computers and cell phones are part of which industry? Electronics Chemicals Machinery Metal products



The correct answer is the electronic industry

Hope this helps




How can you represent a graphic element in a wireframe?You can specify a graphic element by using an)



The answer is "in the form of design, color and graphic".


The wireframe is also recognized as 'skeleton', it is a static, low-fidelity description of various layouts, which provides shapes to the component. It is indeed a visualization of even an interface using only basic shapes.

It is a 2D illustration of a site user interface, which primarily focuses on capacity planning and priority of information, features available, and role expectations like, storyboards which do usually not include design, color, or graphics.




i just took the quiz and that's the correct answer they're looking for :)