What particles in an atom are involved in chemical reactions


Answer 1

Answer: Electrons

Explanation: In chemical reactions, elements and compounds change in order to form different substances. This changes can be:

1. oxidation state: which is define as the charge of the atom

2. bonding: atoms in a compound are bonded, this bonds can break so atoms rearrange to form different substances

In this changes electrons are involve. The charge depends on the amount of negative charge of electron respect to positive charge of proton in nucleus which remain the same, otherwise we would be talking about nuclear reactions.

Also, bonding depends on the electrons that atoms can give, receive or share to form ionic or covalent bonds.

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The answer is:
a. 0.712 M
b. 0.210 M
c. 0.336 M

Molarity is a measure of the concentration of solute in a solution.
It can be expressed as moles of solute ÷ volume of solution:
c = n ÷V
c - concentration of solute,
n - moles of solute
V - volume of solution

n can be expressed as:
n = m ÷ Mr
n - moles of solute
m - mass of solute
Mr - relative molecular mass

a. We know volume:
V = 289.2 mL = 0.2892 L
We need n and c.

n = m ÷ Mr
m = 15.4 g
Mr (KCl) = 74.55 g/mol
n = 
15.4 g ÷ 74.55 g/mol
n = 0.206 mol

c = 0.206 mol ÷ 0.2892 L
c = 0.712 mol/L = 0.712 M

b. We know volume:
V = 0.614 L
We need n and c.

n = m ÷ Mr
m = 14.4 g
Mr (CaCl₂) = 110.98 g/mol
n = 
14.4 g ÷ 110.98 g/mol
n = 0.129 mol

c = 0.129 mol ÷ 0.614 L
c = 0.210 mol/L = 0.210 M

c. We can use formula:
m₁V₁ = m₂V₂
m₁ = 3 M
V₁ = 28 mL= 0.028 L
m₂ = ?
V₂ = 0.250 L
3 M × 0.028 L = m₂× 0.250 L
 m₂ = 0.336 M

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concentration of calcium ions in this solution is
(1) 4.3 ppm (3) 17 ppm
(2) 8.5 ppm (4) 34 ppm


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ppm = .0085103 mg / .490 kg = 0.017 ppm

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False. Cartilage is flexible as it serves its purpose in that way
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B)can be deduced from the balanced equation for the reaction
C)must be measured experimentally
D)depends on the concentrations of reactants
E)is the inverse of the entropy of the system


I think it should be C.  You can't always look at the chemical equation of a reaction and tell what order the over all reaction will be.  To do this, you need to preform experiments that have some concentrations held constant while changing others to see how the concentrations affected the rate.  After enough trials with enough concentrations held constant and changed, you will be able to determine the order of each reactant which will give you the order of the overall reaction.

I hope this helps.  Let me know in the comments if anything is unclear.

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meter is the primary unit of length in the metric system.
kg (killigram) for mass
L (litter) volume
m (meter) length

Which colligative property is extremely important to the functioning of living organisms?a. osmotic pressure
b. boiling-point elevation
c. vapor-pressure lowering
d. freezing-point depression


I think the correct answer is A. Osmotic pressure is the colligative property that is extremely important to the functioning of living organisms. The osmotic pressure is the pressure required to prevent osmosis from happening.


its D


i just got it correct on usatestprep