In a TDM communication example, 15 voice signals are badlimited to 5kHz and transmitted simultaneously using PAM. What is a preliminary estimate for the required system bandwidth?(a) 10 kHz
(b) 75 kHz
(c) 80 kHz
(d) 160 kHz
(e) None of the above.


Answer 1


Option D

160 kHz


Since we must use at least one synchronization bit, total message signal is 15+1=16

The minimum sampling frequency, fs=2fm=2(5)=10 kHz

Bandwith, BW required is given by

BW=Nfs=16(10)=160 kHz

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Make a copy of the pthreads_skeleton.cpp program and name it pthreads_p2.cpp Modify the main function to implement a loop that reads 10 integers from the console (user input) and stores these numbers in a one-dimensional (1D) array (this code will go right after the comment that says ""Add code to perform any needed initialization or to process user input""). You should use a global array for this.



The solution code is as follows:

  1. #include <iostream>
  2. using namespace std;
  3. int main()
  4. {
  5.    int myArray [10] = {};
  7.    int i;
  8.    for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
  9.    {
  10.        cout <<"Enter an integer: ";
  11.        cin>> myArray[i];
  12.    }
  13. }


Firstly, we initialize a 10-elements array, myArray (Line 7) with no values.

Next, we create a for-loop (Line 10). Within the loop, we prompt user to enter an integer and assign the input value to the current element of myArray (Line 12-13).

Convert the angles of a triangle to radians.Part A31∘43′53′′, 90∘32′11′′, 57∘43′56′′Express your answers, separated by commas, to six significant figures.nothingrad, rad, radRequest AnswerPart B94∘22′19′′, 40∘54′53′′, 44∘42′48′′Express your answers, separated by commas, to six significant figures.




To convert to radians

A31∘43′53′′, 90∘32′11′′, 57∘43′56′′

using DMS approach ; 1degree = 60minutes = 3600 seconds

1° = 60' = 3600"

And degree to radian = multiply by π/180

A) 31∘43′53′′ = 31degree + 43minutes + 53 seconds

= 31 degree + 43minutes + 53/60

= 31 degree + 43.88minutes

= 31 degree + 43.88/60 = 31.73 degree x π/180 = 0.5534radians

FOR 90∘32′11′′ = 90 degree + 32minutes + 11seconds

= 90degree + 32minutes + 11/60

= 90 degree + 32.183minutes

= 90 degree + 32.183/60 = 90.54degree x π/180

= 1.580radians

FOR 57∘43′56′′ = 57degree + 43minutes+ 56seconds

= 57degree + 43minutes + 56/60

= 57 degree + 43.93minutes

= 57degree + 43.93/60 = 57.73degree X π/180  

= 1.00radians


FOR 94∘22′19′′ = 94degree + 22minutes + 19seconds

= 94degree + 22minutes + 19/60

= 94degree + 22.32minutes

= 94degree + 22.32/60

= 94.37degree X π/180  = 1.65radians

FOR 40∘54′53′′ = 40degree + 54minutes + 53seconds

= 40 degree + 54minutes + 53/60

= 40 degree + 54.88minutes = 40 degree + 54.88/60

= 40.91degree X π/180  = 0.714radians

FOR 44∘42′48′′ = 44degree + 42minutes + 48seconds

= 44degree + 42.8minutes

= 44.71degree X π/180 = 0.780radians



0.176270π rad, 0.502980π rad, 0.320735π rad


0.524289π rad, 0.227304π rad, 0.248407π rad


We know that,

1° = 60' 180° = π

1 ' = 1°/60 1° = π/180


a. 31°43'53''

Step 1

53'' = 53 * 1/60

= 53'/60

Step 2


= 43'+53'/60

= (2580+43)/60

= 2623'/60

-------- Convert to degrees

= 2623/60 * 1/60

= 2623/3600

Step 3


= 31+ 2623/3600

= (111600 + 2623)/3600

= 114223°/3600

Now, we convert to radians

= 114223/3600 * π/180°

= 0.176270π rad



Step 1.

11' = 11 * 1/60

= 11/60

Step 2


= 32 + 11/60

= 1931/60

-------- Convert to degrees

= 1931/60 * 1/60

= 1931/3600

Step 3


= 90 + 1931/3600

= 325931°/3600

Now we convert to radians

= 325931°/3600 * π/180°

= 0.502980π rad



Step 1

56' = 56 * 1/60

= 56/60

= 14/15

Step 2


= 43 + 14/15

= 659/15

Now we convert to degrees

= 659/15 * 1/60

= 659°/900

Step 3


= 57 + 659/900

= 51959/900

Now we convert to radians

= 51959°/900 * π/180°

= 0.320735π rad




Step 1

19'' = 19/60

Step 2


= 22 + 19/60

= 1339/60

Now we convert to degrees

= 1339/60 * 1/60

= 1339°/3600

Step 3


= 94 + 1339/3600

= 339739°/3600

Now we convert to radians

= 339739°/3600 * π/180

= 0.524289π rad



Step 1

53" = 53/60

Step 2


= 54'+ 53/60

= 3293/60

Now we convert to degrees

= 3293/60 * 1/60

= 3293/3600

Step 3


= 40 + 3293/3600

= 147293/3600

Now we convert to radians

= 147293/3600 * π/180

= 0.227304π rad



Step 1

48' = 48/69

= 4/5

Step 2


= 42 + 4/5


Nowz we convert to degrees

= 214/5 * 1/60

= 107/150

Step 3


= 44 + 107/150

= 6707/150

Now we convert to radians

= 6707/150 * π/180

= 0.248407π rad

An input voltage of 9.2 V is to be converted into its digital counterpart using an analog-to digital converter. The voltage range is 0 to 16 V. The ADC has 4-bit capacity. Determine: (a) What are the number of quantization levels, resolution, and the maximum quantization error of this ADC



ask someone u fool hhhhhhhh

At its current short-run level of production, a firm's average variable costs equal $20 per unit, and its average fixed costs equal $30 per unit. Its total costs at this production level equal $2,500. A. What is the firm's current output level? B. What are its total variable costs at this output level? C. What are its total fixed costs?


Answer and Explanation:

The computation is shown below

Total average cost + total variable cost = total cost

Let number of output be x


Total fixed average cost = x × $30

Total variable cost = x × $15

Total cost = $2,500


$20 × x + $30 × x = $2,500

50 × x = $2,500

x = 50

Now the total variable cost is

= 50 × $20

= $1,000

And, the fixed cost is

= 50 × $30

= $1,500


12 4


because the production average is variable

Calculate the angle of banking on a bend of 100m radius so that vehicles can travel round the bend at 50km/hr without side thrust on the tyres.






Radius of bend, R = 100 m

Speed around the bend = 50 Km/hr = (5)/(18)*50 = 13.89 m/s


We have the relation



θ = angle of banking

g is the acceleration due to gravity

on substituting the respective values, we get





θ = 11.125°

The Rappahannock River near Warrenton, VA, has a flow rate of 3.00 m3/s. Tin Pot Run (a pristine stream) discharges into the Rappahannock at a flow rate of 0.05 m3/s. To study mixing of the stream and river, a conserva- tive tracer is to be added to Tin Pot Run. If the instruments that can mea- sure the tracer can detect a concentration of 1.0 mg/L, what minimum concentration must be achieved in Tin Pot Run so that 1.0 mg/L of tracer can be measured after the river and stream mix? Assume that the 1.0 mg/L of tracer is to be measured after complete mixing of the stream and Rappa- hannock has been achieved and that no tracer is in Tin Pot Run or the Rap- pahannock above the point where the two streams mix. What mass rate (kg/d) of tracer must be added to Tin Pot Run?


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