Express 278910 in binary – Use the technique of subtracting powers of 2


Answer 1

Answer: The decimal number 278910, expressed in binary, is as follows:



Any decimal number can be expressed as a linear combination of powers of 2, as follows:

N = aₙ* 2ⁿ +.....+ a₀*2⁰, where the coefficients aₓ can be 0 or 1.

This means that any number, can be decomposed in powers of 2, so a useful and at the same time simple way to find the binary equivalent of a decimal number, is simply to substract from the number the maximum power of 2 that gives a positive outcome, and put a "1" in the most left position, filling with zeros to the right till finding the following power of two (obtained repeating the process with the result from the first substraction).

For the first substraction, we try different choices, until we get a positive result substracting 2¹⁸ from 278910, as follows:

278,910-262,144= 16,766.

Intuitively, we know that as being 16 a power of 2, it's possible that a number close to the one we have as a result, be a power of 2 indeed.

Trying with 2¹⁴, we find that we are right, because the result is a small number:  

16,766 - 16,384 = 382

Now. it's very easy, as the greatest power of 2 smaller than 382, is 2⁸=256.  

382-256= 126.

126 can be written as 64+32+16+8+4+2, so all that we need now is, going from left to right, put "1", as the coefficient of the powers of 2 18, 14, 8, 6, 5,4,3,2 and 1, filling with zeros the remaining ones.

The final number can be written as follows:


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The most significant protocol at layer 3, often known as the network layer, is the Internet Protocol, or IP.The IP protocol, the industry standard for packet routing among interconnected networks, is the source of the Internet's name.  Thus, option C is correct.

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Application-layer firewalls operate at the TCP/IP stack's application level (all browser traffic, or all telnet or ftp traffic, for example), and thus have the ability to intercept any packets going to or from an application. They stop different packets (usually dropping them without acknowledgment to the sender).

Firewalls are frequently positioned at a network's edge. An external interface is the one that is located outside the network, while an internal interface is the one that is located inside the firewall.

Therefore, The terms “unprotected” and “protected,” respectively, are sometimes used to describe these two interfaces.

Learn more about TCP/IP here:


The answer is c) type of application

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vowels = ("a", "e", "i", "o", "u")

word = input("Enter a word: ")

is_all = True

for c in vowels:

   if c not in word:

       is_all = False

if is_all == True:

   print(word + " is a vowel word.")


   print(word + " is not a vowel word.")


Initialize a tuple, vowels, containing every vowel

Ask the user to enter a word

Initially, set the is_all as True. This will be used to check, if every vowel is in word or not.

Create a for loop that iterates through the vowels. Inside the loop, check if each vowel is in the word or not. If one of the vowel is not in the vowels, set the is_all as False.

When the loop is done, check the is_all. If it is True, the word is a vowel word. Otherwise, it is not a vowel word.

You are tasked with writing a program to process sales of a certain commodity. Its price is volatile and changes throughout the day. The input will come from the keyboard and will be in the form of number of items and unit price:36 9.50which means there was a sale of 36 units at 9.50. Your program should read in the transactions (Enter at least 10 of them). Indicate the end of the list by entering -99 0. After the data is read, display number of transactions, total units sold, average units per order, largest transaction amount, smallest transaction amount, total revenue and average revenue per order.



Here the code is  given as,



#include <math.h>

#include <cmath>  

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

int v_stop = 0,count = 0 ;

int x;

double y;

int t_count [100];

double p_item [100];

double Total_rev = 0.0;

double cost_trx[100];

double Largest_element , Smallest_element;

double unit_sold = 0.0;

for( int a = 1; a < 100 && v_stop != -99 ; a = a + 1 )


     cout << "Transaction # " << a << " : " ;

     cin >> x >> y;


  t_count[a] = x;

  p_item [a] = y;

  cost_trx[a] = x*y;


  v_stop = x;

  count = count + 1;




  for( int a = 1; a < count; a = a + 1 )


   Total_rev = Total_rev + cost_trx[a];

   unit_sold = unit_sold + t_count[a];



  Largest_element = cost_trx[1];

  for(int i = 2;i < count - 1; ++i)


      // Change < to > if you want to find the smallest element

      if(Largest_element < cost_trx[i])

          Largest_element = cost_trx[i];


Smallest_element = cost_trx[1];

  for(int i = 2;i < count - 1; ++i)


      // Change < to > if you want to find the smallest element

      if(Smallest_element > cost_trx[i])

          Smallest_element = cost_trx[i];


  cout << "TRANSACTION PROCESSING REPORT     " << endl;

  cout << "Transaction Processed :           " << count-1 << endl;

  cout << "Uints Sold:                       " << unit_sold << endl;

  cout << "Average Units per order:          " << unit_sold/(count - 1) << endl;

  cout << "Largest Transaction:              " << Largest_element << endl;

  cout << "Smallest Transaction:             " << Smallest_element << endl;

  cout << "Total Revenue:               $    " << Total_rev << endl;

  cout << "Average Revenue :            $    " << Total_rev/(count - 1) << endl;


  return 0;




In the 2018-2019 softball season, Allison hit the ball 28 out of 67 times, this included fouls. What was her percentageof misses?



Allison missed 58.21% of the times.


The first step is to divide 28 by 67 to get the answer in decimal form:

28 / 67 = 0.4179

Then, we multiplied the answer from the first step by one hundred to get the answer as a percentage:

0.4179 * 100 = 41.79%

Then 100(%) - 41.79(%) = 58.21%